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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Hi Kevin, I like the last lot of pics, Must admit that 33's are one of my favorites, and that Slim Jim looks great. Here is a pic of 33212 storming through Brockenhurst on a troop train. Cheers Peter
  2. Hi Jeff, Cromptons, your class 24 and anything new that I haven't heard. Oh your blue grey CIG I haven't seen one yet. See you Saturday. Cheers Peter,
  3. Hi Dave, I have just been catching up on your thread, the coaches look great. I really need to improve mine, did you use transfers for the red/blue and white lining ? I quite like the idea of doing a Scotrail one to mix in with my Euston - Holyhead trains I remember seeing one on a Manchester - Poole train so I guess they did stray from Scotland accasionaly. I noticed that you have changed the wheels, I looks like one of the coaches has 14mm wheels and I am sure they should have 12mm wheels. The Deltic vid is great can't wait to see a pair of 33s on a railtour, they would sound cool. Cheers Peter,
  4. Hi Gary, Thats a shame, I will have to do another one later in the year. If SRman comes down I think their is a good chance of at least a few. Cheers Peter,
  5. Yes, the escort is on the bridge, I really must get some cars weathered up they all look to clean. Cheers Peter,
  6. Hi Guys, Hijacking is fine by me, though I think Dave has it down to a fine art. As for Kestrel I think it's the best of the prototypes, and the livery looked great, so I don't blame anyone for buying one, the model I saw last year really looked good and captured the look of the real thing very well. Thanks for the link James, I had left the UK buy 1996 but would have loved to have done that railtour. I think it was about 96 when a Pusher and TC set went to Scotland, it was used for filming Mission Impossible I think. This is nearer your time period Dave. On the 25.10.86 I travelled on the Eden Serpent Railtour to Carlisle, not quite Scotland but could have been extended to Waverley. Power for the day was 33202 & 33207, two Hellfire Beasts. One problem was that the LMR had decided Carlisle had no spare platform, so the plan was to go via the Upperby curve and come straight back. Thing is while waiting at Upperby yard to come back 37259 was attached to the rear of the train and pulled us back into Carlisle station. So we did get a pair to Carlilse in the end, and I do have a few very dark pics of the Cromptons and 37 at Carlisle. Oh happy days. Hi Mark, I will try and take some pics on the running day, who knows what will turn up. Cheers Peter,
  7. Hi Jon, I've been out in the garage tonight trying to get things working, I will post a few more pics next week. Hi Dave, Glad you like the Crompton, They are a great little loco, You could always run a pair on a railtour. Not sure how you would get away with Kestrel though. I must admit I have a Scottish 37/4 and a 26. Maybe one day I could run Llanbourne as a Scottish terminal. Cheers Peter,
  8. Hi All, Lack of updates recently due to the computer having a bit of a melt down. Anyway things are back to normal now, and I have been busy in the garage trying to get things working for Saturdays BRMA meeting. I will post some pics when I get a chance. It looks like some pics from further up the page have disappeared so I have made them smaller. Cheers Peter,
  9. Hi Flood, The layout is looking great, I can't wait to see some pics with stock filling those sidings. Cheers Peter,
  10. P.C.M

    33/0 - loose ends

    Hi Andy, I have followed your progress on this one as I am a bit of a Crompton fan. She looks really good, I think the green really suits the 33s though I never saw one in service. One of the mods I did on my 33s was to narrow down the Fuel tank saction by 2mm so that it sits in line with the chassis and not the body, I think some of the later locos had this fixed, and yours my be ok but I am not sure from looking at your pictures. Just though it may be of interest to you. Cheers Peter,
  11. Hi Kevin, I like the lastest pics, the pusher on the vans is great. Hi scott, Have a look at Brian Daniels workbench thread, he has been doing a 7mm warflat and has plenty of pictures of the real thing. Cheers Peter,
  12. Hi Jeff, Yes they did let me back in. As for the Pusher at Swanage that was a beast, I might have to get a Heljan one now,even though they didn't run on the North Wales Coast. Cheers Peter,
