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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Hi Keith, Yes we did, Mums first car, though I think it was a more creamy colour. Cheers Peter,
  2. Hi all, Apart from the Extension I have added a few people to the layout and nearly finished a Beacon Models Metro. 33010 has also had a quick visit to the workbench, I removed the bogie sides to sort out the Kadee hight so while I had the bogies sides off I cut off the centre springs and recessed them. Here are a few pics. 33010 waits to couple up. 25109 ticks over in platform 4. Vic and Dave watch, while Berni does all the work. Cheers Peter,
  3. Hi Alex, Sorry, forgot to add the dates. The Toton pics were 31.5.86 so a bit early for your time period, you could get away with less Peaks. 45104 was on a railtour 25.4.87 . Cheers Peter,
  4. Hi Alex, Looking good, Here are a couple of pics for some more inspiration, not that you need it, at this rate you will be bying blue locos by Spring. Oh 45104 is at Cambridge you said you might do this as a model. Cheers Peter.
  5. Hi Alex, You never know Bachmann might release an 80s condition Peak in there 2010 program. I the mean time you could detail up your 45106 and put it on an early Bachmann chassis. Cheers Peter,
  6. Hi Gary, Well you have been busy, its looking great. I do like the last shot of the 26 waiting for the signal. Cheers Peter,
  7. Hi Bruce, No need to apologies, your pics are fantastic, and so clear, I can almost hear the 37s. Cheers Peter,
  8. A Peak for Grimley. 45103 leaves platform 2 after working in with a Trans-Pennine service. Cheers Peter,
  9. No worries Dave, I see what you mean about the ground signals being off, I had a look at the layout last night and changed a few back to danger, it wasn't until I had a good look that I realised I had so many off. As for working ground signals I am sure I have seen working ones, I think it was Walford Town, there were some very nice signals on that layout. Cheers Peter,
  10. Sorry Mark I missed this post, Peak district, you funny man Hope you are not too cold over there, outside temp here currently 28 at 8.30 pm. This should keep you happy, I have done a bit on the 7mm brake van. I've soldered up the brake gear underneath plus I have made up some axle boxes. Cheers Peter,
  11. Hi Dave, Great to see how it all goes together, Look forwards to seeing the Mk2ds I have a couple to domyself, one of which I would like to do in Scotrail liv. Do you know if the Scotrail BGs used on the push pulls ever strayed and got used on other trains? Cheers Peter,
  12. Hi Arp, More superb pics, of a great layout. keep 'em coming. Cheers Peter,
  13. Hi Pugsley, I think this 37 will be finished before your 4mm stuff. I hope your ETH bits didn't go down the plug hole. As for the lamp brackets I think there were a few 37/4s with the western type I know 37428 had them at one end. Cheers Peter,
  14. Hi Alex, Glad you like the Peaks, and yes Bachmann have released a new model but its a split box job which is a bit early for you, the model which came out a few years ago would be better though that was missing the seam across the nose, plus this loco still has the early grilles on each corner which you could live with, it depends how accurate you want to be. All my models are based on the early Bachmann class 46 release which used a retooled Mainline body. The Bachmann bodys had the right grilles but the nose is a bit low by about 2mm, a couple of my Peaks have Mainline bodys which like the newer Bachmann loco have the wrong grilles on the corner, my model of 45111 has an etch over the grilles but I only did the one loco as I don't think they looked that good. There are differences between 45/0 and 1s as well. Your best bet is to find a few pics of the one you want to do. I am quite happy to give you more info when you need it. It's a bit of a minefield. I had 45104 on a railtour it had wooden nameplates and orange and white linning, 45110 is on my todo list as well, as it had an orange cant rail line plus I have a few pics of the loco at Bristol. My Tinsley namer is 45103 Griffon, it was one of the first to get a painted name so just fits into my time period. 45110 was named Medusa if thats any help Replica did the nameplates as rub on transfers. As far as I know the Peaks were wihdrawn in August 1988 but 45106 was painted green and lasted until 1989 not sure of what month though. Hope I have helped, and not confused you. Cheers Peter,
  15. Hi Mark, Happy new year to you and yours, That sounds like the train I was on. 20.10.90 31434 26025 Manchester- Barrow and back though I bailed at Preston on the return as I was staying in Blackpool that week. I will post a couple of pic when I get the chance. I didn't like the width problem on the Heljan 47s so stuck with my Lima locos though I am replacing them with Bachmann now. Cheers Peter,
  16. If you are still there Jeff the best I can do is the Laundry trough, Cheers Peter,
  17. Hi Jon, Yes, though back in the Lima days I did have a few 37s as well, I always liked the Scottish ones best, but Peaks are a favourite. Cheers Peter,
  18. Hi Kevin, Nice pics, I do like the crane, I have only got a far as buying the Dapol kit. One of the many things on my to do list. Cheers Peter,
  19. Hi Alex, I will be following your depot progress, I will dig out some of my Toton pics and scan them when I get a chance. As for Peaks you can never have enough. Here are my Peaks so far, still more to do. Cheers Peter,
  20. Thanks Mark, Yes thats the plan, I am going to put a colour light signal with route indicator just before the bridge, I already have one near the station so will proably use that. Cheers Peter,
  21. Happy New Year everyone, I have had a bit of time in the garage since Christmas and relayed part of the extension and fiddleyard. Some of you may know that I wasn't happy with how things were going, so after a bit of a rethink I have come up with this, and I am much happier with it. The hidden branch line has been moved and is now easier to clean, the Junction has gone which will make the senic break better and because there is less track entering the fiddleyard the sidings are longer and the whole fiddleyard is less complex, and will be easier to use. The junction will now be off scene, imagined to be just past the overbridge that will form the senic break. On the pic below I have placed a tunnel mouth and some wood to show where the senic break will be. The first pic shows how it was. Cheers Peter,
  22. Hi Mark, Happy New Year, The fiddle yard is looking good I have been redoing mine, it's very tempting to fill it full of trains but Ihave still got to wire it up. Cheers Peter,
  23. Hi Kevin, No worries, I didn't see it but was told one of the DCWA 50s like 50042 pictured above, did work a ballast out of Eastleigh one Sunday, so you could have one on ballast. Pretty sure 50002 'Superb' was a Mule loco NSSA. Cheers Peter,
  24. Hi Kevin, Happy New Year to you and your family, Thanks for the pics. Nice one of the class 50, I remember seeing a NSE 50 arriving at Eastleigh on a special MOD train from Dinton, I uncoupled the loco and it went LE straight back to Salisbury. Cheers Peter,
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