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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Hi Stu, Great story, I think the 45's were a 90mph loco but I remember getting a 100mph a few times behind a Peak they could certainly get up and go when required. I remember a cab ride in a class 50, can't remember the number but I remember the driver trying to get up to a 100mph before reaching Basingstoke. We did get too 95 but a signal check put pay to us getting to 3 digits. Needless to say the driver wasn't happy. Cheers Peter. Thanks Andy.
  2. Hi Rick, Sounds like you have a had a busy day. Sorry I can't make it tomorrow but I am sure you will have a good day, and the layout will run fine. Cheers Peter.
  3. The class 45s are one of my fayourite loco's and became common on the North Wales coast from about 1983-4. Their main workings were the Trans-Pennine services from Scarborough, Newcastle and York. They did see use the Euston services from Crewe if thet were short of class 47s. Class 45s would also turn up on ballast trains. Llanbourne's class 45s are booked on all but one of the Trans-Pennine workings one loco spends a good part of the day working between Llanbourne and Bangor. due to the trains having a loco change at Llanbourne. They can also turn up on ballast workings and vice class 47s on Inter- City services. There are also two trains that come from Manchester one van train and a FSO passenger service which runs to Bangor with a short rake of MK1s and 2s both of these trains tend to be powered by what ever is on hand so Peaks do turn up from time to time. 45029 TI, 45036 TO, 45103 TI. 45111 TO, 45141 TI. 45150 TI. Cheers Peter.
  4. Thanks that's good to know. I will give one a go, I notice you can plug in an 8 pin wire harness too. Cheers Peter.
  5. Thanks, As I said to Doug, I can give a 21 pin decoder a try. the 8 pins ones I have used seem fine. Cheers Peter.
  6. Thanks Doug, I have used a few DCC Concepts 8 pin decoders but wonder how the 21 pin will go in a Bachmann loco. I guess I can try and see how well they work. Cheers Peter.
  7. Lol but just because something says it's a Virgin doesn't always mean it is. I fact I would say most were pretty high mileage.
  8. Thanks Rich, They are a nice model though I am not sure it runs a well as my Bachmann and Heljan stuff. Cheers Peter.
  9. Thanks Jinty, I need to get off my arse and do some more work on the layout I haven't done much to it recently. Cheers Peter.
  10. Hi Adrian, I think most of my class 33 haulage was on that route, I even collected the drop light destination stickers for a while. I did the 01:55 Southampton to Bristol a few times as it was booked a pair. Loved the Scottish class 27s too. I had 27001 from Dundee to Waverley and had a class 26 do the shunt release move. i think the class 27's sounded great too and the steam heat leaking from the sock just added to the whole feel of it. Here is 27001 and one of 27005. and I am sure you will guess where the class 33 is. Cheers Peter.
  11. Hi Craig, Just been catching up. Thats a nice room you have to make a model railway. I am not sure if you have settled on the plan yet but I would be tempted to put the station further away from the fiddleyard to give the DMUs a longer run. Cheers Peter.
  12. Ooops like. I wouldn't lick one myself I mean you don't know where it's been.
  13. Thanks Cav, I know what you mean. It's not quite the same is it. Thought you might lick the Duff. Cheers Peter.
  14. Thanks to everyone for the info on the 143s and decoders. I am quite happy not to have to buy a 143 although it's a nice looking model. I will at some point re motor my Hornby 142 Pacer with a High Level kit conversion. Cheers Peter.
  15. Thanks Rick, That is a good point it's all a compromise isn't it. Plus I couldn't afford to model full length trains. I agree too that a long train doesn't always look right, I think longer trains look better if the baseboards are a lot wider which then causes other problems. Cheers Peter.
  16. Thanks Andy, I will post it in the realistic Modelling thread. Cheers Peter.
  17. Hi Adrian, My first post on here but I have been following your progress. Your recollections of seeing and hearing trains from back in the day made me think about my early spotting days. I lived in a small village called Sway Near Brockenhurst so the staple diet was 4 VEPs, REPs and TCs, Loco's were 73s 33s and 47s. I could see trains from our front garden but couldn't get numbers. I never tired of the class 33s but soon got bored of all the Old Oak 47s the ploughed up Scottish ones made a nice change though I always thought they looked good with the the Scottie dog or Highland Stag on the side. The most common class 33s were the 33/1s and some weekends when the juice was off I would wake up to the sound of a Pusher shoving a TC or two up the grade to Brockenhurst having stopped at Sway. I always thought they sounded better than the standard or Slim 33's. Happy days. Cheers Peter.
  18. I had another go at the pic Cav liked. I am not sure it's any better but I remove the Kadee's. Cheers Peter.
  19. Thanks Mate, It's only a rake of 12 though which is a bit short really but they don't look to bad. Cheers Peter.
  20. Hi Jeff, Thanks for that, I found a few nice pics of 143s in Prov liv on Flickr. I didn't see any in the North West though so may be they were allocated in other parts of the country. Lets hope Realtrack don't release one in Prov Liv as I will stil be tempted. I was going to PM you but others might be interested in your answer. I need a few 21 pin decoders and have been using the Lenz 10321-01 which are very good but at 25 quid aren't cheap. I am just wondering what else is as good but a little cheaper. Are the DCC concepts ones any good? Cheers Peter.
  21. Hi Jinty, I haven't dropped by for a while, nice to see a bit of progress the vans look superb. The mineral build is looking good too. All the best Peter.
  22. Nice to see some pics and video of Tidworth, The layout is looking great Ian. Looks like you and the gang had a good show. Cheers Peter.
  23. Thanks Marcus, A 33/1 could work I do have one, they were the best sounding ones in my opinion plenty of thrash. As far as weathering goes I think Cav and myself have a similar outlook on the subject, one of which is not to cake the loco in crud and to look at the real thing and copy how the weathering actually builds up. Cheers Peter.
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