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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Well there you go didn't know that. Must admit I never noticed it before. Thanks Adrian. Cheers Peter.
  2. So I got this off Ebay. I was going to remove the sound chip and sell it on. I was sold as not a good runner but I have cleaned it up and it runs great. It sounds pretty good too and I think would be shame to remove the sound now. So if anyone is interested in buying it let me know. The loco has some slight weathering and the horn cover is missing from one end. Cheers Peter.
  3. Thanks Jeff, I did try getting the smell of Diesel once. Lets just say it did not work and made a bit of a mess. I have seen snoke units fitted to 7mm diesels and it is quite good but as you say not at all convincing. No worries on the sound chips, I might even have another one when I see you next as I am thinking of getting my class 31 reblown. Cheers Peter.
  4. Thanks David, that one has Biffs Highland class 37/0 sound and has plenty of thrash. Cheers Peter.
  5. Thanks mark, They don't look to bad considering they are from my i phone. I will try a few with my old Digital camera. I don't have sound in everything as more than a couple working at once gets a bit to much. Cheers Peter.
  6. Hi Alan, I noticed no updates on your S&C thread plus your other project. Hope you can find the time to get some modelling done soon. All the Best Peter.
  7. 47613 passes by with a train for Holyhead.
  8. Thanks Marcus & Adrian, Best I can do at the moment is a Grubby Canton based no heat beast filling in for a class 33 on a Cardiff service. Cheers Peter.
  9. Hi Mark, Nice work on the barrier wagon. I have a Bachmann VDA chassis in bits at the moment to do something similar. Nice work on the 37 too I remember seeing that loco with the numbers on the nose I think it turned up on a few passenger turns back in the day too. I think I have a few pics of 31270 too it certainly looks pretty good with those ploughs. Looking forwards to the new layout I remember you saying you had something planned. Cheers Peter.
  10. Hi Craig, Nice to see you doing a bit that class 22 will look nice when it's done. I like those tank wagons too I saw one in the flesh the other week as a friend of mine has bought a few. It will be interesting to see what else they plan to bring out. Cheers Peter.
  11. Thanks Jeff, yes I will go with that it needs a bit more speed for storming. The scenery has had more work since the video's were done. Cheers Peter.
  12. Thanks Trev, I might have to try a few the the camera, might be better quality. Cheers Peter.
  13. Thanks Mate, Sounds like a good trip with a good variety of motive power. I always liked the Peaks. 33s were not always on the inter regionals it was often a class 47/4 I lived on the Bournemouth line at Sway so it was always nice to see a class 33 on passenger work rather than the more common class 47. 33's were always good for a bit of thrash I could hear then leaving Sway station from my house. You certainly need one or three for your layout the Heljan class 33 is a good model though the first and second batch have their faults though nothing major. Cheers Peter.
  14. Thanks Andy, I am looking forwards to your plans with North Road. Cheers Peter.
  15. Hi Dave, pleased to hear the rain didn't damage the layout. As for that class 26 pic what a stunner great stuff thanks for taking the time to do it. Loved the class 27 on Dundee service too. A nice Large logo 37 on Mk1s would be nice. Cheers Peter.
  16. BRMA at Jeffs Saturday too. Cheers Peter.
  17. I was out at Healsville over the weekend. Didn't get to see the train but heard it. Cheers Peter.
  18. Thanks Peter, Still nothing happening with Mosshill. Probably nothing until later in the year now as I am off to the UK in September. I will be at Caulfield on Sunday helping with a friends SR/BR steam layout. Cheers Peter.
  19. 45103 storms past on a Trans- Pennine working for Holyhead. Cheers Peter.
  20. Thanks for all the comments guys, Next up we have one of Eastleigh's finest 33010 is seen working a service from Bangor to Cardiff. the loco will run round in the station before heading of to Crewe and Cardiff. The class 33's reliability was was quite low during 86 as they were spending longer and longer between depot visits with all the off region diagrams. Eastleigh was having trouble getting the loco's back for servicing nornally only getting a loco back when it was a total failure. Cheers Peter.
  21. 25109 leaves the carriage sidings on ECS. 25109 gets the road for the station.
  22. Thanks Simon, I plan to do more but it's with my old i phone so the quality wont be great. Cheers Peter.
  23. Thanks Thanks Marcus, I have a few more that I did a few months back which I will up load during the week. I didn't do any over the weekend as we were away. I will do some more now that I have some idea what I am doing. Cheers Peter. Thanks Mate.
  24. Should be sorted now mate. Thanks for letting me know. I emailed Biff so he knows you will be contacting him at some point. Cheers Peter.
  25. With some help from my Daughter I have uploaded my first video taken on my i phone. I have a few more I will upload at some point. 25904 passes 25109 in the carriage sidings while working the daily Speedlink from Warrington. Cheers Peter.
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