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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Hi Kevin, Always nice to see new pics of Leaford, the sleeper reminds me of the short rake that ran from Bournemouth, I think it joined up with a train at reading. Cheers Peter.
  2. Hi Derek, No worries, probably best to get some track down and work out your curves, less chance of putting on the wrong coupler and have buffer lock problems. Cheers Peter.
  3. Hi Keith, Awesome, I will have to tidy up a bit though, it's a bit of a mess at the moment. Cheers Peter.
  4. Hi Pete, Spot on. 10 out of 10. Cheers Peter.
  5. Hi Claggy, I think it was about 1982/3 Paul Bartlett's wagon site could probably be more help. Yes the Peak, it was only a split air pipe. Anything major and it would have been off to Crewe. Cheers Peter.
  6. Shameless plug time. John Dedman sent me has lastest book last week. My brother and myself were both sent a book as we have both had a few of our pictures published. A first for me though Keith has had a few published in rail mags. BR Blue no 3 Freight in the 80s. published by Kevin Robertson under Noodle Books. If you have the other two you will certainly like this one. Cheers Peter.
  7. Hi, Most of the new Bachmann stuff is ok, sometimes the couplers have a bit of a droop when sitting in the NEM box, I normally push a sliver of plasticard under the coupler or slide out the box and file some plastic from the top so when you push it back in it sits higher up, if you get my drift. Older stock normally gets number 5 Kadees as they are pretty versatile. If you haven't already have one, I would invest in a Kadee coupler gauge. Most of my recent loco's which have the NEM box have 18s or 19s as do most of my Bachmann wagons. Let me know if you need more help, but as you say you have a few to play with so see how you go. Cheers Peter.
  8. Oh yeah nice weathering:D third pic down looks superb. Could this be the start of something, you did say it was fun. Cheers Peter.
  9. Looking good Pugsley, you should have the loco up and running by Christmas. Cheers Peter.
  10. 45029 failed on a Trans Pennine service yesterday so spent the best part of the day on shed. I am not sure what was wrong but this afternoon 45029 seemed to be fit and well, but unusually when I took these pictures was shunting the afternoon Target 90 trip to Maentwrog Road. As far as I was aware 45s only worked Trans Pennine services and the odd Inter City and ballast train. A picture by Merfyn Jones on another thread showed a pic of a 45/0 on the Maentwrog Road working at Llandudno Jct, so I thought it would be a good excuse to copy the train. The other pic shows what I have been working on. A few Seacow and Sealion wagons plus a few Grampus wagons. Cheers Peter.
  11. No worries Dave, Thanks muchly for the part number and website, your a legend. Cheers Peter.
  12. Hi Simon, I am sure I remember seeing a few layouts back in the late 80s with computer screens shows train info. Thanks for your idea on the power point idea. I have started a thread on doing a timetable in the Modelling musings & Miscellany. Cheers Peter.
  13. Hi Dave, I was going to say it would be an idea to start a thread, I think a few peoples may be interested. Not sure the best place though. Musing & Miscellany? I was giving it some thought today and I am not sure if every move should be on the screen, maybe just three or four arrivals/ departures though this would mean still using my timetable book to do the other moves. Probably better to have it all in one place. What you have done above is similar to how I have written things out in my book. Half an hour on each page /screen should work ok.As for timing I will just be happy with click for next move, I have operated a Layout with accelerated time, and I think it takes some of the fun out of playing trains, I noticed I was driving things at top speed just to keep to time. Anyway I will start a thread and we can go from there. Cheers Peter.
  14. Hi Claggy, An 08 would be alright, but if you want something slightly bigger and not English Electric, what about a class 26 with that lovely Sulzer rattle. Dundee used to use one as station pilot. The pic below shows 26034 on the Dundee shunt. 1986. I am actually going to do a model of this loco but don't tell anyone. Cheers Peter.
  15. Hi John, Always good to see an update, nice selection of pics.B) You may want to check the bogie on 47006 I think you have clipped it back the wrong way round, just thought you should know. Cheers Peter.
  16. Thanks Doug, Jeff & Dave, Jeff I thought you would have some idea, but it looks like Dave has come up trumps. Hi Dave I will send you a PM, I am not to fussed about it looking like the old screen though the yellow writing would look ok on a black background. I like the idea of train faults too but this is limited due to train lengths and where I have uncouplers, but I am sure we can work around this. I pressume once the basic program is up and running I can change it if I say want to retime a train or something? Anyway I will give it some though tonight and PM you tomorrow. Many thanks cheers Peter.
  17. Hi Dave, I Iike the latest pics, now you have the timetable done, have you worked out how much extra stock you are going to need. It's surprising how many loco's go through a busy station. I don't envy Jim, BNS was really busy. When I was working out the timetable for Llanbourne I had to cut back on some of the Euston trains but did add an extra Cardiff service to allow for an extra class 33. Cheers Peter.
  18. Hi Claggy, 20226 looks pretty at home to me. Cheers Peter.
  19. Ok chaps think you got of lightly there. We have been thinking about a laptop for a while so it may happen. Actually Doug the computer idea got me thinking. A few pages back Claggy, Dave and I were talking about Timetables and I was thinking it would be good if you could have the computer screen showing what the old station monitor used to show, each platform would have one or two and they would show arrival time and where the train was going and where it was from, a click of the mouse would show the next screen. Anyone done this? Cheers Peter.
  20. Great idea Gary. We can make a good layout even gooderer! "Present!! Arm twisting at 9.30..... Regarding the Old Laptop comment Peter, The one that I am using dates from 2002 and works fine. You can pick them up cheaply at Carrabean market, or Computer swap meets, just don't ask too many questions. All you need is windows98 and a USB connection. None of this connect to the internet stuff I think the NCE is the easiest route in with the JMRI interface. keep thinking and saving those gold coins! SRman and I just need to come down to your place and unplug the controlers and plug in the base station. But that would have Mrs PCM chasing us....Again! " Arthritic knees permitting. Damn right Douglas! "Just remember though; Mrs PCM reads (and even types) a lot of this so we may need to don some heavyweight armour!" It'll take more than armour Jeffrey:mocking_mini: Mrs PCM types Mrs PCM's posts but admits to spell checking PCM's posts insessently. I swear he never learnt to spell too busy with train spottting maybe?! "Thats not a problem SR Man, Will bring a bottle of finest Tassie wine for the lovely MRS PCM!!! Gary" Only 1 bottle? Gary! Sauv blanc or a nice Merlot then please
  21. Hi Dave, Sorry to hear about the problem with the 47, I use Kadee's so it could still cause a problem plus the Kadee's need to be at the right hight. I have had a look for Pullman wheels and can only find the packs of ten 14mm coach wheels, any ideas where you could get them from? Looks like we will both be trying to get some. Cheers Peter.
  22. Great pics, the layout is looking good. The lights really bring it to life. Cheers Peter.
  23. Hi Pete, Don't get me wrong I think the new Hi Tec stuff is great and it's more of when and not if Llanbourne goes DCC, I just need to stop buying loco's and stock. I am just a bit slow at taking things up, but I am sure I will get there eventually. I have plenty of friends down here to help me out. Cheers Peter.
  24. Hi Pete, My mobile is an old Nokia that was given to me by a friend when I threw my old one and broke the screen. I only found out the other day that it has a built in torch. Cheers Peter.
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