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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Hi Gary, I have a pic of a 105 at Sheffield that dosn't look to bad, just weathering the underframe and run a bit of dark brown in the door recesses, I did my 108s and it looks ok. Cheers Peter.
  2. Hi Mark, Thanks mate, I have a few more Sealions and Grampus to do but I am happy with them so far, I should be working on the layout but felt like doing some wagons. I have a few loco's with doors open but the Hornby class 31 was easy to do as it comes with opening doors. Cheers Peter.
  3. Hi Gary, Just let me know when you are comming over and we could sort out a visit, I had a quick look at a green 105 the other day, certainly looked pretty good to me. I pressume you got the blue one. Cheers Peter.
  4. Thanks Neil, I managed to get half the day off so was home by 12.40 had 12 people turn up in all, first lot arrived about 1.30 and the last left about 6.00 all had a good time and the layout ran without any problems, as it normally does. Cheers Peter.
  5. Hi Rob, I am quite pleased with the Grampus the Dapol wagons have come up really well, The Signal Box have them on special, so I have ordered another one and another Parkside kit, they go together really well. Thanks Matt, I sold my Lima one a few months ago but I keeped the nameplates for my Bachmann model, I have another one on the workbench as we speak, it will be 47515. I really should try and do a few Crewe based 47s now. Hi Dave, No worries I am in no hurry so take your time. Nice article in the Hornby mag bye the way, Widnes has certainly come along way since I used to watch your progress via the Wirral finescale club website. Signalbox oh yes forgot about that. Hi Merf, I do remember talking buses a few pages back but I haven't done anything about them yet, I will have a look at the Leyland National SRman posted a pic of improvments he did on his. I also need to look for a few short wheel base ones too. Hi Rick, Thanks for that, I did have some drama's with the first lot of pics I took this morning, but I am much happier with these ones. Cheers Peter.
  6. I have finally got around to taking a few pics of the finished Grampus wagons and Seacows and Sealion, 47613 also made it's first run on the layout seen here arriving on the Irish Mail, I am not sure if the train carried the headboard during the 80's for any special reason, but I am sure I have seen a pic somewhere. The grey and yellow Grampus are weathered Dapol models the other two are both Parkside kits the one nearest the camara is the most recent kit the other is the old kit which I have converted from unfitted to fitted. Had I done some better reserch I could have gotten away with doing less work and have the wagon as just a through piped vehicle. The grey and yellow Seacows are weathered Hornby and one Bachmann which I have back dated with Modelmaster and Presfix transfers the Sealion is a weathered Bachmann model, with improved safety mesh over the walkway. The last pic shows a busy stabling point with 47535 about to move off to work the Irish Mail forward the 31 is spare and the 08 is having a rest from station pilot duties. Cheers Peter,
  7. Hi Bruce, I finally managed to watch your latest video last night, just before the computer had a fizz out. Anyway great stuff I really loved the high speed token exchange, and the thrash superb. Cheers Peter.
  8. Thanks Peter. I always reduce the acceleration rate, usually to an absolute minimum (i.e. a high acceleration CV setting). I also decrease the deceleration rate so that I can take off the power and let locos coast more like the real thing. Sometimes I'll alter other settings, like the mid-range speed and top speed but it's mostly the acceleration and deceleration that I change. With the acceleration rate down, I can pile on the power, get lots of thrash and still only pull away relatively slowly. It makes driving both more fun and more realistic I think. All that's missing is some clag and the smell of diesel fumes. Not sure Mrs WW would approve of me adding those quite so much though. You know DCC on Llanbourne is only a matter of time. Go on, give it a go. You'll never look back. Cheers, Dave Thanks Dave, I will try and remember that, I want to have loco's leaveing the station and giving a bit of thrash. I did try and do the burnt diesel smell, a friend off mine drop in some diesel and we tried to burn it by soaking a rag and lighting that, all it did was fill my garage with smoke and bits of burnt rag. Sad I know but it was worth a try. I have been looking at an NCE powercab but not sure about the wheel type throttle as I used the knob type I am a bit worried about the shunting ability as I have to stop over the uncouplers and ease up to uncouple. A friend of mine has one so I will have to go and have a play. Cheers Peter.
