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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Hi Rich, I enjoyed your review of the show and the layouts look very good. Did you get anything for yourself? Looks like a few bargains where about. Cheers Peter.
  2. Hi Ian, Hope you are well. Looks like you had a good exhibition, the layout is looking great. Nice to see some older traction, and your class 50s look very at home sat round the turntable. Steve has done a good job it certainly has that Old Oak feel about it. Cheers Peter.
  3. Ha ha it is tempting isnt it. It looks like Heljan are going to do a 37/4 not sure when its due out though. Cheers Peter.
  4. Hi Andy. I think that name was on a class37/4 which had different nose grilles all 37/4s had the grilles modifed when converted, depends how much that bothers you its your trainset. There where plenty of standard large logo class 37s with names bit most were allocated to Scottish depots. Cheers peter.
  5. Getting a nice collection there Andy. What number are you doing the class 37? Cheers Peter.
  6. Nice pis of 25912 Nick. I am quite fond of my Bachmann models but will certainly like to get a few Heljan 25s when they come out. Cheers Peter.
  7. Hi Marcus, Great to see you posting on here again. Look forwards to some pics of the railway. Cheers Peter.
  8. Looking good Trev, Amazing how some of the smaller detail brings a layout to life. Cheers Peter.
  9. Blimey building up a decent fleet there Andy. I think I read somewhere that Heljan were going to re release the class 47. I am looking forwards to the class 25 myself. Cheers Peter.
  10. Thanks Wayne, Yes these two were done that way. It's not the way I do everything but these vans did seem to get very dirty back in the day so plenty of thinned paint on a brush painted over the side and then wiped off with a cloth. Cheers Peter.
  11. Looks like it's all go with the diesels then Andy. Did you get the class 20 from Hattons I must admit I bought. I was also looking into getting a Large Logo class 37 too but have decided to repaint my Split box Green one that I had been thinking of selling. Cheers Peter.
  12. Looking forwards to it Andy. Cheers Peter.
  13. Thanks Mate, A lot of the older coaches without NEM pockets have good old Number 5 s. fitted to the bogie. Cheers Peter.
  14. Weathering completed to the two vans today. I have also used the Lima Windows and cut them out as individuals and glued them in flush which looks alot better problem is I will have to do the others now. All my Lima van run on old Mainline or Replica bogies and have the correct 14mm size wheels. Cheers Peter.
  15. Hi Paul, Thanks for clearing up a few things I will certainly look into the Zimo decoders and give the TTS a miss. Cheers Peter.
  16. Hi Jinty, Thanks for the info, I will check out your video's. Looks like the TTS is a no go which is fine it was worth a thought. I am sure I saw your class 37 with sound but not the class 20. I guess you just hard wire the decoders. Cheers Peter.
  17. Hi Jinty. Any extra info on single motoring your Heljan class 20 would be great I am planning to do it on my class 20 and 37. Mainly for the fact that I have a n NCE powercab so the less amps the loco's draw the better, saving money on sound chip will be great. I was wondering If a Hornby TTS chip might work in my class 20. Many thanks Peter.
  18. Thanks Neil, The MK1s have now been finished as have the two blue grey MK2s. Still with work to do the NK2d. and two GUVs which I added transfers too today. The class 33 has been in bits for years and will eventually be 33008. The class 27 will become 005. Cheers Peter.
  19. We used to send down a double train of empties first thing in the morning, it was normally a class 47 but one cold frosty morning a single class 37 turned up. The departure was quite impressive with plenty of wheel slip and sparks coming from the wheels and out of the exhaust and plenty of English Electric Thrash. Cheers Peter.
  20. Hi Simon, The class 27 will become 27005 which was the first class 27 I saw, Way back in 1985. I have always like the Scottish stuff and over the years have built up a small fleet, I have another class 27 some 26s and 37s A couple have been started and are currently waiting for room on the overcrowded workbench. I will post up a pic when I am out in the garage later. I think one day I will have enough to run Scottish stock on Llanbourne I have always thought it would work quite well operating like Inverness. Cheers Peter. Edit to add pics.
  21. Hi Rich, Modelu do 3D printed point rodding bits. along with some very nice 7mm figures. Cheers Peter.
  22. I always wanted to do an oil terminal as I remember seeing all the oil trains heading to Fawley back in the day. I would love to have had the room for a longer siding and be able to run some 100t bogie tanks though these didn't run in North Wales as far as I know. Cheers Peter.
  23. Hi Rich, I called into Llandudno a few years back when I was over on Holiday. As you say there is very little left there now. My wife loves a good castle so we walked round Conwy for a while and I managed to get a pic of a RHTT train with class 37s on it which I have to say was better than the units running up and down. I hope you can get something up and running it's a shame having such nice stock and not being able to run it. Juggling time is a problem we all have so steady work hours certainly helps. I think it's only a matter of time before Dapol or someone will produce some MK2s in 7mm. I think the next few years we will see quite alot of new 7mm stuff coming out. The OAA will get weathered at some point, I try and do a bit of 7mm here and there, once the warmer weather comes I will try and crack on the layout. Cheers Peter.
  24. thanks Andy, I look forwards to your next project. I did notice you had sold Kings Moreton, I didn'y think it would be long before you started something else. If you need anymore pics of the oil depot let me know. Cheers Peter.
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