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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Thanks Arpleymodeller, I really haven't done anything on the layout in the last few weeks, I have lost nterest a bit but hopefully I will get a chance to do something this weekend. meanwhile here is another pic, not sure if I have posted this before. 33010 sits on the fuel tank road. Cheers Peter.
  2. Glad to see this thread still getting new pics added, some great shots. Must admit I didn't think I would see a class 33 pic on here though. Cheers Peter.
  3. Hi CME, Sorry no close up pics, I will ask my brother (YVM) to try and get some next time he is down Swanage way. Cheers Peter.
  4. Hi Doug, No worries, we are all ok down here, good luck for April. Thanks for the offer on the super BGs but they might be a bit too modern for me, maybe they could be backdated? Do you think you could make in down this way before the baby? I have been thinking of doing a bit of a meeting late March, probably 26th. Cheers Peter.
  5. Hi Dave, Nice to see you have been doing a bit, the class 26 looks great,B) the weathering looks spot on with the muck coming down from the roof between the grilles quite common on the coal sector locos. Cheers Peter.
  6. Hi all, Here is a pic of 33111 on the same day taken from the other side. Heljan have done both types of tank on there 4mm model so it's possible Heljan will do it in 7mm eventually. I have also added a pic of 33111 on the Belle back in the 80s showing it had the unmoded tanks back then. I would guess the tanks would have got swapped about during overhaul, a bit like the bogies with the different steps as some loco's have both types. I hadn't noticed the pushers having larger buffers but I guess it is possable as they were a different type of buffer, like the class 73s they had a pin that could be removed so the buffer could be retracted for when the loco was hauling stock, the buffers on 33111 below show the buffers retracted. Cheers Peter.
  7. Hi brian, your 33105 is looking great, be nice when it's weathered. I was over in the UK this time last year and had a day at Swanage as 33111 was out, my favourite 33/1. A friend of mine has had a bit to do with the restoration and told me it has the unmodified tanks. Cheers Peter.
  8. Hi Arnie, I must agree with Grimley, those Peaks look great I like how you do your weathering.B) 45141 is one of my favourites as it was the last 45 i saw on a diagramed passenger in1988. I liked the tinsley namers myself though I have only done one of my Peaks with tinsley name 45103 'Griffon' love the Tinsley snail on your 45141 nice touch. Cheers Peter.
  9. Hi mark. The station building and interior looks great love those bench seats.B) I like Pete's idea, I sticky bun a cup tea and some class 37 thrash. Cheers Peter.
  10. Replacement noses would be great, though the side grilles will still be wrong. shawplan could do an etch. Cheers Peter.
  11. P.C.M

    Tanking along

    Looking good Pugsley, nice to see you getting a bit done in 4mm. Cheers Peter.
  12. Thanks guys, I need to leave my stock alone now and get on with working on the layout, still plenty to do. Cheers Peter.
  13. Only me, Since running the layout the other week and doing the hour at Llanbourne thing I haven't done much. Today I finished my Blue grey TPO so here is a pic or two. My old Hornby class 25059 gets a run out on the 3J04 ex Holyhead vans, seen here arriving at 07.35. Cheers Peter.
  14. Hi Alex, Glad you like the book. Good to see you looking at getting a Peak or five, I have the older Bachmann locos which have the slightly squashed nose though the grilles on the nose sides are the correct type. The new Bachmann models are very good but they haven't done the right front end that you need with centre headlight. Plus their split box Peak has the early grilles on the nose sides which is'nt correct for your 80s 90s time period. It might be worth waiting to see what Bachmann are going to release this year, they will have to do the later Peaks at some point. I think they will sell really well. Cheers Peter.
  15. The Mk2 in Mikes pic would have probably been a BFK as the CKs were being withdrawn during the trains last years in service, the BFKs were replacing the lost first class as the trains still keeped the MK1 BSKs. Here are just a couple of my pics, Cheers Peter.
  16. This might get your creative juices going. Cheers Peter.
  17. Hi Mike, I find if i have lost interest, a small project is just the thing. A wagon kit normally does the job. There must be a few wagons you could build, even if you don't paint it or put transfers on straight away. What about a short balllast train have you got one of those? Cheers Peter.
  18. Sorry Jim that Peak is way to clean. Love those point motors and your new station lights they look great. Cheers Peter.
  19. Llanbourne's station pilot sits in the middle road. Cheers Peter.
  20. Hi Brian, Happy birthday for the other week. The pusher looks good so far, used to see them all the time down my way. They always looked more shagged out then the 33/0s, have you decided on a number yet? Cheers Peter.
  21. Hi Alex, Nice 80s line up. looks like you have been buying a few locos. A friend of mine released a book this year ( shameless plug) which has some nice pictures of freight around Toton. My be worth a look, oh it has a few of my brothers and my photos in as well. Cheers Peter.
  22. Hi Alex, The shed is looking great, you are certainly getting a bit done now that you are in the house. Nice to see a few locos on shed as well, Tugtastic. Cheers Peter.
  23. Thanks Doug, Vic the chargman (leaning on the rail) hasn't much hope of getting Dave to fix anything until he has finished his tea, and even then he would rather go and shunt wagons before touching the door. Cheers Peter.
  24. Hi Doug, I've not been out there today, it would be over 40 in there as it's 39.8 outside at this moment. Nothing doing with the O gauge at the mo to much to do with the 4mm stuff. Cheers Peter.
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