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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Thanks Jamie, Sorry for late reply I have been quite busy lately. I still need to add chocks and chains to keep the Bedfords on the wagon but I also want to remove them so still need to work out how to do it. Cheers Peter.
  2. Hi Simon, It can be done I did my old 40012 using an older type Bachmann class 40 chassis that I picked up cheap. Cheers Peter.
  3. Three very nice models, but I am guessing centre box beast is a Lima or Hornby model. Cheers Peter.
  4. Thanks Mate, that's great I saw him today and he is going to have a look. Cheers Peter.
  5. Hi Jinty, Just been playing catch up on your thread. That class 37 is such a beast and the layout is coming along really well. I have a question for a mate who's building a 7mm steam loco and he needs some Slaters Axles. Do you know of a retailer that sells them that preferably have paypal. Cheers Peter.
  6. Ha ha a 7mm world full of Phill's bashing and driving western's. Thanks I will look into the Omen figures they look pretty good. Cheers Peter.
  7. Hi Gordon, I am not sure I think so, the yellow ones are Railease. I remember shunting car flats up Eastleigh yard and some did have buckeye couplers which would mean they were old coach chassis. Cheers Peter.
  8. Looks good Kevin, Are they the latest motor rail wagons behind the loco. Also noticed your class 47 still has it's ETH orange boxes either side of the bufferbeam, It's an easy job to remove them and keep them in case you need them for another class 47. Cheers Peter.
  9. Thanks Kevin, I wish I had taken more, but there are plenty of pics out there. Flickr is a good place to find pics of loco's and various trains. Cheers Peter.
  10. Hi Roge, Backscene looks spot on, looking forwards to some train pics. Cheers Peter.
  11. Hi Phill, Are you going to add a driver. I have been looking at the ModelU figures and was wondering if they fit inside the cabs ok. Cheers Peter.
  12. Thanks Guys, The trailers are from the JB models now Airfix kit that come with a Landrover. The bedford truck only has a modified top to the back end as can be seen by the pic above I just used plasticard for the sides and prastruct rod for the top sides and middle section. The thin rod was used for the small raised section which if I did again I would double the thickness. Hope this helps. Cheers Peter.
  13. Hi Phill, Happy to help. I would be changing the number rather than doing the mods. The 45/0s still worked plenty of passenger trains back in the day more so in your time period. Had a quick look on Flickr and 45045 is a namer the others would be fine as they all had the small grilles covered. Cheers Peter.
  14. I only actually did the coast a few times, one of those places I always planned to do more of but never actually did as much as I wanted. If you have any pics from back then feel free to add them to my layout thread.
  15. Well you have been busy Kevin, I don't have a pic of 156 but I will post up some others. Cheers Peter.
  16. Hi Ph Hi Phill, When the 45/s were fitted with ETH the plated over steps on the side were welded up so the side is flush. See pic below. The boiler section on the roof was change too. I did the mod on my 4mm peaks. Hopefully the pic below will show the difference. Cheers Peter.
  17. Hi Phill, The Peak is looking good but are you sure you want a 45/1? They had the steps welded up not plated and there is a roof mod too. Cheers Peter.
  18. Nice set of pics Kevin & Paul, Sorry about the 37s I think you are ok with 37055. Cheers Peter.
  19. After cleaning the track for Peter's Garrett I ran a few others the next day and gave my recently weathered Warflats a run on an MOD train. The Bedford's have had the tarp removed and sides rebuilt. Cheers Peter.
  20. Hi John, I have bought a few things from Pete, He doesn't do paypal but it very good to deal with and happy to send to Oz. Cheers Peter.
  21. About time for an update me thinks. I have done a bit more on a couple of 16t minerals. Still more to do before painting though. I have had a re think on the trackplan so changed things around a bit and I think it looks a lot better. The hole at one is the space for the traverser anothe 2ft board will be added to make a 4ft traverser all up I still need to work out how I am going to do this and how to wire for DCC as I haven't done this before. The blue tape is where the pit will be, these two roads will have part of a loco shed over them. Another wagon has also been added to the small fleet. A Heljan VAA. I have removed one air pipe as I think most VAA only had the one. I didn't like how the bufferbeam drooped and it was very well attached so I cleaned things up a bit and glued it on which seems to have improved it a bit. Cheers Peter.
  22. No headlight on the front though Ian. Otherwise a good choice I like the black headcode boxes. Cheers Peter.
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