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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Thanks Martyn, My oo gauge layout Llanbourne has some rubber underlay on the newer section and I don't think its any different sound wise to the rest. As you say using granite ballast wouldn't help. I might just crack on and lay some track and see how I go. Cheers Peter.
  2. Hi Mark, Hope the exhibition goes well for you in Stawell, I think you are right about the noise on a smaller layout as trains are not going very fast. Also it will save me some money if I don't have to buy cork. Cheers Peter.
  3. Thanks Mate, It's a good little camera for close up shots. Cheers Peter.
  4. Hi Alan, Just found your new thread, I like the look of this one. All the best with the build. Sad to see Kingsbridge Regis go but as go say if you feel the need to move on then it's best. All the Best Peter.
  5. Quick question, I bought some rubber to go between baseboard and track and tried out a seciton with ballast. I was more noisy than ballast straight onto the boards. I am thinking I might try cork but I have read it does really make much difference sound wise. I don't really need a ballast shoulder as Holmes road isn't a mainline. I am thinking I might just lay the track straight to the board. Any thoughts. Cheers Peter.
  6. I have been playing with my new phone and the camera is quite good. I can get shots that the bigger camera can't do. Cheers Peter.
  7. No worries Mark, I bet Orla is keeping you busy, a little modelling is better than none. I had a quick look on Flickr there are a few shots of 31444 in Dutch on club trains so I would guess it was used a bit. I forgot how big that nameplate looks, also looks like a headlight was fitted at some point too. Must admit I do like the Dutch liv on the class 31s. All the best Peter.
  8. Thanks Simon, I have had a look at a few pics and it seems some mid 80s wagons have a TOPS code and some don't. I can add a PFB code if i want so will order a couple in the next few days. Cheers Peter.
  9. Hang on, layout going? Whats the plan Alan? Are you going to scrap the layout and start again, I did notice you were planning something else but I though Kingsbridge Regis would stay. Cheers Peter.
  10. I am thinking of getting a couple of these wagons as I remember seeing them at Eastleigh back in the 80s. I am just wondering what is the difference between a PFB and KWB coded wagon and why doesn't the 70s wagon have a TOPs code or number on the data panel. Cheers Peter.
  11. No worries Alan, Looking forwards to seeing the new layout thread. Cheers Peter.
  12. Hi Paul, As Adrian said they came from a 4 pack. I bought one and sold the Morris and the Austin. I was then given another pack by a friend so have two Bedford HA vans. I haen't seen them for sale recently so a repaint might be your best option. Cheers Peter.
  13. Thanks Adrian, The TTAs are weathered using thinned down Humbrol paints, to get the really dirty look I used less thinners and added layers once the first was dry I would add some more paint and build up the layers. Best advice I could give is find some pics of the real thing and try to copy the weathering. Cheers Peter.
  14. 08472 waits to trip the empty MGRs back to the station. 56070 waits in the yard. Cheers Peter.
  15. Hi Simon, I have used some of them too, they are a bit more expensive than some but I have had no problems with then and loco's run very well without having to play with CVs. Cheers Peter.
  16. Hi Cav, Just having a catch up. The layout is looking great looking forwards to seeing some of your great looking stock having a run. Cheers Peter.
  17. Thanks Andy, I have used the Gaugemaster 8 pin decoders on a number of my loco's I think they are quite good more recently I have used the Hattons decoders which are equally as good. Cheers Peter.
  18. Hi Brian, All the best in your retirement. I think there are a lot of very unhappy DB staff at the moment my brother is a driver at Eastleigh. He is staying at the moment but is looking elsewhere as staff morale is at an all time low. Anyway more time for modelling and photography I am sure you will find plenty to do. All the best Peter.
  19. P.C.M

    Loch Dour

    Thanks Kev, thats really useful info i started a thread a few years back on doing a 27/2 and someone said back then that shawplan might be doing a conversion kit but i like how you have done yours so migjt give it a go. Cheers Peter
  20. Hi Steve, Thanks for that just had a look at your layout thread. Very nice too, great idea for the cassettes I think I need to have a play with some idea's Cheers Peter.
  21. P.C.M

    Loch Dour

    Hi Kev, Always nice to see a few pics.37425 is on my to do list, as is a class 27/2. Do you have any other pics of your 27/2 you could post up and any info on how you did the extra grilles would be very helpful. Cheers Peter.
  22. Thanks Mate, I might have something in the old bits box, I might also try PRMRP I think they still do detail bits. Cheers Peter.
  23. Time in the garage this afternoon was spent sorting out 37032. It wasn't running very well when on the failed DMU the other day so I changed the Decoder. The old Bachmann decoders don't work well for me I always have trouble with slow speed control and 37032 was surging when running at mid speed. I tried a Hattons 21 decoder but the top speed was too slow even after playing with CVs. I then put in a TCS decoder which I have no idea how or when I got it. I had removed it from 47358 yesterday as 47358 wasn't running well as slow speeds. Now the class 37 is running a lot better and 47358 with the Hattons decoder seems to be running well too. I have also fixed the signal by fixing the lower arm to a fixed distant. Having visited chester depot after working the failed DMU a few days ago 37032 finds itself on the coast again. This time on a ballast working from Crewe. 45141 is seen sitting in the middle road then later heading out to Bangor on a Trans- Pennine service. TTAs on the fuel road.
  24. Thanks Deltic17, I had thought about that but I only remember seeing a few class 46s and I do have a few pics of them but my memories of the class 45s is much better, so for now it will stay as a class 45. Posted before on another thread, but here is 45020 rolling through Edinburgh on a rake of Turbot spoil wagons. My Peak will be numbered 45036 as it still had the centre headcodes until withdrawn in 87. Cheers Peter.
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