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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Hi Leon, Love those latest pics.B) I quite like your freightliner wagons it adds a bit of variety. As for your 37/4s I think St Blazey locos would be the go, I think I posted this pic before but but here are two St Blazey based 37s (well pretty sure 37413 is), on the Silver bullets at Newport, the train went through the station then about an hour later came back having run round the train. Here is 37412 that Simon mentioned, my pic was taken in 1995. I scanned this Dutch liv 37 for you as well, I think it would look quite at home on your layout. Oh and a 56 to keep the Grid fans happy. Cheers Peter.
  2. Thanks Bro, Haven't seen an update on your layout recently, you were talking depot. Try and get to the Brockenhurst show it's normally pretty good, Kevin is going with Leaford and the crew. Say hi to J D and the others for me. Went to a meeting the other side of town Saturday so called into Melbourne, I couldn't get a park near the station but did get a pic of a train in the docks it's a lot quieter on a Suturday, though I did have to park in a dodgy spot. Cheers Peter.
  3. Thanks Ian, I just need to remember what colours I used etc and the join should disappear (hopefully). The plan with the extension was to get it working then finish of the main part of the layout, that I am working on at the moment, I really to need to finish some buildings. The thing is having done some work by the tunnel and sorting out the backscene I may just carry on round on to the new bit I have already decided to move the new control panel which is now in bits. I had got to a point where I wasn't 100% sure how to do the scenery between the old bit and the new but it's coming together now. An update on Exford Park would be nice, you may have a job getting up there in the next few months, I was talking to the old man last night and he was saying the long range forcast is for some hot weather. Cheers Peter.
  4. Thanks Scott, Yes about the screws, I had a new loco arrive the other day so cleaned a bit of track and gave it a bit of a test run, then thought I will just run it into the station, forgetting that the screws were there. Oooops new loco off the track within 2 minutes of it coming out of the box. Thanks Mark, Well done on your bridge jump. I have done a bit more today just need some plaster bandage to finish of by the tunel and near the station. The construction liv Crompton is an old Lima loco I did over Twenty years ago it lives in the cabinet with a few other old favourites I couldn't bring myself to sell. No worries Larry, I imagine you would have a few slides too. If you do find them at some point feel free to post them on here, as you know I am keen on anything North Wales. Hi Mark, Thanks, looks like you have been busy recently too, looking good. Cheers Peter.
  5. Hi all, Just a few progress pics. Cheers Peter.
  6. Hi all, Just a couple from me, I must admit I really like the red stripe liv on the 37s just wish I had taken a few more pics when I saw them. Still no ideas of the loco number on my pic further up the page. Cheers Peter.
  7. Hi Derek, Some super pics, feel free to post some more. I must admit I did like your thread on the old forum, plenty of 25s and 40 around Manchester. Cheers Peter.
  8. Hi Leon, Latest pic are great, really like the steel liv 37, backscenes are a big YES. As you say it opens up the layout and really brings it alll together, I really must sort out some for Llanbourne. Cheers Peter.
  9. Hi Kevin, There might well be a pic or two in the club photo album. Llanbourne was at the open day Nov 27 1994. I left for Oz in 95 so may have missed Leaway Park at Brockenhurst as I don't remember seeing it there. I am sure I saw Leaway Park at other exhibitions though as I used to help John operate Hollybank now and then plus I did a few shows with the clubs Mossbank Yard. Which was a great layout to play on with plenty going happening, Johns Hollybank depot could be attached to one end of Mossbank which added even more fun. Cheers Peter.
  10. Hi Jeff, Thanks, looks like you have a fair bit of track for the tube stock. Are you going to the meeting Saturday? I might have a sound loco for you to work you magic on. Cheers Peter.
  11. Nice one keith, Here is a pic of a class 37 at Glasgow I don't suppose you know the loco number? I am pretty sure you were with me. Not sure of the date either though must be early 86. Cheers Peter.
  12. Hi Dave, The Deltic looks great, I do like the locos with the white window surrounds. Jon has done a top job on his Deltics, even had me looking at one on Ebay the other day, I have already been a bad boy and bought a class 27 recently. Cheers Peter.
