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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Thanks Rick glad you think it look ok, the dirt track going up to the stone wall is your work as well. I am glad to have been able to save some of your work and it looks good on the hill. Also put some money in your Paypal account for the board and track which has gone to it's new home. Cheers Peter.
  2. I had a BRMA meeting here on Saturday with over 20 visitors during the afternoon, as per usual I only took a few pics on the day but tonight I had a running session and took a few pics. Llanbourne ran well during the day and although it's winter here the day was quite sunny. Leading up to the meeting I did some work on the hillside above the tunnel. Some scenic sections from Rick's Penhalye Bay layout have been saved and used here, including the stone walling and stone circle. Some work has also been done on a new project 'Holmes Road' which was set up outside. I will start a thread on this eventually. Cheers Peter.
  3. Hi Tim, The long side grilles were different too but I am sure it could be done. Cheers Peter.
  4. P.C.M


    Thanks Martyn, I will have to get myself a couple of packets i need a stile too, so just the job. Cheers Peter
  5. P.C.M


    Hi Martyn, Some very nice pics, the layout is looking great. A nice variety of stock too I do like your class 24 with headcode boxes. In the last pic there is a 5 bar gate. Did you make it? or are they made by soeone? I need a couple for Llanbourne. Cheers Peter.
  6. Hi Ian, I must have missed you post the other day so sorry. Thanks for the info, I spent some time looking through the site you linked. Some great pics of interesting workings too. Cheers Peter.
  7. Oh, I liked the depot Still very much like the rest though Andy. Cheers Peter.
  8. Thanks Jinty, I had seen those pics but will have a look at the website when I get more time. I am thinking a smaller version of Bachmann style shed at the moment which won't be too unlike the Holyhead shed. Cheers Peter.
  9. Must admit I don't think Vic Pol would be anywhere near as quick to act as in London. I heard today they had a clear shot in Sydney but weren't sure if they had clearance to shoot. The guy in Brighton should never have been out on parole but thats another issue. Cheers Peter.
  10. Hi Rick, Hope you and Sharon are ok, sorry to hear about the terrorist attack in London. The Bachy shed would be to big so no worries, it is a nice looking bit of kit though. Funny you say that I have thought about just doing the walls a bit like the shed at Exeter St Davids but I think a complete shed will look better plus it will hide a few loco's as Sometimes I think the station area looks to full of loco's so a few hiding in the shed would be better. All the best Peter.
  11. Hi All, Llanbourne has needed a loco shed for some time now and I am thinking about making one with the help of a mate who has a 3D printer. So I need to work out what I want. Something like Holyhead of Bangor but way smaller. I quite like the look of the Bachmann more modern shed and the old Hornby doublo shed as these have what looks like a flat roof with skylights and vents which is what I would prefer. I am guessing Holyhead was a North lights shed but at some point was re roofed. Any thoughts welcome. Cheers Peter.
  12. Thanks Andrew, Never done a write up my TTA's I just replaced the ladders with single one down the centre. Most of the TTA's in the rake seen in the pic were actually done by a friend over 25 years ago. I did about 6 myself with brass ladders. A few handrails were added and Fox Transfers to finish off. Technically they are wrong for tanks working out of Stanlow as that was a BP terminal and my wagons are based around the Esso ones. If you want more info let me know, I can post up a few pics on my layout thread if you want. Cheers Peter.
  13. Hi Wayne, Just found your thread, I have put some pics up on my Flickr site that you might find useful. Good luck with this one, Cheers Peter.
  14. Hi Alex, Nice to see you have some plans to keep Boxenby moving along. I am not surprised things have been quite here what with you launching your transfer range and doing the PGA with Cav. Those 20s look spot on too. Cheers Peter.
  15. Hi Alex & Cav, Nice couple of pics, great to see the wagon is getting plenty of interest and orders. All the best Peter.
  16. Hi Simon, Another great video mate keep them coming. Cheers Peter.
  17. Hi Jeff, No stress on the chip. I haven't found the lights yet, I may have chucked them out but will have another look tomorrow. Cheers Peter.
  18. Hi Jeff, I will have a look in the bits box I might have some lights for the 09. The Pecketts look good all lined up I like the Nameplates too. Did you have any luck with the sound decoder? Cheers Peter.
  19. Hi John, I think it had a repaint in 88 prior to being named. Who's the dodgy looking bloke stood by the loco. lol Cheers Peter.
  20. Well 12ft by 2ft is the plan. The Peak does have a bit of weight it's in bits at the moment hopefully back together by the time I have my meeting next month. Cheers Peter.
  21. Thanks Jinty, I might try and make up some myself first it will save me a few quid. Cheers Peter.
  22. Hi Rich, Glad to see you got a replacement Peak. They are a lovely model. You had me a bit worried that mine might turn up in bits but it arrived all in one piece although It's in bits now. lol I need to sort some headcode dots for mine too. Cheers Peter.
  23. Hi Rick, Looks like you had a good trip down West then. Hope you and Sharon are settling in ok, and enjoying the weather looks like it's been quite nice recently. Let me know when you start your next thread. Cheers Peter.
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