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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Hi Mark, Pleased the move went well and the layout is back up and running. Cheers Peter.
  2. Hi Merf, Brilliant stuff, I didn't know the class 20s were used on such a variety of trains. The pic of a pair shunting the Speedlink is interesting, did they work the train or were they just being used to shunt the train? I would also love to know what the number of the Railfreight liveried one is I am planning on doing one in that liv with orange cantrail stripe. Your other pics are interesting too, plenty of railway vehicles. Cheers Peter.
  3. Hi Merf, Thats great, let me know when you have a few on and I will go have a look. Cheers Peter.
  4. Thanks Larry, That is a lovely shot, I have a copy of your book and quite a few of the Janes colour albums they a great books. Would love to see more of your slides shame to have them gathering dust in the attic. Cheers Peter.
  5. Hi Damian, I am not sure if have posted on this thread before but it's a great layout. Talk of the class 56 had me thinking because I remember seeing something about 56013s visit in a Rail mag. I found it today so if you can get a copy of Rail number 118 March 22- April 4 with the Experimental Crompton 83301 on the cover it has a nice little article by John Vaughan about 56013 visit with some black and white pics of it working some CDAs and assisting the failed 47815 and sleeper train then working LE to Drinnick Mill and Goonbarrow. Hope this is of some help, 56013 would look great on the layout. Cheers Peter.
  6. Hi Larry, Thanks for posting the pics, very nice. Do you have one in colour? I was planning on doing a 37/5 or /7 because I like the front end but got tired of waiting for Bachmann to do one so I did a 37/6 I might eventually do one with red stripe though. Cheers Peter.
  7. Thanks Dave, Painting the edges black sounds like a good idea. I might have to try a set of windows and see how I go. Not sure if Bachmann will ever do MK2Ds, they don't even seem to want to re release their MK2As. Cheers Peter.
  8. Thanks Neil, I am trying to get a few things done for my November meeting. I have spent some time this week sorting out some platform edges that had come unstuck and made a better job of some other bits that I didn't do a good job of first time round. Cheers Peter.
  9. Thanks mate, I don't plan on getting a class 47/7 at this point but do have an Ex Works class 37 that I pair up with a class 33 or 47. I also have a class 56 to do, I just need to sort out it's wobble. Here is pic taken a while back. Cheers Peter.
  10. Fresh of the workbench are two Sealions, the really dirty one is a standard Bachmann which I have added the safety mesh too, the other Sealion started life as an EWS liveried air braked Seacow. I added some Vac brake gear from an old Lima wagon and give it a repaint in grey and yellow added the safety mesh to this one too as the EWS wagon comes with a large mesh area covering the whole platform area and not just the middle. Cheers Peter.
  11. Thanks Keith, though do you sthink I need an excuse to get more loco's. Cheers Peter.
  12. Hi Dave, Glad to see you have been busy, it has been a while since your last update. The coach looks great, as Sandhills said the destination stickers do look spot on. I notice you have put the no Smoking stickers on, I was worried they might show the thickness of the windows but they seem to look ok. Are you happy with them? Best of luck with the house too, it would be a shame if some loaded git beat you to it after you have worked so hard to try and get it. Cheers Peter.
  13. Hi 47449xeCD, Thanks for your kind comments I am pleased you like what I have done, thanks for noticing that I have tried to get the right loco's on the right workings etc.for the most part I have the correct stock though my Euston stock should have more MK2e&fs and not ds, plus they are a bit on the short side so they fit my platforms. Thanks for your info on some of the rare workings. I have written a timetable for Llanbourne which does have a class 47/4 booked on a Trans Pennine service, but the Peaks do work most of these trains, as they are one of my favourite loco's. I didn't know that 31/4 turned up though, I have seen pics of them on the Euston trains. I have seen a video of a class 25 leaving Huddersfield on a Trans Pennine working plus I think they worked