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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Hi Chris, That looks great,B) I might have to try that. It would make a good Christmas card pic. Cheers Peter.
  2. Hi Jeff, Sorry to hear about that mate, Here's a plan, have a good sleep in on Saturday and come to the meeting Sunday, sorted. Cheers Peter.
  3. Thanks Dave and Rick, The BG is fairly clean, because it's an NEX 100mph vehicle it spends a bit of time in passenger trains so has been through the washer a few times. Here is a pic of a nice dirty one though. Cheers Peter.
  4. Here is another Crompton pic, It is 15.30 and 33202 has arrived with the 1V09 from Holyhead, the train loco on this service is required to pick up a van and attach it to its train before departing to Cardiff at 15.40. Cheers Peter.
  5. Thanks Neil, I am pretty sure it is Sunday, maybe give Brian a ring or John as its his meeting, to make sure. The square rodding is Plastruct, not sure of size I will have a look for you and let you know. Cheers Peter.
  6. Thanks Keith, Yes the Kadees, you should put them on your stuff they are great for a small shunting layout. Not as nice looking as screw link couplings but great for hands free operation on Llanbourne. Hi Jeff, Are you going to the meeting Sunday? Cheers Peter.
  7. Oh yes what a beast, love your work look forwards to seeing some pics of her on Airthrey Park with your other McRats. Could you keep us posted on how you go with the 33/2 I do like my Cromptons. Cheers Peter.
  8. Nice try mate:lol: I will probably be in a straight jacket by the time I finish mine. If you wanted to do some by one of your stations I would be quite happy to come up and help you do some, point you in the right direction so to speak. Cheers Peter.
  9. Thanks Pete, It wasn't really planned, though I haven't been too bothered about getting blues spot on for years, as in real life they varied. The 33/0s were from the first D numbered batch which I renumbered, the blue on these locos was to glossy so a sprayed a coat of satin over the sides this actually lightened up the blue a bit. The 33/2 has just been renumbered as I was quite happy with the Heljan finish. The pic below shows slight diffence in colour on the real thing. Cheers Peter.
  10. Thanks Alex, I am pretty sure they haven't all been on the layout at the same time before. I still have another class 33 to do, though I have been thinking I would like a 33/1 they never work a normal service on the North Wales Coast but I am sure had the service keeped running one would have turned up eventually. Cheers Peter.
  11. Hi Mudmagnet, Thanks, the point rodding is certainly worth doing though it is a right pain to do. Hopefully the class 47 fleet will grow by another two by the end of the year as I have another Inter City and a banger blue on the go at the moment. Next year I plan to do more work on the layout. Cheers Peter.
  12. I had a parcel from Howes of Oxford this week which prompted me to go out to the garage, I hadn't done much since I finished 47613, though I do have a few things on the go at the moment. I just fancied an easy job and somthing I could finish. What arrived were some replacement Heljan wheels which I painted and put on all three class 33s while 33202 was in bits I did the centre spring mod which 33010 & 33026 already have. I did try some Hornby Pullman coach wheels a few weeks back which are alot cheaper, they aren't to bad but the loco is lower and when coupled to coaches notices more so I decided to go with the Heljan wheels. The running is definitely better because all three Cromptons ran well on track that hasn't been cleaned for a few weeks. While all three Crompton were on the layout I took a pic as normally only one or two can be seen on the layout at one time. Cheers Peter.
  13. Hi Rick, The Viaduct looks superb, if it keeps on raining your river down the bottom will start to flow. I do like those wagons.B) Cheers Peter.
  14. Hi Guys, Well done on winning best layout, the pictures certainly show how big the layout is, very impressive. The TPOs look good. Cheers Peter.
  15. Hi Mark, I think you have done a great job on weathering those wagons, I remember loose shunting TTAs up Eastleigh East Yard and getting a bit of a soaking from one when it gently buffered up to another wagon, I smelled like diesel fuel for the rest of the day. I do like the Black TTA I could be tempted with a few of them, not sure they were used on the North Wales Coast though. Keep the pics coming. Cheers Peter.
  16. Hi Jon, This is really looking good its going to be one hell of a beast when you are done, Cheers Peter.
  17. Hi Grimley, Looking good, the class 20s nice, you just need another 8 or 9. Are there many sky lights in the roof I am just thinking when the roof goes on it might be a bit dark inside? I would add a some pigeon poo to the roof trusses too. Eastleigh Depot always seemed to have pigeon poop all over the place. Cheers Peter.
  18. Hi Rick, Spot on:D one of Chesters 108 has decided it's done enough for the day, lucky Llanbourne had a spare rat on shed. Hi Larry, I think you could be onto somthing there, top idea. Cheers Peter.
  19. Hi Bruce, Another great video, B) I still think you could sell a few. Cheers Peter.
  20. Thanks Andy & Rick, Here are a couple more that show the point rodding, I am pretty sure I have posted these before so sorry if you have already seen them. Cheers Peter.
  21. Hi Mark, The layout is looking great, I do like your 37422 B) it looks really good sat by the station. I really must get on and do some scenics on my extension, I have been busy working on locos and wagons, though I was out in the garage today tweaking a bit of track in the carriage sidings. Cheers Peter.
  22. I have had a few cars over the years but my old Cortina is on my layout , I also have my mates old Capri. Cheers Peter.
  23. Hi Doug, Thanks, It does look pretty good in that pic, I might get around to finishing it one day. Cheers Peter.
  24. Thanks Pete, I think what some people forget is coaches and units go trough a washer quite regularly so the underframes and roof get more grubby than the sides. I got into trouble once for sending the VOSE Pullman set through the washer at EH, but thats another story. Cheers Peter.
  25. Thanks Grimley, I am pretty happy with the wagons, back working on another class 47 now. I think I would have to send you all my Peaks to make Boxenby look even half full. It's looking good bye the way. I will look even better when its full of blue locos. Cheers Peter.
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