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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Thanks Rich, I have had a Heljan 37 for a few years now and have a class 26 too plus a few wagons. The plan is to make a small shunting type layout 12ft by 2ft I will start a thread when I get round to building boards but time money and still working on Llanbourne keeps putting a start on the 7mm back. I am actually saving for a Peak at the moment and not doing very well. I need to sell some of my oo steam stock. Cheers Peter.
  2. Hi Trev, I did it on my Railfreight one but noticed on 403 when using it the other day that I hadn't done it. It runs quite well so I will leave it. I will check 31323 too, I know I have removed the fan drive from 56070 as that was a shocker it's still not the best runner so I will have another look at that at some point. Cheers Peter.
  3. So 31149 is now running a lot better. I have dis connected the lights though as all they do is flick on and off. I removed some grease and dropped some oil between the small washers that sit each end of the worm gear. 31403 was given the same treatment as one end was getting a bit noisy. 47636 is now running better after playing with some CVs the sound in this one still isn't as good as my other biffo sound class 47 so more playing is required. I had a bit of a running session after this and 25912 which is still a favourite at the moment saw most use. It is seen tripping some wagons to the yard then running round while 08472 is seen about to shunt the oil train and trip it back to the station. Edit. Not sure why pic have come up in wrong order! Cheers Peter.
  4. Thanks Rich, Funny you mention 7mm something I have been thinking about. Cheers Peter.
  5. Thanks Dave, I think the Hornby need more looking after too. I am going to try again tonight, may be with light oil rather the grease. Cheers Peter.
  6. 47636 is the least of my problems at the moment, my railfreight class 31 has developed a squealing noise. I have had in bits twice now and oiled the bearings and still no improvement. I sometimes wonder why I bother with this Hornby rubbish it's such a pain to take these things apart and put them back together again. Cheers Peter.
  7. Thanks Rick that's very kind, It was a pleasure having you down. Cheers Peter.
  8. For the first time in quite a while I ran some trains on Llanbourne. A visit from Rick aka Gwiwer of Penhale Bay fame came down for one last look at Llanbourne before jetting of to the UK. The pics below show a few pics taken before Rick arrived, the layout ran quite well. But I have a few loco's that need a service and a sound fitted class 47 that only seems to have one speed. Cheers Peter.
  9. Very nice Cav, really like the weeds in the sidings and the buildings look great I don't know how you get them looking so good I am wearing glasses for 4mm stuff these days. lol Cheers Peter.
  10. Looking Great John, you have been a busy boy. Cheers Peter.
  11. Hi Jeff, The latest pics deserve more than a push on the like button, The grass stone walls and fencing look superb, this really will be a railway running through some lovely countryside. Cheers Peter.
  12. Thanks for that, I did wonder if it would be in the detail pack. Looks like I will be saving up for one. Cheers Peter.
  13. I have models which have faults and I am quite happy to live with them. This Heljan Peak does look very good and a few minor faults wouldn't put me off to be honest but It's nice to know. I think the fact that I heaven't seen anything written about the Peak having faults suggests it's a good model, unlike the class 25 with it's flat front. Cheers Peter.
  14. Can anyone tell me what comes in the detail pack Please. Reason for asking is I noticed some pre production models have to small triangle shaped grille plated over and the released model has the grille unplated. I am wondering if there is one in the detail pack. Cheers Peter.
  15. Hi Kevin, That would look good. I guess it would be a scratch built one as I am sure there wouldn't be a kit for one. Cheers Peter.
  16. I am very tempted with one of these beasts. How do they measure up? They look pretty good to be but I am no expert. Cheers Peter.
  17. Evening Andy, I think what have here is a three in one layout. Roundy Roundy BLT and depot oh make that Four shunting yards too. This will be a cracker mate good luck and take your time laying the track and testing just in case you need to change a few things. All the best Peter.
  18. P.C.M


    Hi Martyn, Just been catching up, the new extension is looking great, love the new building. Cheers Peter.
  19. Hi Trev, I am 49 so have a few years on you, but didn't get interested in trains until 1979. I lived near Southampton so saw all the class 33s and had haulage on all but two. It's good that there are a few 33s in preservation, I try and get down to Swanage for a bit of haulage when I get over to the UK though didn't manage any last visit. Cheers Peter.
  20. Molly J Looks superb Kevin, the crane will certainly add to the scene. I think a small tug tied up next to Molly J would look good too. Cheers Peter.
  21. Nice to see some trains running, can't beat a Peak on Trans Pennine workings nice class 33 too. The VGA with Yellow ends is a bit late for you, but if you paint the ends red it will be ok but they did have a Railfreight sign on the side that was removed on Bachmann's later model. Cheers Peter.
  22. It normally do the weathering over a few nights and I don't always get it looking right first time. I give the roof a general coat of grime then wipe of what I want. once dry I will build up a few layers of black/dark brown for the exhaust. I don't have too much paint on the brush when I do this, hard to explain but just keep playing. Re the yellow ends I agree but as Cav said sometimes less is more. Cheers Peter.
  23. No worries Marcus, Notice how the roof fan end has weathering going down to the side grill and how around the exhaust ports it's really quite black but lighter further away. The yellow ends on this loco are particularly dirty which I would say would be less common but could also depend on what time of year the pic was taken. I always remember loco's seemed to get a lot dirtier during the winter months. Keep up the great work cheers Peter.
  24. Thanks Mark, Class 31 were allocated to quite a few Departmental pools during the 80s and 90s so it was a regular sight back in the day. Cheers Peter.
  25. Thanks Trev, I am happy with the new ballasting it doesn't look too different to the rest. I fit a driver to all of my loco's I find an open window with driver arm or hand hanging out adds to the realism. Cheers Peter.
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