a few trains on the coast vice other loco's so a class 25 should turn up on a Passenger at Llanbourne, they have done in the past I've just not taken pictures. I think I will have to change that. Yes 20s, I have a Stoke train that does a return trip down the branch which normally has D200 or 20s, it is booked for a class 47 but I don't really have any spare at the momnet. I like the idea of 20s on air cons though, any idea what worked the 20s train back to Stoke? I have seen a night pic of a Peak at Crewe on a Euston train plus I remember reading somewhere that a Peak had worked from Holyhead on a Euston train. But from what you have said it seems that it wasn't that uncommon. I makes sence that they would work in from Holyhead if they were short of 47s as it would work back, where as Crewe would more than likely have a spare class 47. Looks like Llanbourne might see a few more Peaks working the Euston trains. Your NB 47 moves make me quite jealous, it does seem like I could have a few more out and about on passenger trains. The problem is 47106 is currently the only NB 47. I do have two Lima NB 47s but they aren't good runners so don't get used. I do plan on getting a few more Bachmann or Vi loco's to fill the gaps. I need more large logo 47s and a couple more NB loco's are on my list, one will be in Railfreight grey but the other one will be blue, a 4719x sounds good at least one large logo loco will be a CD based machine. I still need a few other loco's for Llanbourne top of the list are more 47s as I said above but I also need a couple of 31/4s one will be booked on the TPO leaving a spare for ballast and/or a Manchester - Bangor train which I have as a bit of chuck out and anything can turn up on it. I am quite happy if you want to post more gen as it is all very interesting, if you have any pics feel free to post them on here. Many thanks Peter.
  14. Hi Phil, You have been busy, it's certainly comming on since I last looked. Not sure about the Grid on the RES vans, you need to get youself a nice RES Duff. Cheers Peter.
  15. Hi Rick, Yep you are right I didn't notice that, oops. Looks good though. Cheers Peter.
  16. Hi Rick, You have been busy, the new lighting does look very good, it's something I will have to do on Llanbourne at some point. Love the DMU blue grey NSE lash up. Cheers Peter.
  17. Hi James, Great to see you on the RMweb, I still visit your website quite regularly and its good see you are still keeping busy modelling. The pics of Loftus road look superb, thought you were showing a prototype pic of the unit to start with. Keep them coming please. Cheers Peter.
  18. Thanks Jeff, Hopefully you can come down and see it when I have my meeting in November. Still more to do though. Cheers Peter.
  19. Thanks Pete, Yeah the fence is a bit out of focus, but I don't think anyone is really interested as there is a nice Peak on shed. Cheers Peter.
  20. Hi Neil, The latest stock is looking pretty good, Cav makes some good points and all I would add is keep looking at the real thing for how the weathering builds up on a wagon or loco. Sometimes less is more. Cheers Peter.
  21. Hi All, A few pics of the finished fence. 08695 and 33026 wait for there next duty. 45103 has been stabled on the fuel tank road as is about to leave the shed area to work a Trans Pennine service to Bangor. Cheers Peter.
  22. P.C.M

    Loch Dour

    Hi Kev, Thanks for that. Cheers Peter.
  23. Hi Jon, Good on you, glad to hear it's not going to beat you. I am sure it will all work out in the end and you will have a superb loco. Cheers Peter.
  24. P.C.M

    Loch Dour

    Hi Kev, Just been catching up on your thread, great layout and stock. 37033 does look very nice. I like the 26s and 27s too. I am planning on doing a 27/2 at some point for a future layout project. I notice 27025 has the slightly larger numbers, and I will need some for a class 26 at some point, could you please tell me who does them. I did a pair of 20s a few years ago with the larger numbers and can't remember where I got them. Thanks cheers Peter.
  25. Hi Alex, The wheel lathe looks excellent, and I am sure will look even better once you weather it up a bit. 45141 is a good choice as you know she visits Llanbourne quite often. Let me know when you are going to start on 141 as there are a few mods you might want to do to the body. Cheers Peter.
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