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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Well there you go, my memory isn't as bad as I thought. Cheers Peter.
  2. Thanks George, Send Andy my best wishes. All the Best Peter.
  3. Some of the older Lima class 31 body shells are a better starting point than the railroad body. If you can pck up a cheap Hornby chassis even better. Cheers Peter.
  4. No worries Andy, Not quite up to your standard but gives an idea of whats in the garage. Cheers Peter.
  5. Hi John, Agree they would be I have seen then marshalled in the middle of a train too. We didn't see the Shark ballast ploughs at Eastleigh I think they were banned from the Southern as the plough would probably hit the juice rail. Cheers Peter.
  6. Thanks Martyn, I should have done it ages ago I always like to see how other peoples layouts are set up. Cheers Peter.
  7. Oh nice one Nick. More pics of 97405 please. This has been on my to do list for years but I really don't need another class 40. Very tempting though. Cheers Peter.
  8. The fiddleyard is looking good. I really like your TTA nice work. I could do with a few of them. Cheers Peter.
  9. Very nice Nick, Always thought they looked strange with the tanks. Cheers Peter.
  10. Thanks Nigel, I only did that today and loaded it on to you Tube before going out. I thought it would give an idea of how it all fits in. Probably should have tidied up a bit first though. lol Cheers Peter.
  11. Thanks Mate, I might look out for some small CDUs to fit under a few of my points as the one i have in the control panel isn't quite powerful enough. I think the overhead will look good I have often though how it would look on Llanbourne. Cheers Peter.
  12. Thanks Andy, Well your 4 year old does seem to know his stuff and good on him. Though as you say it is used as a ballast plough more than a brakevan and could actually go anywhere in the train being as all wagons in the consist are braked. But just for him next time I run the train I will put the brake at the back. I have 5 class 31s. One is a non powered Lima model, One is a Lima body repainted and detailed with a modified Lima chassis and Hornby drive in that it has the Hornby motor and drive to the Hornby bogies. A lot has been said about the Lima Body being better than the Hornby but I think they are both pretty good My other three loco's are Hornby. The railroad model is based around the Lima molding but is a mix of early and later body mods so would need some work to make it right. I am not sure the railroad model would run as well either. Cheers Peter.
  13. Thanks Jamie, The 45s were always a favourite of mine less so the Inter- City liv but you cant beat large Logo. I did notice some pres lines also have the blue grey and Inter-City livery on some of their stock it makes sense if you are running diesels. Cheers Peter.
  14. Hi Jeff, I think the bufferbeams are from a class 40 detail kit but yours if you want them. The bulb might be of use too. Cheers Peter
  15. Hi Andy, Good to see you are well again. The stabling point looks good, the pic below shows the fuel storage at Llanbourne. Cheers Peter.
  16. Hi Andy, The trackwork is looking great, and your wiring is way more tidy than mine are they CDUs by the point motors? I like the shot of the 85 on vans, how much overhead are you planning? will the electrics arrive then the train be worked forward by a diesel Like at Crewe. Cheers Peter.
  17. I will go have a look for it I might have buffers too.
  18. Hi Jeff the Peak looks good. I might have whitemetal bufferbeams if you are interested. Cheers Peter.
  19. Hi Nick I have seen a pic of a class 40 working a train but it was early 80s so why not have a 97. Cheers Peter.
  20. Hi Merf, Thats the pic. Thanks for posting it again. Didn't think the 97s worked it but thought you would know if they had. There you go Nick, you can go get yourself a nice Peak. Cheers Peter.
  21. While on the subject of motive power that worked the Gunpowder train Young Merf posted a pic some time ago on my layout thread of a class 45 at Llandudno Junction Yard about to work the train. I have had a look for it but can't find it now. Also a quick look on Merf's flickr site and still no luck. I am also wondering did any class 40s when they were renumbered as 97's work the train as they were often at Llandudno Junction. Cheers Peter.
  22. Thanks Larry, Your pictures from back in the day have been a great source of Inspiration to me over the years, may be you could look out for a fairly cheap scanner I am bottowing a frainds Scanner at the moment and for a cheap one it's not bad it even makes some of my crap negs look half decent. The layout does give me hours of pleasure, I still have plenty to do so in between running trains I still have a loco shed to finish and station roof to build. Cheers Peter.
  23. A few more pics from yesterdays Running session.
  24. No Worries Kevin happy to help. Cheers Peter.
  25. No worries Kevin, It's the 'USS Bonhomme Richard (LHD-6)' It had come up the bay a day or two before. I heard that it was going out so went down the road to Rosebud to see it. Rosebud is the closest point to see the big ships as the main channel comes past the pier. We get a few navy ships up the bay I have even seen a sub. Cheers Peter.
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