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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Thanks Kevin, We are going ok. Good to hear you are thinking of doing something else. Cheers Peter.
  2. Hi Kevin, Hope you are well. I am glad Leaford has a new home. I certainly enjoyed my visit and go at operating Leaford. Hope you are enjoying Millway Dock it looks great, any plans for extending it now you have the room. Cheers Peter.
  3. Looking great Nigel. Cheers Peter.
  4. Hi Charlie, Great to hear you are still trading, are you still happy to send to Australia. I need a sound chip. Cheers Peter.
  5. Thanks Rob, The class 20 sounds pretty good. the other loco's need sound but the class 25 has a chip so does run. I need to crack on with the layout so I can run them. Cheers Peter.
  6. It was a real pain to get the body back on my class 20 but got their in the end. I now have three finished locos though the peak needs a chip.
  7. So 9 and 10 are adjacent to the non-existent pin 11 Thanks for that. Cheers Peter.
  8. Thanks Jeff, how do i work out which is 9 and 10? Cheers Peter.
  9. The problem I have is it an older model with no PCB. Cheers Peter.
  10. Hi guys I have a v3.5 sound decoder and was wondering what pins do the speaker wires go to. Looking at doing a bit of a hard wire job. Cheers Peter.
  11. Hi guys looking for advise. I have hard wired a zimo mx645r imto my class 20 it runs and sonds fine i am just wonfering if i can dim down the lights a bit. Also with the blue and brown wire for the fan, can that be soldered to the spare brown function wire from the decoder with the blue going to the common. It would be good if the fan could be turned on and off.
  12. Bit of a headache from being dropped. lol Cheers Peter.
  13. Hi Ian, Sorry to hear about your Crompton dramas but they do look very at home on the layout. Hope you get the handrails sorted. Quick question. Did you make your own point levers or buy them ? I need some for my layout. Cheers Peter.
  14. Bit of a disaster while running a few trains the other night. 31323 had been out of action for some time as I had tried and failed to fit a sound chip. Anyway I put a normal decoder in it cleaned the wheels and and gave it a run on a ballast train. It ran fine until running round in the station when it star t ed to shudder. I picked it up to have a look and dropped the bloody thing. I don't think I have ever dropped a loco on the floor before. Anyway a few hours work today and luckily 31323 is back in service. Cheers Peter.
  15. Well guys I think the newer code 75 does look better. But if your happy with code 100 why not use it. I am not about to ripe mine up.
  16. Thanks Mate, although things could certainly be improved if I had used code 75 track and maybe made my own points but ballasting and weathering track to a good standard certainly helps. Cheers Peter.
  17. Hi Cav, Hows it going haven't seen you on here much recently, I guess you and Alex would have been busy with all your wagon projects. I am really happy with 47245 I always thought the Lima body was pretty good, though I do like my Bachmann models agree the Vitrains was good but the one I had just didn't run as well as the Bachmann. Cheers Peter.
  18. Thanks Will, I think I have mentioned before I wasn't a big fan of the class 47s back in my bashing days but once I was working on the railway I started to quite like them. Cheers Peter.
  19. 101 waits in the platform, 97405 is getting about a bit while on yard duties.
  20. Hi, yes the sides are done that way, though I don't cover the whole sides in gunk I leave some areas clean but yes I use the wipe off method. I find it hard to get the roofs right myself. I use a darker mix and basically paint it on and leave to dry, then a second more thinned coat to give a bit of depth and try and wipe dab with cloth. I do an almost black area around the exhaust port too. Cheers Peter.
  21. Back to some run of the mill North Wales traction.
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