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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Thanks Mark, I still have a lot to do but it's getting there. Cheers Peter.
  2. Thanks Andy, Still more stock to be weathered but it's been a bit cold here recently so I haven't done any modelling recently. Cheers Peter.
  3. Thanks Dave, I see you have been busy, your class 47s are looking great. Cheers Peter.
  4. Hi Andy, I have to say that canal board looks superb. Interesting video too. The class 20 does have a full set of ploughs at one end but it was quite common for them to only have one set at the cab end as they used to run in pairs so often. Some of the Scottish 20s had ploughs both ends as they used to run on their own more often. Cheers Peter.
  5. Once the speedlink trip working has departed to Bangor the class 08 that shunted the train normally trips the coal wagons to the South yard where they are unloaded. Today 97406 is being used as it is booked to work some empty ZHVs from South Yard back to Chester so is being used to trip the coal wagons as it would have gone to the yard LE anyway. Also arriving from Bangor is 25109 on the 4J09 vans to Manchester Red Bank, 25109 is released by the class 08, 25109 then couples back onto it's train. Cheers Peter.
  6. Hi Guys, Thanks for the info on fly ash trains. I will make up a load and post up a pic and get some feedback. I actually have a few days off this week so might even have time to do it. Cheers Peter.
  7. Thanks Andy, I try to run Llanbourne like a real railway and the Speedlink traffic is quite close to what was running along the North Wales Coast back in the mid 80s. Cheers Peter,
  8. 7mm Phill. I was given a couple of Lima and I think a big trains one last year.
  9. 47358 is working the daily 7D14 Speedlink from Warrington to Llanbourne. On arrival the train is shunted and the ferry vans and PCA wagons will be worked forwards to Bangor and Holyhead by 47358 as the Target 92 trip. The HEAs will be tripped to Llanbourne South Yard for unloading. The VGAs will be unloaded in the town yard. Cheers Peter.
  10. Thanks Mark, Can't beat a nice class 31. Cheers Peter.
  11. Hi Phill, Nice work on the wagons. I have a few 16t minerals that I need update a bit and make them ZHVs. Cheers Peter.
  12. Hi Dave, Nice work on the 47s. Don't blame you for being outside, you are getting some nice weather over there at the moment. Cheers Peter.
  13. Hi Pete. I nearly said was it a Ford, I Googled Zephyr's as that would have been my guess. I haven't seen any here in Oz but it wouldn't surprise me if there are a few. Cheers Peter.
  14. Good on you Merf, thanks for that should have guessed you might have a pic or two. Cheers Peter.
  15. Nice car Pete, I remember seeing them back in the day but can't recall what they are. All the best with the new build though I will keep an eye out for the new thread. I think you still have a way to go with the car though, I would guess a few more pounds to be spent yet. Cheers Peter.
  16. Hi Mark, The class 47 looks good, it's nice to have an easy job without to much to do to a loco to get the one you want. Should look right at home on a Speedlink service or even a passenger working standing in for a failed class 31. Cheers Peter.
  17. Llanbourne's Shunters cabin. Vic the Chargeman and Dave the head shunter have a rest after shunting the morning Speedlink.
  18. Thanks Simon, It seems opens were used later on I guess the Presflo wagons were gone by the late 90s so there wouldn't be anything suitable apart from using open wagons. Cheers Peter.
  19. Thanks Mate, Good to know open wagons were used even if it was 2013. Cheers Peter.
  20. Hi Dave, I remember seeing the old Presflo wagons back in the day. It's possible there were none available for the North Wales traffic so HAA's were used. Cheers Peter.
  21. Thanks Pete, Hard to believe it's been 8 years, I sometimes think I am not getting much done but when I look back I haven't done to bad. Do you get much modelling done for yourself these days or does your PH designs take up all your time. Cheers Peter.
  22. 56070 storms out of Llanbourne on an empty fly ash train. I need to make up some loads for these wagons anyone have pics of what fly ash looks like as a load. Cheers Peter.
  23. Thanks Neil, A few more pics to add from the running session the other day, not in the garage tonight though way too cold. Cheers Peter.
  24. Hi Andy, Just been catching up on your thread. The corner section has really come together very well your painted backscene the trees and buildings all look superb. Enjoy the warm weather and the Finescale show I am sure you will come back with a few goodies. Cold and wet here. Cheers Peter.
  25. Hi Chris, Thanks, I think my mind is made up and I will try laying some track straight to the ply. I will go a check out your layout too. Cheers Peter.
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