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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Hi Rick, I was only thinking the other day that it must have been about a year since you left for the UK. Good to see you getting back into the model railways again glad you enjoyed the show I am sure the interest will fire you up to do some more modelling. All the best Peter.
  2. Thanks Mark, It's DC at the moment but once I get some decoders it will be DCC. The traverser slides on draw runners I bought from Bunnings. Cheers Peter.
  3. After a bit of wire swapping to get the frogs the right way round and one point switch. I had loco's running on the two main boards. Cheers Peter.
  4. Nice work on the Rat, that last shot looks so real. Cheers Peter.
  5. Layout is looking good Nick, The backscene really gives some nice depth, class 47 and white roofed van look the part too. Cheers Peter.
  6. Hi Alex, Good to see you doing a bit. Those boards are pretty big they should hold a few loco's. Cheers Peter.
  7. Hi Andy, Sorry to hear you have been in Hospital again. Hope you are back in the shed soon. Cheers Peter.
  8. I made some progress on the traverser board today and although it was raining a bit today i took the chance to set up all the boards. Cheers Peter.
  9. Hi Martin, They are by Parliamentary Trains you will find them on Facebook. I messaged them last night. Cheers Peter.
  10. Thanks John, I might stick with trying to get an MSE one. I will contact my mate and get him to post up a pic of his. It uses a servo is the best I can tell you. He is away at the moment but i will contact him during the week. Cheers Peter.
  11. Thanks Mike, It's still not giving me a good shot of the repeater though I am wondering if there is glazing or if it's a solid molding. Cheers Peter.
  12. Hi John, I need a banner repeater for Llanbourne so any pics of your Bachmann one would be nice. I can't find a decent pic so far. I had been looking at getting the bits from MSE. I friend over in Hastings has made a working one with the MSE stuff it looks really good. Cheers Peter.
  13. Any news on the VEA van? Cheers Peter.
  14. I am not sure I will be picking up any O gauge bargains here in Oz. I would be very tempted if a 4 MT turned up here. I will message via facebook about the drop stops this weekend so will keep you posted. Cheers Peter.
  15. Hi Scott, Nice work on 09025 I remember seeing that a fair bit back in the day. Thought you might like this shot from Hamworthy. Cheers Peter.
  16. Thanks two tone, Thats a great little gadget I will look into getting some of those. It was your thread I was looking at I am sure you have some very nice stock I really like your Std 4 tank. Cheers Peter.
  17. Hi Dave, I fitted some to my Lima 101s and Bachmann 108s and had no derailments on my tight curves, so worth a try. Cheers Peter.
  18. I powered up the track tonight, I had to change the wires over to get the frog to work, but apart from that everything was live and using an old DC controller I moved the Peak up and down. I do have a clicking Tortoise motor though any thoughts on what it might be or is it about to fail on me. Cheers Peter.
  19. Thanks Andy, I have been following your progress. I did notice your point mod I might try that way next time. Cheers Peter.
  20. Thanks Jinty. I was never happy with the out of the box point so removed as much as I could, I did manage to stuff one up though I couldn't get it working well after trying to fix it an expensive mistake as it cost me a new point. Hence the painted sleepers from the old point being used to replace the gaps. I had a quick look at St Davids but didn't see the point mod, I did drop some plasticard in the frog of the point i buggered up as I did notice my Grampus wagon dropped into the frog a bit. Cheers Peter.
  21. Time for an update. Last night I powered up the 3 point motors and all seemed to work fine, power feeds have been soldered to the track and I have also started to build a traverser. My original plan was to have part of one board and another smaller board to hold the traverser, but this started to give me some worries on how it would actually work and at the end of the day was only saving myself 2 ft. I have now started to build a new 4ft board for the traverser and replaced the cut out section on the main board and relay some track. I have also replaced the cut away sleepers removed from improving the Peco points. Cheers Peter.
  22. Hi Dave. Loving the latest video's. The bubble car is a nice model too, though I notice in your last post there is a hole in the axlebox on the front bogie with a hole just above on the chassis. I think this would be for a speedo cable. There might be one in the box. Cheers Peter.
  23. Hi Jeff. Just a thought, but if you put the carriage siding next to the shed then have a kickback siding going from where the carriage siding was and have the turntable back towards where the two 68s are, if there is room. Cheers Peter.
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