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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Hi Doug, If I build an exhibition layout it would be just your basic DCC to control loco's . Computer control sounds like trouble to me, as I don't get on well with the things. Plus I don't own a lap top let alone an old one. Far to easy to throw. Cheers Peter.
  2. Hi Dave, I think you are right, I did the same when I converted to Kadee's though they are cheaper than sound chips. Cheers Peter. Yes the Signal box, on my todo list.
  3. Hi Flood, Some great pics on your fotopic site, some I had'nt seen before. I do like 37033 with its yellow Highland Rail sticker, nice. Next time I am on my Fotopic site which I haven't updated in ages, I will add you to my links section. Cheers Peter.
  4. Hi Gary, I heard SRmans 150 and thought it was pretty good with the door close noise etc. I am thinking about a class 20 next, then send it off to hows for a reblow. Cheers Peter.
  5. Hi Pete, I had this conversation a few pages back, A few people over here have been trying to talk me round. They know who they are. It basically comes down to money at the moment and the amount of loco's I would have to chip. I do have a sound 25 and 47 though. To be honest I have been thinking of building a small exhibition layout to run some blue diesels on as there is nothing in the Melbourne area. I would build this DCC and have a few sound loco's and I am pretty sure some friends would be happy to run theirs. Cheers Peter.
  6. Hi Mark, Just been looking at your thread, the brige has come up a treat, nice work. Thanks mate I am happy with the new section now, the sweeping curves was something I wanted to achieve, it would be nice if I had a bit more room to make the section longer but we can't have everything, I have more room than some. I am happy with the oil terminal now and it's all wired up and working, so now it's down to senics and ballasting. I do have buildings to do on the station part of the layout so that should be next. I have a blue 31/4 to do they used to get really dirty so you will have fun doing it when you get one. Funny you mention Carnforth again I was looking through a book the other day and there is a nice pic of a class 25 on a rake of Dogfish Catfish and Sealions shunting in the yard, it's nice to see a pic of where some of Llanbourne's trains come from I am sure I have seen a pic somewhere with a 31 leaving on a ballast it looks like it was a busy place. As I said to Claggy an 08 with sound is down the list a bit but i could be tempted with a Hornby one, if it's any good. Cheers Peter.
  7. Hi Claggy, Thanks for the offer mate but a sound 08 is way down the list, I am not even DCC yet. As Mark said Hornby are bringing one out so if that one is any good I could be tempted. I certainly spent plenty of time in the cab or on the front step flying up and down Eastleigh Yard on 08 and 09s, so do remember the sound quite well. Cheers Peter.
  8. Hi Gary, Both my 08s are Hornby I think they have the edge over the Bachmann loco. I have seen a light fitted one though I think it would be a tight fit, sound would be good, not sure were you fit the speaker. Cheers Peter.
  9. Hi all, Back on page 22 I said I was changing the trackplan on the new section. I finished relaying and wiring the other week so played trains for about a week mainly to check the new section was going to work how I wanted it. Everthing worked well though a few loco's needed a service and wheels cleaned. Since then I have just been tinkering with a few wagons on the workbench. I should be getting on with a Bachmann 47 that 's in bits but felt like a change. I was also given some lights for the garage so I put them up last weekend and it has brightened up the extension and fiddle yard area a fair bit. Pics below show 08472 shunting TTAs into the new oil terminal, and 33202 coupling up to some ECS. Cheers Peter.
  10. Hi Doug, Just started to write this post and your PM arrived. I was going to ask if the transfers arrived. Glad they will be of use, I gave you the option of Eastfield or Inverness, I am sure you will find a use for the spare ones. Sorry there is no large double arrow but I didn't have any, though you can get them from Fox transfers. The Gresley looks great, I am pretty sure I have transfers for that, I will have a look, I think they are Presfix ones. Cheers Peter.
  11. Hi Jon, Pics look great, as James said the track and ballast look superb. What layout plans do you have? The Deltics would look great siting on shed. my only memories are seeing them storming up the ECML just North of Kings Cross. I think they would look good on a set of air cons, though you will need a bit of room for that. Cheers Peter.
