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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Hi Dave, Pics and video brilliant, the 107 looks spot on the only thing missing is all the smoke they used to spew out. I am not sure if you are planning to couple it with your other units but if not I would be tempted to take off the NEM pocket and fit some Craftsman DMU pipework. I did it on my 108s and it looks pretty good. Cheers Peter.
  2. Hi Mark, Always good to see your updates, your wiring looks neater than mine. The 37 looks nice and grimey, and it looks like you have some wagons to weather. Cheers Peter.
  3. Hi Jeff, Are you going to Dougs next week? I am just thinking if you could bring one of your 150s so I can see if the ride high is the same on both vehicles. The 142 hasn't been painted just weathered, it is quite a good match. Hi Doug, Yep should be up to see you next week, and check out all that work you have been doing. I didn't get much time on the layout this weekend, not after cleaning the house, walking the mutt, cutting grass, splitting wood, walking the mutt, fixing the chainsaw, trying to find the leak in the car, etc. Hi Keith, Thanks for that, it just reminds me of a time when trains came further down the list than going down the pub. Cheers Peter.
  4. Thanks for the comments everyone. Hi Keith, Any pics from North Wales would be good, I have a few unit pics but as you say we didn't take much notice back then. I know we weren't happy when Sprinters started to appear, as it meant the end to loco hauled trains. Hi Larry, Glad to see you back on here hope you are feeling better, thanks for the pics always helpful, I have seen the bottom pic in your book which helps with the colour of the box. Hi Mark, Give it time and they will probably do one in provincial livery, I looked at getting one in the later livery like yours but it was a bit out of my time period. Hi Merfyn, I think I have enough pics for now, if I need more pics when I start building I will give you a shout. Hi Mark, I am hoping to be able to run the 150 with the 142 and some point depends if I can lower the 142. That is a nice pic of the 20s leaving on passenger I am quite happy with my work there, sometimes I suprise myself with how good I am. Seriously though I do have some 20s which I run on Passenger, I might have to give them a run in the week. Hi Rick, Thanks, I see you have been busy too. Hopefully I will get a chance this week to do more on the Extension. Cheers Peter.
  5. G'day, As some of you know I ordered a Train4U 150 last Thursday and it arrived yesterday. So a big thanks to Gareth and the team, great service. The model looks great the livery looks spot on the unit runs well but the power car has a slight wobble it looks like one wheel isn't on quite straight so I should be able to fix it no probs. One thing I did notice is that the power car is just a little higher than the trailer, has anyone had this problem? It looks like the body is on the chassis ok. I took a few pics of the 150 with a 142 and it dosn't look to bad just a bit high, I might see if I can put some smaller wheels on the 142 anyone done that? 47106 is now running ok, I did have a problem with the loco coming of the track on a curve but I have fixed it know. Cheers Peter.
  6. Hi Flood, Hope the layout runs well at the members day, I don't think you will have a shortage of 47 power. Cheers Peter.
  7. Hi Brian, Look forwards to seeing a Heljan 26 on your workbench when it comes out then. A 26/0 would look good, with there Oval buffers glillles etc. Shame you have no room for a Scottish shed layout, but I think if you keep building all these loco's you will have to move house eventually so you may have room then. I must admit I think the 27 is a tad better than a 26 probably because I had haulage on a few on the Dundee trains so got to hear the thrash from the front coach. The 27/2 had extra grilles didn't they always thought they looked quite good. Looks like the JLTRT 33 will be out about the same time as the Heljan 33, it will be interesting to see how they compare. Cheers Peter.
  8. Hi Dave, Thanks for posting the pics of your 150, I think the etch does a pretty good job. My trains4U 150 should be on its way I might have to order one of Pete's etches. Love the LE class 27 pics. Cheers Peter.
  9. Hi Brian, You're just rubbing it in now, all those 24,25,26 & 27 looks great you should build a scottish loco shed. Will you be getting a Heljan 26 when it comes out? Your 27 has come up really well you must be well happy with it. Cheers Peter,
  10. Oh a class 37 pushing a steam powered snowplough. Cheers Peter.
  11. Hi Jim, If I hack off the wheel trims and make them more like the rear wheels on the truck would that be ok? I only put them on as they were in the kit. So I think I will be able to hack them off. The Livery is based on a firm from Southampton, 'Philips Transport' plus I saw a Kenworth over here recently in a similar livery, not really suitable for north Wales but I quite like it, the livery that is, not the Kenworth. Cheers Peter.
