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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Thanks, All done with hand painting the weathering but will get a slight blow over when I get the spray gun out. Cheers Peter.
  2. thanks Rick, Good job is a lot of the detail is on the model I just need to bring it out with the weathering. Cheers Peter.
  3. Thanks Rob, It seemed to be quite common on the class 25s. Cheers Peter.
  4. 25313 done for now, when I get the air gun out next I might give the roof a light dusting.
  5. I think C, Are you going make the loads removable. I have done it with my oo gauge ballast wagons. Cheers Peter.
  6. Hi Steve, I will be following your progress on this one. Here's a pic from back in the early 90s. Cheers Peter.
  7. Hi Andy, The new extensions looks good, hope you find a place down South soon. Cheers Peter.
  8. Hi Andy, I see what you mean. the way you have done it is certainly the best option. I really must crack on with my layout, just dont seem to be finding the time at the moment. Cheers Peter.
  9. Hi Andy. The new extension looks great but i am a bit worried about that sharp point in the last pic. would it be better to put that as the last point in the siding and use another standard point for where the MOD line comes in. It might flow a bit better. Cheers Peter.
  10. Hi Kevin, Sorry to hear Leaford has to go, is there anyway you can alter it to an end to end without a duck under. Millway Dock is looking good, I do like those USA tanks. Cheers Peter.
  11. Thanks Mark, I don't as much on here as I used to. I always liked the look of my lima 47s it was just the running that let them down, the lima 31s and 20s where quite good too. I even have an old class 40 running with a Bachmann chassis and I think that looks pretty good. Cheers Peter.
  12. Thanks Mate, Hopefully 25313 will be next. Cheers Peter.
  13. Look Good Will, I will follow your progress. I do have some stuff on You tube. but the kink wont work. I will look into another way of doing it. Cheers Peter.
  14. I finished the body of 20223 today and I am pretty happy with how it has come out. I did try and fit the body back on the chassis for a pic but it didn't want to go back on very easily so any tips would be great. Cheers Peter.
  15. Some time ago I picked up a cheap Bachmann class 57 and last year I made a start on on changing the chassis so it could fit a Lima class 47 body. When I left the UK over 20 years ago some friends from my local club gave me a leaving present of a detailed and repainted lima class 47. I numbered and weathered it and it ran on Llanbourne for a number of years until I converted to DCC. It has since then been sat in my display case. So I thought why not give it a new lease of life. I have remembered the loco and given it an orange cantrail stripe.
  16. Hi Will, good to hear you are going ok. EM does look so good when done well. Have you started a thread I will have a look. I have done some video but haven't posted any up for a while since the file size is so small. I will have to look and see if there is another way. Cheers Peter.
  17. Hi Mark, Good to hear from you. I do have a few Scottish locos myself but we always run a few when my mate turns up as he is building a Scotish based layout. Cheers Peter.
  18. The class 40 given to me by a mate has had a bit of detail work done and although it's the earlier Bachmann model it looks pretty good. The weathering on the sides and nose was a bit over done when I compared it to pics of the real 97405 in service so I removed some and I am much happier with the result. Cheers Peter.
  19. Thanks Andy, All good here. I had a Lima class 33 and a conversion kit to make a class 27 but ended up selling it as it was a lot of work. I have seen some done and they look pretty good. Can't blame you being tempted with the new Heljan model it looks great. Just been checking out Seven Mills looks like a good idea it will add a bit more play value. Cheers Peter.
  20. As I mentioned earlier my friend come up the last week and we ran a few trains mostly his stock. One train was an engineer's train. Hauled by a detailed class 40. My friend gave me the loco as he thought I should have 40060/97405 on my layout.
  21. Thanks Will, hows it going? Glad you like the pics, I haven't done a lot of 00 recently as I have been working on some 7mm loco's but the last week has seen some work on a class 40 and 47. Cheers Peter.
  22. Thanks Paul, It's always nice to get a comment rather than just a like though I do appreciate those as well. Cheers Peter.
  23. I was 2, so hadn't started spotting at that point.
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