  13. Hi Bro, Arrived here early this morning, had some good sleep on the long section between Heathrow and Singapore but ###### all on the short bit just a mere 7 hours so had a bit of a snooze this morning. Still feeling tired though. The weather is a bit warmer, and I am guessing the bloody green one. Anyway great to catch up and see everyone, I had a great time, Tell the girls, Abbie and Leanne loved the presents, Abbie is off round a friends now wearing the scarf. Tell James I found some Top Gear cards at Heathrow so will send them over soon. All the best Peter,
  14. Love the latest pics flood, very nice. Cheers Peter,
  15. Hi Doug, Don't change the rules, I am running out of money, Suit case is already a problem, and I haven't bought that much honest. Cheers Peter,
  16. Thanks guys, I have been having a good time. I didn't know about the red stripe 31 I might have to put that on my wants list. My brothers 40th was a great night, I caught up with some friends I haven't see since 2003,and some since 1995. Alot of the people at the party work for tha railway as did the live band so there was plenty of train talk. Last week Keith (yellowvanman) and James son of yellowvanman took the yellow van for a spin down to Swanage for the day as 33111 was out, so I had my first Crompton bash since about 1989. It was HELLFIRE !! 33111 is in great condition and sounded great though I was told by one of the share holders that the cabs still need a bit of work, also had a ride on the Spamcan, and saw 33103 at Corfe Castle picking up a wagon. Today we went to Eastleigh and saw a few freights and two EDs shunting in the works, though had to get the bus home from southampton as the EH to Westbury trip derailed near MIllbrook. Cheers Peter,
  17. Hi Mark, I am over here at the moment, staying for a couple of weeks, It's my brothers (yellowvanman) 40th this week so I thought I would come over and suprize the old fart. I am back at the end of the month so will post it on here for you then, though I will ask my brother if he has a pic, from memory my pic of the loco was before it was named. Cheers Peter, Will someone turn the heating on!!!
  18. No progress this week as I have had a bad back, though I did go to work today. I did go out to the garage tonight and take a few pics. 25109 was waiting on the branch with a failed 108 DMU, after 33026 passed, going LE to the shed the 25 made its way to platform 4. Cheers Peter,
  19. Hi Alex, Wish my woodworking skills were as good as yours, the shed is looking great. Cheers Peter,
  20. Hi Leon, Glad you like 'em if I can get the scanner to work, I will post a few more. I have a few pics of ballast trains one with Dutch 37012 up front. Back in 95 there were a few parcel trains about normally with a RES 47, are you planning a parcels? I noticed you had a few RES BGs. A nice 37 would be better than a class 66, if you buy one they will take over, just like the real thing. Cheers Peter,
  21. Hi again, I dug out a few pics a bit of inspiration for you, hope they help. Cheers Peter,
  22. Hi Leon, I have been following your thread for a while and must say its really looking good, the colouring of the track looks spot on nice touches of detail too not to clutttered. Your low releif warehouses look ok grey a bit of darkish weathering may improve them rather than a different colour, though I do like the blue you have already done on the others. One of my last trips out before moving to Oz was to Newport and Cardiff in 1994.Plenty of 37s 47s 60s are you going to get any Dutch livery 37s? I seem to remember there were a few about even saw a 37 with Transrail markings. Cheers Peter,
  23. And you were replying to me when I was replying to you. I have a pic of 975 if its any use to you. Cheers Peter,
  24. Hi Mark, You must have been posting here when I was posting over on your thread, because I mentioned the pics. Glad you like them. A Reggie rail 31 would look nice though a bit late for me, I did get a pic or two in North Wales when they were working the Manchester- Llandudno and Bangor trains. Cheers Peter,
  25. Thanks for the coments guys, I haven't done much this last week as it been to hot out in the garage, and to top things of I have hurt my back so I am walking around like a cripple. I am back to the Chiropractor today. Hi Jim, Glad the 31 pic bought back some memories, I have another Hornby loco to do as 31403, but must admit I do like the Lima moulding, someone on RMweb did athread on putting the Lima shell on the Hornby chassis, though the Ultrascale wheels will improve things. Kier Hardy ( Wibble) on here, has a useful section on his website on fitting Ultrascale wheels and extra pick ups to Lima locos, might be worth a look. One of my Lima 31s is a Skinhead I will find a pic for you. I didn't know about the Shawplan 25 grilles, as you say the A1 jobs are a bit chunky. Another job to add to the list. Cheers Peter,
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