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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Hi Dave, Love the black and white pics, I have been meaning to ask you where you got the lights that you already have on your layout, they look a bit like the non working ones on Llanbourne. Cheers Peter,
  2. Hi Merfyn, The open top bus is a Bristol VR111 in green white and yellow livery with 'Happy Dragon' written in the yellow. Shame about the National a couple of those would look quite good, I do have a kit of a single door National with shorter wheel base I might have to build that if its any good. The numberplates were a success, I think you will be pleased with one of the Bedfords I have done, I will post a pic later. Yes the destination on the National will get changed. You asked the other day where I imagine Llanbourne to be, and I hope you don't mind but in my ficticous world I have done away with Llandudno and Llandudno Junction and in its place is Llanbourne which acts as a through terminus where trains have a loco change or as with the Cardiff and Crewe trains, the loco runs round. Cheers Peter,
  3. Hey Jeff, Thanks for that. I did it and it worked a treat. Thanks Leanne (SWMBO)
  4. Hi Jeff, Thanks for the info on the bus I might have a go at that, I can make it one of those jobs I can do while I am waiting for glue or paint to dry, or when I get only a small amount time in the garage. I will also have a go at some numberplates too, now you have explained it. Cheers Peter,
  5. Thanks guys, To be honest the signals over here have always confused me, though thats not hard. Rick, I didn't mention a time for next Saturday, it's 1.30 if you can make it. Here are a couple of pics I took down Warrnambool and Portland last year. Cheers Peter,
  6. Graham & Merfyn, Thanks for the info on the buses, I have taken a pic of my other one. I also have a kit of a shorter single door Leyland, I noticed an open top Bristol on Ebay yesterday, did they get out on the coast? it looks quite good. I have also made an improvement on my Bedford van, a picture posted by Merfyn made me realise the wheels looked to wide, so I cut the axles down and glued it all back together. Looks heaps better I think. Cheers Peter,
  7. Hi Jeff, SWMBO had a go at doing some numberplates today but our computer dosn't have a font size smaller than 8. Cheers Peter,
  8. Great thread this Rick, I have been meaning to post a few so here goes. Cheers Peter,
  9. Hi Doug, Nice pics mate, I need to get some more people on my layout it certainly livens thing up. Not sure if I mentioned a time for next Saturday, but its 1.30 onwards. Cheers Peter,
  10. Hi Neil, Only a deaf person wouldn't notice your DCC. Thanks for the offer, but I will leave it for know though I will keep it in mind. Any time after 1.30 next Saturday, not sure if I mentioned that. Cheers Peter,
  11. Hi BMG, They are Bachmann ones, I am not sure if they are still available in that livery I bought mine when they first came out. Cheers Peter,
  12. Thanks again Merfyn, I though the Transit and Escort would be pushing it though they will do for now. I do have a bus in plain green I will take a pic for you, I have seen a pic somewhere of a bus with the front part painted red but I haven't seen a model of one, not sure if it was a Crosville but it was at Llandudno. Cheers Peter,
  13. Thanks 158722, There are a few model shops locally so I can get paint and a few senic bits, there is also a model railway shop about an hour away which is quite good, plus I pick up things at Exhibitions. Most of my stock I buy from the UK which isn't to bad as the VAT gets knocked off which helps cover the postage. I wish I had found the North Wales coast earlier in my spotting days it wasn't until the late 80s early 90s that I spent any time there. Oh what I would give for a time machine. Cheers Peter,
  14. Thanks Merfyn, Thats unreal actual numberplates for HAs in North Wales and a piccy, I am suprised they lasted as long as they did. I thought I was pushing it a bit having one on Llanbourne in 1986. It looks like my weathering is a bit over the top, but my railway Transit used to get pretty dirty. I have another HA so will do the black grille and bumpers. It looks like a Sherpa in the pic it would be nice if someone did a model of those. I also have an old Transit and a MK1 Escort railway van did you have any of those? Thanks again cheers Peter,
  15. Thanks Jeff, I will have to see if my printer will do that size and have a go. Good luck with the layout it sounds like you have got it sorted, have you managed to keep the branch? Cheers Peter,
  16. Hi Alex, Great to hear from you, The weather here is still quite warm but we did get a few thunderstorms come through the other day. I took a few pics when I walked the dog and luckly didn't get wet. I love the numberplate I might just have to do that. The 47 is an early Bachmann blue job and when I varnished it last night it lifted some of the yellow and attacked the Gateshead transfers. I have rubbed down the yellow ready to repaint it but the transfers will have to stay they look ok from about 12 inches away which I will live with for now, even close up its not to bad but I know I can do better. Here is the pic I took the other day, just to prove its not always sunny. The other pic is for the plan spotters a P40 at the local Tyabb airshow. Cheers Peter,
  17. I am not having much luck with painting 47418, so though I would take a few pics instead. What do you think of the BR van, I gave it a coat of matt varnish! Does anyone do numberplate sheets for 4mm cars? 25109 shunts Ferryvans. 47535 leaves with a short van train to Bangor. 33202 sits on the shed headshunt. Cheers Peter,
  18. Hi Doug, Sounds like you have a bit of a job there, good luck with the gradients. Cheers Peter,
  19. Hi Jeff, If you make a donation to the forum ( I am sure you were going to anyway) I will call the boys off. So have you made a start on the new layout? any track plans you want to share. Cheers Peter,
  20. Thanks Graham, Glad you like it, though there are times when I am tempted to rip it up and start again. Cheers Peter,
  21. Have you now, You better tell what you are going to do as you my be infringing on Llanbourne's Copywright.
  22. Thanks Mark, I 've not seen you on here for a while, good to hear from you. Cheers Peter,
  23. Hi Mark, looking good, wiring is my least favourite thing but its good once you have done it as you can play trains. I have almost finished wiring my extesion, and I will put point motors in the fiddleyard eventually. Whats next on the to do list for Rannock Moor? Cheers Peter,
  24. Hi Rick, yes thats the one, thanks. I have been looking for something to use for the entrance to my fiddleyard and that might do the job, though I haven't worked it all out yet. Cheers Peter,
  25. Hi Rick, The latest pics look great, love the shot of the 47 on vans. I think I asked you once before, but what is the make of the overbridge by the station? Cheers Peter,
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