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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Hi Nigel, It was, pity you had to go to work, we had a good running session at Kevs. If you have something running by the time I am over next we could meet at your place providing you have a good chippy close by. lol It was good to catch up with John. The layout ran quite well considering I only gave the track a quick clean. Cheers Peter.
  2. Thanks Mark, Glad you enjoyed the show. Your class 37 is a beast it looks spot on, I bet it sounds alright too. They don't hang about on the Cumbrian trains plenty of thrash when leaving most stations. All the best Peter.
  3. No Worries Jinty, You are doing some great work on here. I will try Parkside I hadn't thought of them. I know a mate of mine used to get sprues for his 00 wagon builds. Thanks Mate cheers Peter.
  4. Hi Jinty, Nice work on the class 08, the OAA looks nice weathered up too. I have been given a couple of Big Train Mineral wagons and I am thinking of detailing them do you know who does wagon detail parts brake gear, buffers, couplers. etc Cheers Peter.
  5. 25244 is seen on a local trip working. Cheers Peter.
  6. Hi Marcus, Yep he said the same more grunt and power up quicker. Concrete slabs look spot on. Cheers Peter.
  7. Lol Thanks Andy, More pics to come. Cheers Peter.
  8. Hi Marcus, Nice class 59 pics. My brother drove one the other day while I was over there and he said he really likes them better than a class 66. Cheers Peter.
  9. Hi Jeff, It's a nice looking loco. I had a good look at one back in the UK a few weeks back. We will have to catch up at some point I have a class 47 almost ready for a sound chip. Cheers Peter.
  10. No worries John, I will get something sorted. Cheers Peter.
  11. A couple more from the running session the other day. 20165 and 009 wait in the headshunt before working the oils back to Stanlow. 47535 passes the carriage sidings on a train from Euston. 20009 and 165 head back to Stanlow on the daily oil train. Shortage of 47/4s see's 45029 pressed into passenger service on the train from Euston, now seen heading for Holyhead. 108 and 128 combo form a local service to Bangor. Cheers Peter.
  12. Ooops. Thanks Jinty, can't really blame that on the Jet lag. I did mean Cumbrian coast. I did have a good time in the UK but glad to be back home as you can see I have already had a running session on Llanbourne. Cheers Peter.
  13. Hi Mark, It was good to meet up, how did the Barrow exhibition go? We were driving back down South that day. We had a good day out on the Cambrian Coast. It was like a timewarp going back to the Scottish Highlands in the mid 80s. The trip is certainly worth doing. Cheers Peter.
  14. P.C.M


    New thread Andy, Seems like the loco's you want to run would be more suited to be it the S&D area. All the best with the new project Andy. Cheers Peter.
  15. Ok I will let you know. There is something on the calendar but that might not include me.
  16. Thanks Andy, Looking forwards to my next trip already. John's going well it was good to catch up. Cheers Peter.
  17. Thanks Jeff, I have used consists before but I still need to match the speed. I did play with CV 3 I will check and see what decoders they have and have another go. Cheers Peter.
  18. Thanks Rick, I think I have some time next weekend but thats as far as I know at the moment. When is your next free weekend? Cheers Peter.
  19. Thanks John, As Jeff said I use an NCE Power cab. On another matter. We were talking about 25912 the other week and you mentioned you had a bit to with the Nameplates back in the day. Anyway your name is mentioned in an article in a recent Rail Express mag I was given. I can send you the copy if you want it. Cheers Peter.
  20. well I am back and had a great trip to the UK. I caught up with some friends and family and a few RM webbers. It was great to catch up with Alex, Mark, Ian, Paul, Nigel and Kevin. I went to my old club and caught up with a few guys from there too. I didn't manage to get to any exhibitions but will certainly try next time. We arrived back on Sunday and on the Monday had a visit from eminent railway author John Dedman. I have known John since I was a nipper so it was good to see him over here. I was weird as only about 4 weeks ago I had been to his place and had run a few 7mm trains round his garden railway. He also had Heljan's new class 25, a very nice model. We ran Llanbourne for a while which ran ok considering I only gave the track a quick clean. But just before we finished up a point blade broke on one of the main cross overs. I have managed to fix it using a spare blade from another point, it is a bit of a pain to do but it's better than removing the whole point though I will get a spare as it's only a matter of time before it breaks again. While the track was still fairly clean I ran a few trains today. I did try and get my two class 25/9 s to run as a pair by giving them the same decoder number. Even after playing with CV 2 and 5 they still didn't want to run well together. If anyone has any idea's let me know. My holiday pics will be loaded onto my Flickr site over the next few weeks. Cheers Peter.
  21. Hi Simon, I enjoyed the video, really your Peak. I remember seeing it back in the day, one of the last 45/0s in service. Cheers Peter.
  22. Great work on the class 26 Lee, got back from our UK trip on Sunday. We ended up going through Newcastle and heading North to Bamburgh so couldn't call in, may be next time. All the best Peter.
  23. Hi Phill, The weathering on Druid looks superb, the Peak is looking good too. Cheers Peter.
  24. Here are a couple of my pics from the day. It was great to catch up again Kevin, the layout looks superb and was great fun to operate, the afternoon just flew by. All the best Peter.
  25. Hi Paul, It was great to catch up again. Cheers Peter.
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