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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Thanks again Merf. It's in bits on the workbench at the moment, I am planning on doing it in a fairly tatty condition and have it parked up out of use. I will post a few pics when it's done. Cheers Peter.
  2. Thanks Dave, I keep meaning to put some pics in my gallery, maybe this week. Cheers Peter.
  3. Hi Mark, Sorry I must have missed this post the other day. Glad you are going ok, sorry to hear about the wife. Life is a bit of a juggling act, I think sometimes having my Garage to go to helps keep my sanity. Joining a club is a great idea, bit like being on RMweb it helps keep you motivated. Yes the 7mm has come to a stop, if it ever gets going it will be a Scottish terminus, very basic run round and a couple of sidings. Plus I will only need a few loco's. Cheers Peter.
  4. Hi John, Love the class 27 pics, B)it looks like 27008 at Leuchars has a yellow Highland Rail sticker? Cheers Peter.
  5. Hi Kier, Saw your pic in the realistic models thread and went and had my monthly check on your website, the layout is looking great you have certainly been getting a bit done. I love the variety of loco's you have, it was great to see a class 33 on shed. Always liked Kestrel too though to young to ever see it . Cheers Peter.
  6. Hi Jon, Looks like a few extra bits going into this one, I will be following your progress. Cheers Peter.
  7. I had a go at a few more night pics, plus I took a few with the lights on. Just a few loco's hanging around the shed area. Also a couple of Dogfish wagons for Dave, I will post a few pics on my Cambrian models later. Cheers Peter.
  8. Hi Rick, No worries on the convention then, we don't want to get you into trouble. Cheers Peter,
  9. Hi Rick, Welcome back, hope you had a goodly time. Yes we will have to catch up, have you thought about going to the convention? Cheers Peter.
  10. Hi Doug, I didn't know about your plans for a P4 donut, sounds quite tasty though. I do remember your other layout though. Cheers Peter.
  11. Thanks Mark, Hope you are well Haven't heard from you in a while, hows the 7mm stuff going? haven't done any myself. Cheers Peter.
  12. Hi Leon, I had forgot about the Vitrains loco, just be carefull when you remove the name etc I think they are harder to do than the Bachmann loco's, not done it myself but read it somewhere. Nice pic Scott, think I have a few pics taken from that spot. Cheers Peter.
  13. Hi Leon, If I was modelling your time period I would be having myself a nice Dutch liv class 37, though I am not sure if they are availableat the mo. Cheers Peter.
  14. Hi Dave, Well I do bother and I have seen them ones:P I want more. I like the other pics don't think I have seem them before. Cheers Peter.
  15. Hi Claggy, Tender first then, fair enough. cheers Peter.
  16. :lol: Brilliant,I love it when a plan comes together. I have done a few Cambrian Dogfish I will wack up a few pics for you. Pretty sure the 26 on Seacows/Sealions was my pic, I am working on a couple of those at the moment hopefully weathered this week. Cheers Peter.
  17. Hi Gary, Sounds like a good move to me, If it had been a nice Scottish loco with ploughs yeh do it but some rancid 47/8 no way. I remember doing a class 33 railtour the train was terminated at Salisbury usual railtour cock up. Anyway next train was a class 50 or a fair wait for a bog cart, I wanted to get home so took the class 50 but a few bashers including a couple of my mates said they would rather wait and do the bog cart than get a 50 a couple of them said they hadn't done a class 50 in years so weren't about to start. Cheers Peter.
  18. Hi Dave, Come to think of it, it was probably on the old RMweb. Anyway hope it helps, what wagons are you thinking of doing? Cheers Peter.
  19. Hi Doug, I just do what I feel like doing, I think your layout will be alright for the convention, I would start the kit. Thing is you will have to build a P4 layout now, you have the room to do it. Cheers Peter.
  20. Hi Neil, You will have to post a few pics of your stock on your thread. No worries on stock for the layout then, sounds like you are sorted. Yes I am going on the Saturday, not doing the layout tour though. Cheers Peter.
  21. Hi Jeff, I will try and remember to bring a wagon to the convention so you can have a look see. Cheers Peter.
  22. Hi Derek, Yes one end is made so it can't move at all, the other end is actually loosen'd off but has the plasticard blocks added to stop some sideways movement so the Kadee can't swing out of the way. Pic below shows loose end, as you can see it dosn't have too much room to move but seems to do the job. Cheers Peter,
  23. Hi Dave, I have mentioned it before but as it's you I will tell you. I start on the underframe with a mix of Humbrol matt black 33, matt khaki 26, and a bit of matt leather62. with all my underframes I pretty much just paint it on, once dry I sometimes add a bit of white 34, mixed with a bit of black and sort of dry brush in on though I tend remove some of it once I am done with a bit more 33, 26 mix. The bodys on the Grampus were a mix of 33, 26, some areas get a bit of 62 mixed in, once dry I tend to pick out a few bits with 62 as it's a good rust colour a bit of white gives it that faded look. Hope that helps. Let me know if you want more info. I have posted a pic below which shows a business card which I have used to mix paint on a bit like an artist palette I go through heaps but they cost nothing. Cheers Peter.
  24. Hi Claggy, Great pics, I like the loco shed.B) How do you turn the kettle? Also interested to see what turns up on the Bristol train as Gary said lets hope it's not a Bath Road Duff. surely this would be a good day to change the pilot loco 20+37 or 26+34 Hellfire. Cheers Peter.
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