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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. I noticed the link showed the Wide To Gauge was powered. Mine would be mechanical so trap point probably easier option. While on the subject of powering points the cross over down the far end near the blocks is a bit far from the signalbox to be operated by rodding so I thought clap lock motors might be the go. I am thinking that back in the day there would have been a ground frame but powered up during the early 80s. Any thoughts Cheers Peter.
  2. Thanks Adrian, Hadn't thought of that. Cheers Peter.
  3. Thanks John, I would say to the left because the loop joins to the right. Cheers Peter.
  4. Sorry Mate, I noticed the Motherwell Salmon but not that it was an 81. What a beast though, I am sure with a bit more trimming down it will fit better. Your electric fleet has certainly grown some I bet you can't wait for the Hornby class 87. Cheers Peter.
  5. I am doing a bit of trackwork in platform 1 and the run round loop. I am wondering while I have the track lifted do I put in a trap point on the middle siding. I am thinking of putting the trap/catch point in front of the class 33 and 31 in the pic below. Cheers Peter.
  6. No worries Dave, I am sure you code 75 will be more fussy than my code 100. Something I have noticed on Llanbourne are some points once pinned down still have a high spot in the middle so need an extra track pin to try and hold things down a bit better. Cheers Peter.
  7. Hi Jinty, What can I say but superb weathering on the NJX. Your class 37 is coming on well too, I notice you had problems with the buffers, Where did you get the replacements from? Cheers Peter.
  8. Love the latest video Simon, I do like the electric traction though it looks like your class 85 isn't quite sat on the chassis properly. Looks like you got your class 20 running well together too. Cheers Peter.
  9. Hi Dave, Nice to see the class 27 out on a run the coaches look great. Sorry to hear about your class 47 derailment problem. My 47418 was coming off on my 3 way point in the fiddleyard. It was the only loco doing it so thought it was more than likely to be loco rather than track. I took the bogie frames off and check the back to backs which were fine, what I did notice was the bogie was rocking on the centre wheel set which is something more common on class 37s. I removed the wheel set and filed a deeper slot so the wheels set level with the others, the loco runs fine now. Cheers Peter.
  10. It would be a shame not to use them they have their faults but I don't think they are a bad model. If I get my other 142 running well I will use the non power model with with either the 150 or 142 if it has enough power. Cheers Peter.
  11. Here you go a few pics of Ricks Masterpiece. It truly is a great layout with some of the best scenic work and detail I have seen. Cheers Peter.
  12. Thanks Rick, It was a great day. I took a few pics so will post up some later. Cheers Peter.
  13. No worries Rich, I didn't think about fiddleyard size. As you say you can have too much track. Nice class 37 fleet by the way. Here 's a few from back in the day. Cheers Peter.
  14. I do have another 142 that I have a re motor kit for so will have to work out how to lower that at some point but will use the same method for the non powered wheels. Check out Peter's Spares you might e able to get the Axle boxes as a spare. Cheers Peter.
  15. Thanks Rick, It looks like I have been busy but I haven't. lol So apart from testing 31149 I haven't run anything since the DCC drama's. Even 149 didn't want to run straight away though that was due to not turning a wheel for a few years. It needed a service and is now running a lot better thought I think needs more running to get it as good as the others. I did remove the fan belt on this one too. I will have a look at the class 31 Saturday though I don't really need anymore. I think Jim was looking at getting another one. See you Saturday, looks like it going to be a warm one. Do you want me to bring anything? Cheers Peter.
  16. Thanks Mark, The van is a standard Bachmann model from a few years back. My 31444 will be a while off as I need to sort some more Peaks plus I have two class 37s and a class 26 in bits at the moment. The good thing about the seperate parts fitted to the Hornby class 31s is that you can change things around. Look forward to seeing your 31444. Cheers Peter.
  17. When I remove raised detail I use a new blade and use it like a scraper. Cheers Peter.
  18. Thanks for the extra info on the cowls Rich. I found a pic in my Rail Portfolio Classs 31 book of a 31/4 on a Royal train in 1982 with raised roof cowl. Cheers Peter.
  19. Thanks JDW, I do have a trackplan somewhere I will dig it out. The 142 was lowered by using smaller wheels. 12mm and not the Hornby 13mm. The wheels were used with axle boxes from a spare Hornby OBA VDA wagon. Hopefully the pic will explain it better. Hope that helps Cheers Peter.
  20. Hi Trev, The triple grey ones did look good. I think some of the coal sector ones had ploughs too. Mine has a Biff sound chip which I think is pretty good even though it has the Hornby speaker set up. I had to turn the sound down on mine too. Cheers Peter
  21. Thanks John, They did have quite a strong hold on the coast for a while didn't they. I did read that when they were first allocated to Crewe the local crews didn't like them very much preferring their class 25. Cheers Peter.
  22. Thanks Simon, I haven't looked for one in a while so not sure what price they go for these days. I did quite well with a few of mine the blue one cost me 25 quid each though that was a few years ago. Cheers Peter.
  23. Thanks Jinty, I noticed you had got yourself a 7mm class 31. You will have plenty of work to do on the body if you do the referbished one. Cheers Peter.
  24. Hi Cav, I have read something like that too, I think it help improve air flow though not sure. Your 31 looks great Cav do you still have it? My next one is a Skinhead too, plan is to do 31444 in blue. Cheers Peter.
  25. Hi Rich, My 31403 started out as a standard blue one, I stole the cowl from a second hand 31233 in triple grey which was I think the first Hornby 31 with sound. It does mean playing around with the grilles a bit and they are quite delicate. I noticed the mesh on all the class 31s I have goes across at an angle and on the real thing the mesh goes straight with two support bars going long ways which I add with plasticard. The roof Grille from the blue one was saved until recently when I started work on 31149 which was the triple grey one. You my be able to find a secondhand body with cowl or have a crack at making one like Cav. I think A1 models used to do one but they don't seem to be making anything these day. I am not sure when the cowls started to be fitted this way but from what I could see about 84 85. Cheers Peter.
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