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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Hi Merfyn, I like the look of the yellow FG, How long did they last? Reason I ask is I think there is a picture of one on my layout thread, posted by Coachmann on page 16 post 395. dated 1985 just wondering if its parked up out of use or still being used. Cheers Peter.
  2. Hi, Yep that looks great. Looks like another job for you Grimley. Cheers Peter.
  3. Hi Merfyn, thanks for that, the posh toilet made me laugh. I worked at Eastleigh Depot for a while and one of the regular signalmen who worked the groundframe used to spend a fair bit of time in the little room he was well happy when it got a repaint. He would let us know when he was going to disappear for a while and would set the road for us to get to the box then we could help ourselves. Hi Stu and Dave, Thanks any pics or drawings would be great. The "hamster squashing" squeal got me thinking, Dave you could send your video to Howes and get a sound chip made up, then put a speaker under each point. Cheers Peter.
  4. Hi Merfyn, Thanks that would be great, no rush though I have a few things on the go at the moment. I must say I like how it looked in the 80s a lot better. Have they rebuilt the base or just cleaned it and filled in the windows? looks like they have moved the steps too. Is the toilet in a seperate building or in the base? One last question what is a 47 on steel doing at the station? Thanks again cheers Peter.
  5. Thanks Dave, I think doing Llandudno box could be the go then. Holyhead box is a big ######, here are a couple of slides, one shows the point motors bit fuzzy though. Cheers Peter.
  6. Hi Dave, Sorry station, I figure that one would be about right as Llanbourne is similar in size to Llandudno. I have just been out to the garage to find some slides of Holyhead as I thought I had one showing the point motors, I will scan them and put them up later. Cheers Peter.
  7. Hi Dave, Thanks for that they look spot on, I had a look at Colins website but couldn't find the point motors, but as I will only need to do two points I might have a go at scratch building a few. Llanbourne's new signal box project has hit a problem, I had a go at converting a Scenecraft signalbox, ie swapping toilet and steps around, thing is it broke and although I think its repairable I think it looked a bit small. So I will use the window frames and scratch build one. So if you have any pics of Llandudno's signalbox that would help. Cheers Peter.
  8. Hi Mark, Oh yes, but I would need a bigger garage. My 7mm layout can be built along the back of the house. Cheers Peter.
  9. Thanks Jack, It's not the best pic but you should get the idea. Cheers Peter.
  10. Hi Pete, Last pics I took are from March, I haven't done much since, apart from add some buffer stops which are pictured on page 17. I have ordered some wills stone and girder bits so I can make a start on the bridge that leads to the fiddle yard. I am also planning to add detail around the trackwork, Point motors etc. I was going to buy the Peco ones but I noticed North Wales has smaller ones. Here are a few pics taken in March. It's all up and running i just need to get a couple more Kadee uncoupling magnets. Cheers Peter.
  11. Thanks Doug, I don't get that much time the 47 has taken ages to get this far. I try and get Four or Five nights a week plus today I had a few hours this afternoon during the week I try and get a few hours a night. Plus I am not rebuilding my House. Cheers Peter.
  12. Keeping the car theam going I have just finished an XR3i and I have changed a 2.8i Capri to look like a friends 1.6 GL with vinyl roof, we had a few good trips in this car so it had to be done. We did brake down once though, coming back from Reading after seeing 'New Model Army' play at Reading Uni. We were on the Motorway just outside Winchester at about 1.00 in the morning and the temp gauge went off the dial we coasted to a stop, and had a look under the bonnet, we had lost all water so I grabbed a bait box and went down the embankment to look for water. I didn't have a torch so I am not sure how I would have found any. Next thing I know is the Police are shinning a light on me and telling to come back to the car. they looked at the car and having a torch helped as they noticed the water pump had a crack in it. So no amount of water would have helped. Anyway after some negotiation they agreed to give us a lift to Eastleigh as they were going there anyway. I sat in the back behind the passenger seat and could see the speed we were doing at one point the BMW was doing a steady 130 mph. I didn't take long to get to Eastleigh station and we managed to get on a staff train home. I have also been working on a couple of old Lima Sealions, I have given them some Cambrian bogies and added steps I wont be adding the safety cages as I have a pic of some during 1987 without them. These wagons will go into a mixed rake with Dogfist and Catfish and my newer Bachmann Seacows will be mixed with a Whale or two that I haven't built yet. 47106 is also nearer to being finished I put the glazing and handrails back on today. Cheers Peter.
  13. Hi Dave, Sorry I didn't reply earlier, I did read your post then forgot all about it. I would quite like a red Capri so I may do your one at some point, I didn't have Cib Bees on my mk2 Escort but had some cheapie spot lights from Halfords, I think they are still in Dads garage. Cheers Peter.
  14. Hi Gareth, I did send a PM the other day but I am not sure if it's working as I have sent a few this week and had no reply. I was wondering if you have any 150s left as I have been thinking about getting one for a while now, but haven't had cash. Also do you remove VAT as I live in Australia. Many thanks Peter.
  15. Love the lastest pics, I would love to see any video you have Bruce. Here are a couple more from me, one shows the 101 trailer car used as an obsrevation coach, that John mentioned. Cheers Peter.
  16. Hi Mark, I can't make it to Perth, so will have to keep watching your thread. The latest detailing looks good, I like what you have done to the shed. It's all the extra little details that make the difference. Cheers Peter.
  17. Hi Gary, It's the trains 4 u 150 I am thinking of getting. It look to good to pass up. Cheers Peter.
  18. Hi Dave, Thanks for that, I am thinking of getting a 150 for Llanbourne, I heard a sound fitted one at the weekend and although I disliked the real units it did sound pretty good. Re the bodge, I won't tell anyone. Cheers Peter.
  19. Hi Dave, I should have said my pic shows a 101 DMU sorry. While I am here is it easy to change the headcodes in the 150? Cheers Peter.
  20. Hi Claggy, Glad to see 37114 is getting a bit of use in the Caolisport area, makes a change from the 37/4s. Looks pretty real to me. Cheers Peter.
  21. Hi Dave, Glad my original pic help you out. 37043 looks good now she is finished. I like the 150 as well, does your pic show the power car? I would like to see how those etches look, I have been thinking about getting one but the lack of interior had put me off a bit. Have a look at Jim S Ws thread he has just done some work on his 150, he may have solved the problem. I look forwards to the 107 Always like the Strathclyde liv. Cheers Peter.
  22. Hi Mark, I am happy with the buffer stops, I really need to do some more work on the extension but cars have taken my interest at the moment. A VW camper and another Capri arrived today. The workbench is a bit full at the moment, cars a class 47 two Lima Seacows and I have started a small building to add onto the side of the warehouse. Hopfully I will add some more pics this week, I am having trouble finding time to get out there at the moment. Cheers Peter.
  23. Thanks Bernard, I found a pic of my friends Capri W reg and in the same pic is a friends Cortina T reg both have the same wheels. Cheers Peter.
  24. Here are a couple of Monington Tourist Railways T class. I haven't seen this loco working for a while, the other T class is having some paintwork done and the K class is in bits though should be back working by September. Cheers Peter.
  25. Hi Melly, Nice car, I only ever owned sh1t heaps so an XR3i was out of my price range, insurance was always an issue for us young blokes anything sporty and they used to sting you. Cheers Peter.
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