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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Hi Ian, It's surprising how many of the RFD class 37s were named. Cheers Peter.
  2. There are plenty to choose from. Here is 37059 on a couple of Clay tigers and a steel sector pair at Hamworthy. Cheers Peter.
  3. Peter's Garrett hauling the only coal wagons I could find.
  4. Oh dear Kevin, It seems you have opened a can of worms here. 37047 as mentioned was converted to a centre box loco. My pic below shows it at Eastleigh. I have had a look for pics of 37278 and it seems it always had the coal sector markings. Sorry. I did think 37019 might be a good one to renumber your 047 too but It had a flush end with Boxes removed at one end. I have posted a few others that might give you some idea's. All were common round EH early 90s. 37215 was a common petroleum loco and 37026 is shunting in the rain at Andover. Steel sector beast 37109 off the road at Woking. I will dig out a few more. Cheers Peter.
  5. As Mentioned above a friend came over Friday afternoon as we had been discussing DCC sound at a recent Exhibition. Peter brought over something a bit different to run on Llanbourne. I was well impressed as it's a super loco and ran round my layout with no problems trough my tight curves. I did take a short video so will work out how to load it up in a day or so. I did sound really quite good. Cheers Peter.
  6. Thanks Lee, It is a V4 chip with Ian's latest sound. I have made contact with him so we will go from there. A friend came over on Friday and we had a play around with it but still no better I am sure we can sort it. Cheers Peter.
  7. Thanks Mate, I have contacted Bif so will go from there. Cheers Peter.
  8. Hi Kevin, Nice couple of class 37s They did seem to be on everything in the Eastleigh area for a while. I will have a look to see if I have any pics of those two. I said on Ian's thread the other day that it was this time last year I was over in the UK. How time flies. Cheers Peter.
  9. Hi Jeff, I drew my rodding out on paper a section at a time I followed as close as possible how the prototype looks and worked. It took me a while to do mine I did in two sections at a time I still have a bit more to do but was well and truly over it after the last lot. I guess more ballasting for you then signals? Cheers Peter.
  10. Hi Peter, I think it is so yes that would be good. looking forward to seeing how the Garratt runs could you bring your TTS class 40 you had at Caulfield if its no trouble, it would be nice to see how that sounds on a longer run. Cheers Peter.
  11. Thanks Doug, I have fired off an email to Biff. So will see what happens Cheers Peter.
  12. Hi leon, The layout is coming on well. Nice class 56s too. Try Peters Spares for buffers. Cheers Peter.
  13. Hi Simon, No i do have an old phone i was going use the speaker from but having tried 4 different speakers already i am not surw i want to waste anymore time. I might get in touch with the supplier and send it back. I would rather spend time modelling than faffing around with sound to be honest. Cheers Peter.
  14. Nice work on the rodding Jeff, I spent some time working out the rodding runs on Llanbourne its worth while getting it to look right, having a plan drawn up would have be most helpful, the wonders of being on RMweb. Cheers Peter.
  15. About time for an update as I have been doing a few bits and pieces but last night and today have had me really over fitting sound chips. I have the Biffo latest class 33 sound chip and have now tried 4 different speakers. All give the same hissing sound which is almost as loud as the loco start up sound and totally ruin the sound of the loco running. Came this be that all speakers are no good? I have checked the wiring and it seems ok. Could it be the decoder? Cheers Peter.
  16. Who would have thought 37/4s back hauling passenger trains. I got them in when I was over this time last year. We had a good day out but it wasn't the Scottish Highlands. I had some good trips back in the day.
  17. Hi Meanach. Just found your blog. Great stuff superb scenic's and stock. Certainly brings back memories of Scotland in the late 80s. Cheers Peter.
  18. Looks good damian, Will the track go into the shed shed? or stop outside like the Pic above. Cheers Peter.
  19. All good here mate, Just waiting for the weather to improve it's been cold and wet here. Still been doing a bit of modelling but not as much as I would like. Cheers Peter.
  20. Hi Ian, Long time no see. Hard to believe I was over this time last year and catching up with you guys. Hope you have a good show, Clay Tigers look nice I have a couple on the way couldn't resist. Cheers Peter.
  21. Hi Trev, Always mice to see a few pics. Really like the Peak. Cheers Peter.
  22. Must admit I haven't heard the SWD 33 sound. Mine is a Biffo one can't say I noticed the horn sounding like a Goat being squeezed lol I have another biffo one to fit into my 33202 it's the latest drivelock version so will be interesting to see how it sounds. All the best Peter.
  23. Hi Andy, I haven't commented in a while but still following your progress. The layout is looking great, nice to see and hear the class 33 chugging it's way round while the 08 was shunting. Cheers Peter.
  24. Hi James, Superb job on the 47s they look spot on. I always liked the Res Livery. Cheers Peter.
  25. That would be about right. As far as i know the 26/1s didn't ever get oval buffers or the earlier bogies with different style springs. Where some of the 26/0s gained later bogies I presume from withdrawn class 27s and 26/1s. The oval buffers would have been replaced as and when they failed I guess. Cheers Peter.
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