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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Hi Alan, I noticed you have been doing a few buildings recently. The harbour area is looking really good. I just need to get started i think once I start it should get me fired up to keep going I just keep finding other things to do at the moment. It is good I can run a few trains though. I had a mate over a few weeks back and had a good running session. Cheers Peter.
  2. Thanks Andy, I have a few things on the go at the moment not whole layouts like you though. lol I actually got an hour out there tonight though it was a bit cold. I do need to take some pics of the class 47 fleet might get on with that tomorrow. Cheers Peter.
  3. Evening Andy, I did notice young George had got you interested in 7mm again I will be tempted to get an 08 myself at some point. Yeh don't sell your 00 sound stuff Andy just gradually build up the 7mm stuff. Looking forwards to your 7mm project I really liked Pencarne Junction. At this rate you will run out of room in your shed. Ha ha. Cheers Peter.
  4. Thanks Rich, I was thinking I want to be able to operate from the front so means changing the sector plate idea. I have more time than money to be honest. Cheers Peter.
  5. Hi Rich, Well still plenty to do though to be honest I haven't done much recently as I have lost interest a bit. One of my priorities is to get on with the loco shed and station roof I also need to do some work round the terrace houses on the hill, problem is I need to be in the mood for doing buildings and I keep finding other things to do. The new section still needs finer detailing work and grass on the hills yard lamps shunters cabin water taps for the carriage sidings and a few signals which I was actually working on the other day. The crossover from platform 2 to the middle road also need replacing as they have started to play up, and when I re do these I will replace most of the track in platform 2 as is not very straight the new points will be medium radius too so I will have to move the uncoupler. Stock is almost there. I need to build a flask wagon. Detail 5x mk1s and a short rake of MK2s. As for loco's I am pretty well sorted, a couple of 31s and 47s are priority with another class 25 and some more class 45s also a class 58 all in their boxes waiting to be done. I will get a class 40 too when the Bachmann centre headcode model comes out. Cheers Peter.
  6. Hi Rich, In a word no. It's not dead though, more a time and funding issue. I have thought about doing something in 7mm too to be honest but I want to do that later on when my eyesight has started to go. It's also a funding thing again. I have some 26s and 37s to do Mosshill which I suppose I could sell to fund the 7mm stock but I just can't bring myself to do it. I have decided to change the plan of Mosshill too which I will post up at some point. The idea is to make it more easy to operate at an exhibition. I have also been thinking about buying Peco points rather than make my own but I am not sure yet. Cheers Peter.
  7. They look great Paul, really like the fv432s. Cheers Peter.
  8. Hi Lee, I have been following Brian Daniels thread for some years now and I have been tempted yes the cost is the real deal breaker though. I had been saving for a class 26 but the Heljan one came out which is the one I ended buying. I do still like the idea of doing a JLTRT kit but I want to finish the stock I have first, not to mention the 00 stuff tucked away in my to do pile. Cheers Peter.
  9. Hi Rich, Oh yes please post up pics when you get it I liked the class 31s in railfreight liv. I need to build a loco shed for Llanbourne but keep finding excuses not to build it. I built a Parkside Grampus kit years ago and more recently got myself a Heljan class 37 which will be repainted into 37043 on day. I also have a Heljan class 26 in blue which will get some work at some point. My 00 projects will get done first but I will get to them one day. Cheers Peter.
  10. Hi Rich, Thanks for posting on my Llanbourne thread. I though I would have a look at what you are up to. I have a couple of 7mm models myself and have been thinking about a small shunty type layout. a railfreight liv class 31 should look awesome. Your class 40 looks very too. Cheers Peter.
  11. Thanks Rich, an O gauge Peak would look very nice, I have some good memories bashing some Trans-Pennine services between Liverpool and York. They have always been a bit of a favourite of mine. Cheers Peter.
  12. Hi, I am glad Llanbourne help you get started again. There are a few things I would do differently but I will stick with it for now. You wouldn't believe how many times I have thought about putting up some overhead wires. I think what has stopped me is I like my Semaphores too much. I had a quick look through some old Rail Enthusiast mags tonight as I was sure a few rats worked Passenger around Chester back in 86. It seems a few worked forwards from Chester to Manchester on Trans- Pennine services when a class 45 or 47 failed in the Chester area. Even a few Euston services had assistance from class 25s. One report even shows a small pic of a class 25/9 arriving at Crewe with a failed 33201 in tow. The July 86 issue has a pic of 25259 leaving Newport on a service from Bangor. The caption says. "Summer's here! No. 25259 departs Newport with the IN06 14;17 Bangor - Cardiff on April 29. Once class 25s were rostered on the Crewe-Cardiff trains. Now they are a rarity." Another one in the Sept 86 issue. Says " What might be the last working of a class 25 on the Cardiff- Crewe corridor took place by accident on June 16 when 33015 failed in the Crewe area and 25279 was called upon to deputise on the 13:45 Manchester- Cardiff. The return leg, 18:15 Cardiff- Manchester, employed 37255 CF." On Llanbourne I often use a class 25 as station pilot as I remember seeing several reports of this happening at Holyhead when the 08 failed. Cheers Peter.
  13. Welcome Back mate, you had me worried for a bit. All the best Peter.
  14. I am really liking the look of this, Great work so far. I would keep the class 37/4 they were working the central Wales line during your time period. During 1988 a 37/4 used to work a Fridays only Cardiff - Rhyl and return. So why not run it on some Cardiff trains. The class 33s took over from the class 25s on the Cardiff - Crewe trains in about 84 I think. But if a class 33 failed or Crewe were short of power class 25 did sometimes turn up. All the best with the layout build. Cheers Peter.
  15. Hi Dave, Just been hitting the like button, more great pics the DMUs are looking great. Looking forwards to seeing the fiddleyard extension. Cheers Peter.
  16. Hi Ian, Congrats on the Article the layout looks great, I will look out for a copy when it arrives in Oz in a few months. Cheers Peter.
  17. Hi Andy, John dedman, is a good friend of mine I operated Hollybank a number of times its a great layout. I helped design and build Mossbank yard which could have Hollybank attached at one end. Both layout are still at the New forest club rooms. Sorry for the hijack Marcus. The new bridge looks great. Cheers Peter.
  18. Thanks Rick and John, I haven't flow with Emirates so will have a look. We used Qatar a few years back and thought it was pretty good though Doha was being rebuilt back then so was not the best to be honest. Have a safe trip Rick. Will have to try and catch up when you return. Cheers Peter.
  19. Hi Rick, Have a good trip. I am still planning to go back in Sept. Haven't sorted flights yet. Who are you flying with? Love the 66 on the Viaduct. Not much sun about today. Blowing a gale here. Cheers Peter.
  20. Hi Kevin, The Thumper looks great. A blue Grey one would be nice. Cheers Peter.
  21. Superb James, I always liked the Large Logo livery myself. You have done a brilliant job though it was a shame to see them get so faded and worn once the new liveries started to appear. Let us know what you think of the decoder I need a few 21 pin decoders myself and have thought about trying the Hatton's ones. Cheers Peter.
  22. What a monster, Looks good David. Cheers Peter.
  23. More great pics on the other page Marcus, nice work on the bridge and pipework too. Cheers Peter.
  24. Hi terry, Glad to hear you are ok though loss of job is a bummer. Keep us posted on any new build. All the best Peter.
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