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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Almost finished a couple of Grampus, Two more still getting weathered and a couple more on the way. Cheers Peter.
  2. Hi Derek, I had a look at your thread the other day, you are making good progress. I have used the Bachmann clone couplers in the past but they don't always work as well as the Kadees. I had the same problem with the Bachmann OCAs etc, I fixed it by haveing one end fixed and the other loose but with plasticard blocks to stop to much movement. I did fix both ends to start with but the wagons tend to come off the track more easily. Hope this pic explains what I have done. Cheers Peter.
  3. Hi Grimley, Thanks mate:D as you know I bought a red stripe 56 last year problem is it has a bit of a wobble, the wheels are fine it just seems to wobble a bit on the bogies. So it dosn't get used at the moment . Tempted with a class 60 they are a great model, just a bit out of my time period though. Cheers Peter.
  4. Hi Dave, Great pics, You managed to get that preserved but used look on the kettle very nice, 37043 looks great haven't seen many pics of it in use since you finished it of. I thought your next lot of pics might include a class 27 on ballast as per Bruce's video. Cheers Peter.
  5. Hi Ian, The trains from Edinburgh were shunt released, I posted a pic somewhere before showing a class 26 about to remove the stock to release a class 27 that had bought the train in. I am not sure if it was always a class 26. It 's possable some trains arrived at another platform and then run round and shunted into the bay. Cheers Peter.
  6. Thanks Neil, I should stop doing stock and get on with some senics and buildings, I am doing some Grampus and Seacow wagons at the moment and it's taken me longer to do them than I thought. How are you going for stock on your layout? Let me know if you need anything, the Convention's not far away now. Cheers Peter.
  7. Hi Merf, Thanks for for that, changing the reg sounds like a better idea. Definintely less work. Cheers Peter.
  8. Hi Bruce, What can I say but awsome,B) it took me back to 1985 when on my first visit to Waverley I stood on that same platform and watched the push pulls and a 27 shunting stock for a Dundee train, I think I watched the video of the 27 depart about four times, fantastic stuff and the sound, superb. It looks like the Push pull trains used the same platform most of the time as did the Dundee services, it looks like the Dundee trains changed loco's each time rather than run round. I think we might see some of these trains on Daves Waverley West soon. I think the ballast train may have been quite regular as I remember seeing a 26 on an outward working then seeing it later in the day returning over the Forth Bridge. posted before but here is 26025 on ballast 1985. Cheers Peter.
  9. Hi Bruce, Thanks for taking the time to play around and post the vid, its great and please sir can we have some more. Love it. Cheers Peter.
  10. Thanks for all the feedback guys. Dave, The Peak 45029 is a few years old now but still a bit of a favourite of mine, I had it for haulage a few times and have a few pics so rude not to do a model it. Claggy, Probably more of a sunset shot, I was having a bit of a play around with the light. I need some more lighting for the layout, I might have to do something that. Arpleymodeller, Thanks still plenty to do though. Doug, The wall has come up alright , I just need to finish the station roof and that area will look alot better. John, No worries mate it's a great book, I am still looking though it though I have read all the captions now. I am off work next week so should be able to send you some more pics for the next one. Richard, I was thinking of putting a few of these in the realistic model section, but I have had pic of the week already. Jeff, Well you do like your class 33s, would be better if it had sound though eh. Cheers Peter.
  11. Hi Larry, I bet you didn't call him Merfyn that day. I have seen a pic of Peak 45052 working the Target trip to Holyhead, that probably only happened once too. Did the class 33s ever get used on local freight or ECS along the coast? Any video clips would be cool. Cheers Peter.
  12. Hi Doug, Looking good,B) I have some presfix transfers spare if you want them for your coaches. Cheers Peter.
  13. Hi Merfyn, I do like the idea of doing a Landrover, and your FG parcel van looks great. I bought the FG crew bus and was going to weather it up like the pic you posted of an FG at Llandudno. You said the hight was wrong on the base toys model but I think I can live with that, thing is it looks to long compared to your pic. Do you think if I remove 10mm from the back end it will be ok? Cheers Peter.
  14. I have been inspired by Claggy, Daves (Waverley West) and Aberdeen Kirkhill T&RSMD night shots. So thought I would give it a go on Llanbourne, the only area which has lights at the moment is the yard area, I really need to sort some lighting out for the station area. Anyway here are a few pics. 45029 sits on the fuel tank road. 08695 waits for the shunter. 47535 waits to leave the shed. 33010 shunts vans into platform 4. Cheers Peter.
  15. Oooops my bad. At least you can run your 108s now. Cheers Peter.
  16. Hi Dave, That pic in Traction sounds like the one I saw on the railcar website, must have been earlier than I thought. I think your 108s look the part, you are going to have other units that you are planning to mixed up. Bring on those tatty MK2s. Cheers Peter.
  17. Hi Tom, More great pics thanks,B) I am glad someone took pics of DMUs back in the 80s, I wish I had taken a few more myself. 27002 is Hellfire. Dave, I am not sure about pics of 108s in the 80s but there is a nice one of an ex Chester based unit leaving Waverley early 90s on www.railcar.com the site has heaps of other pics of 108s plus all the other types, might be worth a look. It help me when I was doing research for my 108s. Cheers Peter.
  18. Yaaaay can I have a Brunch Muffin I quite liked those. Cheers Peter.
  19. Hi Flood, Thanks heaps for the info that's really helpfull, I was going to ask what decoders you use but you have answered that too. I am still learning about DCC and don't want to go backwards with regards to how my loco's run. I have seen some problems with other peoples DCC layouts, and controlability. Cheers Peter.
  20. Hi Claggy, Nice set of pics, I've not done any night shots of Llanbourne I might have to give it a go. Has the wrong signal been pulled off? If it's not that, is the Buffet closed, because I am hungry. Cheers Peter.
  21. Hi Kevin, I don't remember seeing the vans on the up working, but I used to get a ride home from Eastleigh now and then on the LE that worked from EH to Bournemouth. It was booked for a class 47 but I know I rode as far as Brockenhurst on a class 33 at least twice, one being a 33/2. Oh sorry no 10p, got 10 cents though. Cheers Peter.
  22. Hi Dunedin, That's some coaching stock project you have on the go there. Are you going to spray the Blue/red white lines or use transfers? I have had a bit of a look through the thread as I was looking to see what DCC system you use, as I am thinking of going DCC and have a fiddleyard to terminus with Kadee uncouplers similar to you. So was wanting something easy to control so I can stop on the uncouplers and ease up. Cheers Peter.
  23. Hi Grimley, You sad brick counter you, you and Dave should start a club. Though I think a few of us have been there, I have a part demolished wall on Llanbourne and I cut out individual bricks for laying about on the ground. Guess who went out and measured up a few bricks. Anyways I am pretty sure there was a video /DVD on Toton, I think it was filmed over a 24 hour period a sort of day in the life of type thing. Just though it might be worth looking for if you haven't already got it. Cheers Peter.
  24. Your'e right Scott, most of the interegionals did start at Poole. Cheers Peter,
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