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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. HI all, Llanbourne hasn't been run for a while but I have a meeting next week, so will start cleaning track and wheels during the week. The 142 Pacer has had it's wheels cleaned and has been dusted off as it has been sat on the layout for a while. Here is a pic of the Pacer arriving on a service from Bangor. 25904 waits for it's next duty on the holding sidings. Cheers Peter.
  2. Sounds good to me, I do like a good Peak, as you know Llanbourne has a few. Love to see the Beattie well tanks too, thay look great. Cheers Peter.
  3. Hi Rick, The senics are looking great, I like the Peak too, is it the lastest Bachmann one? Cheers Peter.
  4. Hi Kevin, Thanks for the pic of the Peak, I knew you would have one tucked away somewhere. Cheers Peter.
  5. Hi Kevin, The class 40 and 25 look good, is Leaford going back in time? A Peak on the Eastleigh - Severn Tunnel freight would look good. Cheers Peter.
  6. Hi Alex, The finished conveyor belt looks superb, I am glad you are happy with it, well worth the effort. Sorry to hear about work, hope things pick up soon. I will miss my regular Boxenby fix. Cheers Peter.
  7. Hi Doug, I have done a bit since you were last down, the stone wall by the station is DAS modelling clay over cardboard with a bit of PVA to help things along. I am happy with the brake vans, I did notice the Hornby one was out, it does look pretty good. Hope you can make it to the meeting. Cheers Peter.
  8. Hi Jon, Nice work on the 47s I have a Vi 47401 which I am planning on renumbering and although I do like my Bachmann 47s the Vi one does look good though the gap between the body and bogies is too big. I am thinking of trying your method but I am wondering if lowering the body makes the loco sit to low. Hi Jon020, I have done some work on the underframes on my Bachmann 47 though probably not to your standard, it would be a good starting point for yours though, let me know if you want some pics. The centre wheels do sit a bit lower on some Bachmann models which causes them to rock a bit, you can file out the plastic a bit I fixed my class 37 this way, though P4 is another thing. love the Halloween Tangerine. Cheers Peter.
  9. Hi all, Just a couple of pics showing the finished brake vans, and a pic showing the progress on my NCV. I have also made a start on painting the brickwork on my terraced houses with have been in an unfinished state for a few years now. I thought it was about time I tried to finish them. Cheers Peter.
  10. Hi Rick, Just been catching up with your thread, looks like you have been quite busy. The new arrivals look good too and adding real coal certainly improves things, you are getting the hang of the weathering too very nice. Not sure if I told you but I am having a BRMA meeting here on the 19th of November, you are more than welcome. Cheers Peter.
  11. P.C.M

    First test

    I guess it's going to be hard to tell until you get both fired up together and under the chassis. Looking forwards to it. Cheers Peter.
  12. P.C.M

    First test

    Looks great, all your hard work has paid off. Does it run as well as you had hoped? Cheers Peter.
  13. Hi Mark, Thanks, the guards vans are nearly done now plus I have been working on an old Replica MK1 BG which I am converting to an all blue NCV. The pic in Modelrail was a suprise as I had sent a few pics off to them and they said they were interested in putting one or two in the mag, but that was the last I heard from them until Jeff told me on here the other day. Cheers Peter.
  14. I have been working an a couple of Bachmann brake vans recently. After talking to Leon on his South Wales Freight thread I thought I would post up a few pics showing the work do so far. Both vans have had the buffers replaced with whitemetal ones from the bits box, they look pretty good though I am not sure they are the right ones. I have also added roller bearing axle boxes and the two pipes that come out of one side of the body, all CAR brake vans seen to have two or three pipes comming out of one side. I have also changed the rain strips on the roof to straight ones as apposed to the curved ones. Cheers Peter.
  15. Hi Mark, Bit of a late reply, I only just noticed your post today. I do have one flask but could do with another one. Class 25 or class 31 is normal power but I have always liked the coal sector class 31s one with ploughs would be nice. Maybe one day. Cheers Peter.
  16. Hi Leon, I don't have any pics of the brake vans yet, I will take a few and post them up on my layout thread, I haven't done an update for a while so it's a good excuse to do one. Sorry to hear about the job, hopefully you will find something else soon. Cheers Peter.
  17. Hi Leon, Your class 59 looks good, the scary thing is I went up to Southampton and watch the first class 59s come out of the docks. I like the brake vans too I have a couple on the work bench as I type, one is the railfreight red and grey one like yours the other is limited edition one with yellow stripes, both good little models, though I have added roller bearing axle boxes to mine as a few vans had them. I have a pic of a Shark brake at Newport I will dig it out for you. Cheers Peter.
  18. Thanks Neil, The wall has been demolished, it's imagined that the station roof was longer but has been shortened. I still need to build the roof the plan is to make it something like the one that used to be at Llandudno. Cheers Peter.
  19. Hi Neil, I quite like the 47s in NSE liv, here is a pic of 47573 at Padd in 1990 not to dirty on the body sides but the white wheels look long gone. Cheers Peter.
  20. Hi leon, Always good to see an update, looks like the interest is back. My garage doesn't have any windows, I have plenty of lights though, so I stay out there for hours. Nice pics of the open day br2975, I was on the Crompton railtour 33064 I think, I didn't get many pics of the open day, I think we were short of time and went for a bit of a bash on the Tractors, I mean why wouldn't you. Cheers Peter.
  21. Hi Doug, Thanks for that, the other things sound interesting. Sounds like you have been spending a bit of cash. Cheers Peter.
  22. Hi keith, Thanks mate, Leanne is doing ok. Went out for the A class yesterday, weather was pants but got a few pics of the train plus a few others. Cheers Peter.
  23. Hi Rick, Latest pics look good, though I just noticed your Western is missing it's wipers, lets hope we don't get to much rain today. Cheers Peter.
  24. Top layout Pete, That class 26 does look good. I have a few 4mm models that need a layout to run on one day. Cheers Peter.
  25. Thanks Jeff, Thanks for letting me know, I sent some pics in a couple of months back and Richard was keen to put one in the mag, but thats the last I heard. Just have to wait a month or so until the mag arrives in Oz. Cheers Peter.
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