  12. Hi Claggy, I must admit I was worried that the ferry might look a bit big and over power the station area, but it looks great. You must be well happy. Cheers Peter.
  13. Hi Dave, Thanks again, I was in a model shop yesterday and had a look at some Hornby coach wheels I compared them with some others and realised that they would be to small so didn't buy them. I did think that maybe the wheels from Hornby's newer coaches like the Pullmans might be the go. You are right about the hight being only half a mil but as I don't have any spare Bachmann wheels I might just give the Hornby ones a shot. Cheers Peter.
  14. Hi Captain, Point rodding looks good, certainly worth doing. I still have more to do on Llanbourne, just wish I had done it before ballasting etc as you have done. Cheers Peter.
  15. Hi Dave, Well done on pic of the week. It's been a while since I have seen pics of your layout, it looks superb as does the stock. Love the breakdown train. Any more pics? Cheers Peter.
  16. Hi Dave, Thanks for that, I think I might have a look at getting some Hornby wheels and give that a try. Cheers Peter.
  17. Hi John, I had read about putting coach wheels on Heljan locos somewhere before, so thought I would have a go tonight, problem is the Bachmann coach wheels are about 1mm smaller. Are the Heljan ones to big? I am worried if I change the wheels the loco will sit to low, have you found this? Many thanks cheers Peter.
  18. Hi Claggy, Look forwards to seeing a class 20 I am sure you will find plenty of shunt moves and local trips for it. Hi Carl, I have been following the ferry progress and must say it looks superb, you must be very happy with how it has turned out. Cheers Peter.
  19. I have posted some of these before but it shows that they have cleaned the wall by the signal box by 1985 compared to bruces' pics in 81. Cheers Peter.
  20. Thanks Dave, Glad you like it. Thanks Chard, The old Lima 40s don't come up to bad with a bit of work, I have a Bachmann 40 which I am planning to put a Lima body on at some point. Hi Mark, If I had thought about it I would have painted some of the wall blue so that it would look like sky behind the loco's. I know I have been past Carnforth but I don't have any memories of what it looked like. On my timetable the Carnforth ballast is booked a class 31 though I think 25 were quite common. 97407 must be filling in for a failed loco. Cheers Peter.
  21. Hi Mark, I have seen pictures of the autoballasters they look superb, a set behind your EWS 37 would look great. Cheers Peter.
  22. Just a couple of pics for you. 97407 (40012) well and truly on borrowed time, passes sister loco 40122 while working the 6D03 Ex Carnforth empty ballast. another shot shows 97407 while running round. 40122 is stabled next to 47418. 33202 is about to depart for Holyhead on the 1D27 Ex Crewe. Cheers Peter.
  23. Hi DDolfelin, Thanks, Cheers Peter.
  24. Thanks Larry, Sorry missed this post the other day. High praise indeed, especially coming from someone who knows North Wales as well as you do. Cheers Peter.
  25. Hi Claggy, Glad you are still thinking of a class 20, I found a pic of 20138 in railfreight grey shunting OBAs at Fort William in 1987 the loco even has a nose mounted antenna for the West Highland line's RETB signalling. Also found some freight times in in my 'Freight Only Vol3' book. Freight times from August 1988. 7Y31 Mossend - Mallaig Junc arr 00.59 speedlink MX 6D03 Fort William - Mossend arr 02.15 dep 02.39 Alumina MX 6Y35 Mossend - Fort William arr 05.29 dep 05.56 Alumina MX Y02 Mallaig Junc - Fort William Station, British Alcan, West Highland Oil, Corpach, Speedlink MX ( class 20 ) 7D19 Corpach - Mossend arr 11.59 dep 12.19 Speedlink MX 7Y37 Mossend - Corpach arr 18.18 dep 18.52 Speedlink MX 7D10 Corpach - Mossend arr 18.50 dep 19.10 Speedlink MX Hope this is of some use. Cheers Peter.
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