  9. Hi Dave, They are superb videos, I do like those signals but what really got me is you seem to have the sound matched with the speed,even when you back off on the 47 and powered up again which is something I have noticed on a few models dosn't match, is it a case of playing with the settings? I have been looking at DCC a bit recently, so it may well happen on Llanbourne. Cheers Peter.
  10. Hi Phil, The hardest part is making sure you get the coupler the right hight. But basically I carefull drill two small holes then file them out until there is a small slot to push the Kadee through I use number 18, 19 or 20. I then use plasticard at the back of the ploughto give the kadee something to stick to, nothing to Hi Tech. Hopefully the pic of the class 20 will show you what I mean. The class 25 was done the same way. Cheers Peter.
  11. Hi Leon, 37803 looks a shed load better i like the way some of the weathering is left in the nooks a crannies, and along the the botton edge. I think you have captured the look of a real loco really well. I am glad the nail polish remover worked ok, I was a bit worried it may remove more than just your weathering. Here's a pic of a Cafdiff coal loco having a rest from hauling coal trains, 37278 shunts it's train at Weymouth. Oh and a Grid for Grimley. Cheers Peter.
  12. Hi Doug, Looking good,B) Are you still going to the convention on Saturday? if so see you there. Cheers Peter.
  13. Hi Leon, I think maybe 37803 is a bit overdone though I am abit worried about you useing nail polish remover it might remove more than just the paint. The other thing I noticed, and I don't want to ruin your day but 37/8s were refurbished loco's and had extra weight added and one window on each side was removed, plus the loco's should have modified grilles like your 37/4. This may not bother you but i thought you ought to know. Sorry. Weathering on 37898 and the HAAs is great. Cheers Peter.
  14. Love the 26s and 27s guys.B) I notice 27014 has the Highland rail sticker though it looks a bit smaller than the ones fitted to 37s and 47s. My pic of 27014 doesn't have the stag maybe it didn't last long. Bruce I don't think people would be that worried about quality and the sound is great. Anyway a couple of mine. Cheers Peter.
  15. Hi Bruce, It took a while for my old computer to load but that's a cracking video of the 27s.B) I think if you put some of your video on a DVD you could make a few quid. Cheers Peter.
  16. :D Just thought I would give you some ideas for your next project. Cheers Peter.
  17. Here's a pic of my FG crew bus, I have tried to make it look a bit part its best, still need to change the numberplate. Cheers Peter.
  18. Thanks Mark, I do like the Heljan class 33s, with a little bit of work they come up really well. I have finished weathering up some more Grampus and Seacows so will post a pic or two over the weekend. Meanwhile 20121 & 20169 (normally a class 25 turn) sit in the freight loop having arrived on the 7D30 Crewe - Penmaenmawr empty ballast. I took some pics of the Dogfish, should help Dave when he comes to do his for Waverley West. Cheers Peter.
  19. Lovely video Bruce, those 37s sound awesome. Looking forwards to the class 27s Hellfire. Cheers Peter.
  20. Hi all, I haven't put a pic on here in a while. 45029 sits on the fuel tank road. 47535 is on the shed headshunt, waiting to set back onto the fuel road. Cheers Peter.
  21. Hi, Love the latest pics, the class 37 in the second to last pic looks like it has had a bad day. I like the people too certainly brings an already great layout to life. Look forwards to more updates on the building as well it's looking good so far. It might just make me get on with some of mine. Cheers Peter.
  22. Thanks John, More great pics too, keep them comming. I quite the yellow sticker, though I have only seen one pic of a 27 with it, 014 I think it was. The fact that more than one class 27 has got me tempted to do one some day. Cheers Peter.
  23. Thanks Dave, The figure is whitemetal and I am pretty sure made by Phoenix models. I had a quick serch and it seems they do 7mm stuff now. I bought him in a set of five passengers there was also PWay workers and station staff/drivers. Mainly Trains used to sell them. Cheers Peter.
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