  12. Hi Dave, Yeah, with you there mate thanks. Merfyn said it had had some work done. one of his first pics shows it in 80s condition with windows in the base outside bog different steps better looking windows. Cheers Peter.
  13. Hi Alex, I think you could get away with a few Duffs, even a Large Logo one. I am thinking you have enough to do with all those Peco Inspection pits for now though. Cheers Peter.
  14. Hi Claggy, Hopefully you will be able to get out and grab a few pics for us then. Cheers Peter.
  15. Hi Keith, thanks yeah pic of the week cool. Dak Dak in the post on its way to you. Thanks Greg81, I am pretty happy with them, 47612 is next. Thanks mr miles 73129, If it reminds you of Llandudno then I have done alright. It will look even better when I build the roof. Hi Mark, Glad you like them I did a few extra things on 47106 so 418 and 535 will have to be upgraded at some point. The signalbox pics are good, Merfyn is a top man for taking the pics, the wonders of RMweb. After thinking about it I realised a 150 in Provincial liv is a must have and has been ordered so watch this space. Thanks Dave, As I said another 47 on the workbench as we speak, plus I need to get on with the extension. Well chuffed about pic of the week, not sure how it gets chosen. I had only just finished posting the pics and it was at the top of the page. Hi Jeff, Your 150 did sound good, BUT not as good as a class 20,25, 33,37,40,45,47. Cheers Peter.
  16. Hi Merfyn, I think I will try and do some of them then. Cheers Peter.
  17. here are a couple of pics taken today. 47106 is almost done I noticed when I was taking the pics the buffers need more work, apart from that she will be up and running once the wheels are cleaned. I need to give the track a clean too. Here 47106 arrives on the 7D14 Speedlink from Warrington, then shunting VGAs in the yard, 47418 is on the fuel point. Last pic is my almost finished DAF. Cheers Peter.
  18. Hi Merfyn, Thanks so much for doing that, they are great pics and will help me heaps. Next time I am in the Uk I will come up and buy you a beer or three. I like the idea of doing the relay room as well I have the room to do it. Cheers Peter.
  19. Hi all, 47106 shunts the yard at Llanbourne. Cheers Peter.
  20. Hi Mark, Thanks for the link, There are some nice pics, I will have to go back and have a better look. I like the first pic as it shows some detail of the station roof which I will try and build at some point. As for the 150 I ordered one yesterday, I can have it parked in a siding with fitters looking at it and put on a loco hauled replacement. Seriously though I do like the model and that livery, running it with a Pacer might be hard though because a while back I put one of my Pacers next to a friends 150 and the Pacer looked a bit big, I think the old pacer just might be a bit on the chunky side. Glad you like the layout, I am going out to the garage tonight to finish 47106 so will put some pics up in a day or two. Cheers Peter.
  21. Thanks, Those pics are great, feel free to post some more if you like. More detailed pics of the grey power pack would be great. Cheers Peter.
  22. Hi Dave, Thanks for the link, those pics are going to be very helpful I might even try and do the small section of rodding that goes along the side. Cheers Peter,
  23. Hi Pete, Good luck with the layout, I bought a Lima class 33 and a Nigel Stanley conversion kit to convert it to a 27 last year. I was only going to built a wagon but seeing Brian Danials thread has got me in. I went back to the UK in Feb and caught up with a few friends, all have 7mm stuff I was visiting a friend one morning and looking at all his 7mm stuff when a parcel arrived, he came up the stairs with a big smile on his face and proceeded to unpack a new Heljan class 20. Maybe when I finish my 4mm stuff I will get a bit more done as you say it's not cheap, but boy does it look good. Cheers peter.
  24. Thanks Dave, Those pics are very useful, and will help me get some dimensions. From other pics I have seen it looks like the power packs vary a bit. Cheers Peter.
  25. Hi Merfyn, Thanks I might get one and have it parked by the station they look quite good, I can live wih the roof line being a bit low. Did you notice the numberplate. Cheers Peter,
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