  13. Hi Leon, Great pics as usual, great to see you have your fiddle yards up and woking. B) Cheers Peter.
  14. Hi Jeff, Looks like you have made some good progress, don't get carried away with playing trains though, still plenty to do. Are these lines going to have the third and forth rail for the tube stock? Cheers Peter.
  15. Thanks guys, Hi Doug & Jeff. The garage is a bit of a mess at the moment and there is Polystrene balls all over the place. I use plaster bandage over the Polystrene it's great stuff and fun. For the loco shed area I have used Cornice Adhesive which works like plaster and dries pretty quick I normally add a bit of powder paint and a drop of PVA. Hi Alex, thanks, as you know I do like my Cromptons though one of their less powerful older brothers turned up last week. The loco shed will be based on the shed that used to be at Holyhead. I have to build a signal box first and finish off my terrace houses before I start though. Well thats the plan any way. Thanks Dave, I do have some good memories of riding behind and on class 33s plus working with them while I was a Shunter, I do have a few pics as well. the extension is comming on well, I will be out there shortly when the garage heats up a bit, it's been a bit cold here today. Cheers Peter.
  16. Hi kevin, Hope you enjoy the Brockenhurst show, it's my old club I went there for years right up until I left for Oz . I still keep in touch with a few members, mainly John Dedman. Llanbourne actually did it's only ever Exhibition at Brockenhurst though it has changed a bit since then. Cheers Peter.
  17. Thanks Jeff, I might just buy another Oxford Landrover, as I really quite like the model, I will put the Cararama ones away. Hi Mark, Thanks, it hasn't taken that long to do the extension to the front so far but I still have plenty to do. I am quite happy with it so far. I am hoping they will do 33008 but in the earlier green that it carried in the mid 80s, chances are they won't as it didn't stay in this livery for as long as the later and more correct livery. A sound class 33 would be nice I have heard Jeffs (SRman) and they do sound good, they always were quite good for a bit of thrash. Thanks Jamie. Cheers Peter. Please Mr Sutton can I have 33008 in this livery.
  18. Hi Ian, Looks like you had a good time, I like the pics too. Your locos look at home on Kevs layout, suprised he let you take them home. 33008 has always been one of my favourite Cromptons it looks great sat on that departmental train. Hi Scott, Hope you have a good day, this might fire you up and give you some ideas for your new layout. Couldn't resist a pic of the real thing hope you don't mind Kevin. Cheers Peter.
  19. I have almost finished the loco shed area now, all I really need to do now is build a loco shed. Anyway, while I had the saw out and was in build mode I decided to add some width to the other side of the layout, I had been thinking about this for a while, the idea is to make it better for taking pics over on platform 1 as the track was right near the edge. A new Oxford Landrover arrived last week, I was planning to put it with a couple of Cararama ones, unfortunately there is a bit of a size difference. My guess is the Cararama Landrovers are a bit big is that right or is the Oxford Landrover a bit small? Cheers Peter.
  20. Hi Mark, The layout is really looking good, the latest senic work has really brought the layout to life, the trees do look good it's something I need to get for Llanbourne. Best of luck with your jump. cheers Peter.
  21. Hi Alex, The latest pics look really good, the X bracing along the wall looks spot on. B) Is the wall staying that colour ? as the white brightens up the inside of the shed. Looks like you are getting a few 80s 90s locos now as well. The Heljan class 58 looks like it has a bit of a lean, is that because the track isn't glued down yet? Cheers Peter.
  22. Hi Rick, Thanks for that. Cheers Peter.
  23. Hi Rick, Yes we didn't have much luck with the steel train, Do you know what time it normally leaves the junction? I used to see it waiting to go out at about 3.00 3.30 but didn't see it this week while at work and driving past the few times I was over that way. Here is one from a while ago. Cheers Peter.
  24. That does look very nice,B) I don't suppose we could get a 142 at some point, I could get rid of my old Hornby ones. Cheers Peter,
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