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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Thanks Guys, Bodies are now on so weathering tonight. Cheers Peter.
  2. Hi Jinty, Hope you get well soon mate, take it easy and rest. All the best Peter.
  3. Some progress this week on the class 20s. Bufferbeam pipework has now be done and the sound chip and speakers fitted to the chassis. I hope to get the bodies on and finish the weathering this week. 20154 and 20035 have also had some work. These loco's where coupled with a Bachmann coach coupler and were pipe up and ran permanently coupled these two now have new pipework and are coupled using Kadee's which means I can swap them round with 20165 and 20009. Cheers Peter.
  4. More superb pics Dave, I really must get my other Large Logo class 47 started. Cheers Peter.
  5. Nice set of pics Ian, Glad the VEA's are of some use they look good in that MOD train. Cheers Peter.
  6. Hi Derek, Thanks for the pics I think I saw your 150 142 on flickr somewhere when I was looking for pics of 150s. The 150 142 combo did seem quite common in the North West. Nice 142 lash up too, I have looked at getting a Manchester PTE livery 142 as it's quite a different livery and they did make it into North Wales during the 80s. Cheers Peter.
  7. Thanks Dave, A 20 hauled unit on your layout would look great. Cheers Peter.
  8. Thanks Mark, Not seen a pic of a class 26 hauling a failed unit, might have to go and see if I can find a pic. I know class 25s hauled them too sometimes. Cheers Peter.
  9. Thanks Marcus, Thought you had probably been busy at work. Thanks for the gen on the 150. I did wonder what the box was for, I did notice it wasn't on the units later on. Cheers Peter.
  10. Thanks Mate, The 142 is a bit dated now may be Realtrack models will do one as there 143 looks very nice. Cheers Peter.
  11. Thanks Jeff, I have wanted to do this train for a while. I saw a pic years ago on the back of a BR Traction in Colour book. It showed a 150 and 142 near Llandudno Junction and I have always thought it would look good on Llanbourne. Cheers Peter.
  12. I have finished my 150 today, I am quite happy with it. Also coming off the workbench is a 142 that I have removed the motors from and lowered to match the hieght of the 150. The plan is to have the 142 as a dummy to run with the 150 and my other 142 when I get round to re motoring it. Hopefully the pics explain what I have done this is the second time I have written this I seem to have dodgy internet. Cheers Peter
  13. Thanks Andrew, Only had the one failed DMU myself. A class 20 from Haymarket to Edinburgh, as you say great to see the 20 through the front windows. another pic of 31403 having run round and ready for the off. Really must sort the platform canopies. Cheers Peter.
  14. Looking Good Ian, Look forwards to seeing them all weathered up. I am glad it's only a short train for the ED they didn't like being off the juice. lol Cheers Peter.
  15. 31403 hauls fail 108 on a local service. Cheers Peter.
  16. Hi George, Thanks Mate, still a bit to do but hopefully I can weather up the underframe over the weekend. Cheers Peter.
  17. Hi Jeremy, My first post on here but I have been following your progress, as has been said the trackwork looks superb. Here are a few pics I took back in the mid 80s, they might be of some use. Cheers Peter.
  18. I think the class 20 were a bit out of my time frame they were late 80s early 90s though I do run class 20s on Llanbourne I mean why not. Cheers Peter.
  19. I sprayed the seats with primer then then a light grey i had that looked close to the colour of the seats in the non powered coach. I glued them to the chassis block and cut out where the clips for attaching the body were. The fun bit was trying to re attach the body as it's a tight fit and I didn't want the scratch the paint off the seats. I used business cards each side and push the body on, once passed the seats I carefully removed the cards. Cheers Peter.
  20. Thanks Rick, I remember seeing 150s when they first came out though didn't take much notice as they were replacing loco hauled trains I only have a few pics of them which is a pity but there you go. I have a moisture trap just need an air brush, there are a few on ebay but money is tight at the moment so it will have to wait. Cheers Peter.
  21. The 150 now has it's cowling at both ends and I have made up a box that can be seen under the drivers side, I have also fitted the Pete Harvey seat etch to the power car. The RMB has also had it's bogies turned the right way round and has had it's weathering finished. Cheers Peter.
  22. Hi Dave, This layout just gets better all the time, love the depot shots. Cheers Peter.
  23. Hi Chris, Welcome to the thread. Glad it's been an inspirational to you. All the best with your own project. Cheers Peter.
  24. Thanks Mark, 88 was a bit of a guess, though I didn't think it was a late as 92. Cheers Peter.
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