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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Hi Ian, Thanks again for arranging the meet up with the lads. It was a great day, the layouts looks superb. Hope all went well at the exhibition. A few pics from the day. Cheers Peter.
  2. was that take 5 or 6. lol Great to catch up Nigel nice video. Cheers Peter.
  3. Looking good Ian, see you at Winchester tomorrow. Do you need me to bring anything? Cheers Peter.
  4. Thanks Mate it was a good day out with some classic traction. Cheers Peter.
  5. Off to Barrow today hopefully with a bit of class 37 haulage. Cheers Peter.
  6. Hi Lee, My mate is on that tour if I had known would have tried to do it myself. I did get 20020 on the Bo ness yesterday with 37703 top and tail. It was a good bit of thrash. Cheers Peter.
  7. Hi Rick, I will be flying home that day so will try and make the next one. Cheers Peter. PS sun is shining in Scotland today it we'd nice yesterday too while checking out Edinburgh.
  8. Had a great time in Buxton even got up to Peak Dale for a few pics. Heading further North today. Cheers Peter.
  9. Hi Marcus, Yes having a good time so far. It's certainly worth coming down for the 50 when it's running. Cheers Peter. Hi Marcus, Yes having a good time so far. It's certainly worth coming down for the 50 when it's running. Cheers Peter.
  10. Great to catch up with you on Sunday. It was nice to get some haulage behind 50027 which performed well. The Mid Hants is a nice little railway which I will try and do again next time I am over. Cheers Peter.
  11. Yep. There is a group of us coming up and at the moment we are planning to do the first 50 run so should be able to have a beer with you. I will keep an eye out for you. Cheers Peter.
  12. Having a great time in the UK catching up with friends and family. Did the Bluebell line on Wednesday and of to the Mid Hants tomorrow. Cheers Peter.
  13. Hi Alex & Cav, Hope it all goes well for you, I am sure the wagon will sell well. The pics looks great. All the best Peter.
  14. Ha ha it should be ok she's a good kid. I can imagine the look on Abbie's face if you lot turn up for a running session. Cheers Peter.
  15. Thanks Jeff, I will await an email from Ian for payment. Cheers Peter.
  16. Thanks Guys, Abbie will still be here, I just hope we have a house left when we get home. Cheers Peter. Looking forwards to it Ian. Cheers Peter.
  17. 25912 on the tanks to Stanlow. Probably my last pic/vid for a while I am off to the UK tomorrow. Cheers Peter.
  18. Great set of pic Alan, They really have that Summer feel about them. Love the weathering on the loco and wagons. Cheers Peter.
  19. I want one. That blue one is a beast. I have had a look at some pics and maybe it is a bit flat but not by much. I might have to save my pennies for one. Thanks my the Pics lee. Cheers Peter.
  20. No worries Mate, It's been a bit hectic here too. I have a few things on the go but having trouble finding time to get out to the garage. Don't worry about the steamer I only have a few. lol Cheers Peter.
  21. Thanks Andy, I haven't seen that before, very interesting. I might get a visit to Eastleigh when I am over in a few weeks tough it 's not as good as it used to be. Cheers Peter.
  22. Thanks Mate, Always had a soft spot for the Bullieds I saw and rode on Bodmin when I was a nipper. I saw Tamworth Castle a few times but both at open days so never saw it running. I think the windows are not helped by the fact they are not quite right on the Bachmann loco. My model might be improved by some flush fitted windows. Cheers Peter.
  23. Love that last pic Jinty. Your photo plank is superb. The class 25 looks great too, I think it captures the look ok but will have a look at the froth thread and see whats been said. Cheers Peter.
  24. Thanks Mate, I am well happy with the 25. The Ped will be 31149, just a plan old red stripe loco. I found a nice pic of the loco on flickr and have onr myself of the loco arriving at Derby on a Parcel van. Cheers Peter.
  25. As I mentioned last week a good friend of mine repainted a class 25 for me, he has done a great job and all I have done is re model the oversize Bachmann jumper cable and sockets. I repainted the buffers too as from most photo's I found 25912 had grey painted buffers I also added single blue star transfers to each end which is a bit unusual as most loco's have two each end. Thanks again to Simon for doing this for me. Also on the workbench is a red stripe class 31. Cheers Peter.
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