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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Thanks Merf, Great pics as per usual, some very interesting stuff there, seems class 31 were quite common in 1986, I thought they weren't than common until the class 25s had almost gone. Look forwars to your 33 and 45 pics. Cheers Peter.
  2. Hi 60091, I do generally operate Llanbourne to a timetable, the meeting at the weekend was just a case of running whatever I felt like or was asked for. Monday night was just putting trains back in the right fiddleyard sidings, and running a few that didn't turn a wheel at the meeting. The have been writing a timetable in a book for some time now, most info has come from books old rail mags and a 1986-7 loco hauled book.It still needs some work as some trip working need sorting, the passenger working are pretty much sorted though. I can't run everything but think I have a fair selection of the trains that ran and a few that didn't, my oil train has been borrowed from the Aberystwyth line. I also plan to run a 37/4 on passenger which I have borrowed from the 1988 timetable. I was talking timetables last year sometime, and was thinking of having the moves on a computer screen, beast 66606 offered to help with a program but I think as it's generally only me operating this was slightly over the top, though would be great for an exhibition layout. my time in the garage is spent mainly working on stock and the layout. I would say it's about 70/30. Yes the time period of Llanbourne is set between late 1985 through to mid 1987. It was a time I was out and about taking pictures and riding behind Peaks and Cromptons. One of the reasons for choosing North Wales was the fact that I could run so many of my favourite diesels, There isn't many places you could have Cromptons sharing the rails with Peaks class 25s and the few remaining class 40s on a daily basis. The RM article you mention is the one that started me thinking about having Llanbourne as a through terminus. A visit to Norwich in 1985 sealed the deal. I think I still have the RM somewhere, from memory it has a trackplan in the top corner. Hope this answers some of your questions. Cheers Peter.
  3. As mentioned before I had a bit of a running session Monday night and took a few pics of my 40s for Lee. I hope to get out there later tonight too, might as well play trains while the tracks still clean. 08695 prepares to take out the stock from the 1D32 ex Stoke. 97407 sits with 47535 on the stabling point. D200 has joined 97407 after being released from the stock of the ex Stoke service. Crewe based 47561 sits in the middle road. 08695 is waiting in the carriage sidings while 08472 shunts a few wagons about. Cheers Peter.
  4. Hi Lee, I should have said I normally brush this mix on and vary the colours a bit as I go, if I think it looks too dark or light. Let me know how you go. Oh and I don't use as much 62 as the other two colours. I had a bit of a running session tonight and took a pic of my 40s. 97407 was already on the stabling point and D200 arrived on a service from Stoke. I willl upload them tomorrow. Cheers Peter.
  5. P.C.M

    Loch Dour

    Hi Kev, I have had a problem with the glossy bogies on Bachmann class 20s 25s and a Hornby class 31, one of my Bachmann class 47s is showing signs of it too. I even tried cleaning one with degreaser soap and hot water. It lasted a while but still went glossy, I even removed as much grease as I could. I find a wipe over with a cotton bud with a bit of thinners on it takes away the shine a bit but it doesn't last. Cheers Peter.
  6. Hi Merf, Don't forget you good self as well. Cheers Peter.
  7. Thanks Dave, I will have a hunt around. Cheers Peter.
  8. Hi Keith, It was a good turn out, we ran out of cups, The MPV is a good model you can remove sections to change it useage, it did seem to run quite well too. As you say it should be T&T 37s larry has a few pics on his thread. Cheers Peter.
  9. Thanks Neil, Having a dummy would save on decoders if you are DCC. Cheers Peter.
  10. No worries Manfred, Thanks for posting the pic as I didn't get one, I do like the livery too one of my favourites of the modern era. Make sure you bring your class 37 to the next meeting that should look superb. I will have a better look at those detail bits too. Cheers Peter.
  11. Hi Doug, The backscene is a bit of a work in progress, the join will have to stay as part of the backscene is going to be removable. The join will be hidden with a few trees. I do need to reinforce it though. It might improve when I add some more MDF in the form of low releif buildings. It was a shame about the rain, you will have to come down again and go to the beach when the weather is better, it's a great beach for the kids to swim at, if you have goggles you see all the fish. Cheers Peter.
  12. I think both are wondering what the hell a Metro-vic is doing at Llanbourne. Cheers Peter.
  13. Hi Pete, I had a few beers after everyone had gone. Cheers Peter.
  14. Thanks Jeff, Glad you had a good time, and thanks again for getting me the Kadee's and plasticard. Hopefully I will get more of a chance to talk at the next meeting, I was keeped fairly busy. Cheers Peter.
  15. Hi Lee, Sorry no class 40s came to visit, 97407 ex 40012 was on the layout though, I will take a couple of pics for you. I am waiting for Bachmann's split box beast as I want to do 97406 ex 40135. Underframe weathering is a mix of Humbrol matt black 33, Khaki 26 and a little leather 62. Cheers Peter.
  16. Hi Rick, Thanks for posting the pics, I do like that Peak. Cheers Peter.
  17. Thanks for that Dave, though they aren't cheap are they, 15 quid. Cheers Peter.
  18. I had a BRMA meeting here today and a few RMwebbers came along too. It was quite a turn out and I was told 31 people came. I knew it was a few as we ran out of mugs, and the pies and sausage rolls disappeared quickly. I still have a few packets of biscuits left though. It rained for a good part of the day so it was lucky I had the tarp up. Llanbourne ran well and I did manage to get a few pictures of visiting stock though missed a few, a DR&S Compass liv 57 on Flasks was one. Thanks to all who came along, here a few pics I did manage to take. Cheers Peter.
  19. I will need to find a 4mm figure with camera, not sure I will find one with waist level viewfinder though. Priser do lots of figures I will look at them. 20s 169 & 121 leave on the 6D03 empty ballast to Penmaenmawr. Cheers Peter.
  20. Hi Rick, Hope you had a good time, I didn't get a pic of 30585 so if you did feel free to post one on my thread. I am not sure if you had a chance to run it I was fairly busy trying to find mugs etc, so didn't get a chance to run everything. I will do another RMweb meeting in the new year so will let you know. Here is your Peak sitting on the fuel road at Llanbourne shed. Cheers Peter.
  21. Hi Mark, The senics are looking great I do like those trees, though probably best not to work out what you have spent. Cheers Peter.
  22. Hi Dave, Glad it's all going to plan, hope the move goes well. It's good to hear you can still work on a few projects, keep us posted with pics even if the layout has been packed away. The class 37s look great your 37043 is a bit of a favourite of mine, must admit I hadn't noticed the over large numbers it looks superb now though. Cheers Peter.
  23. Hi Larry, My first SLR was a Praktica. A 4mm version of Merf and yourself out taking pics sonds like a good idea. I think the shunter was 08472, which I have as my yard shunter. I don't think it was named until 1988ish. Cheers Peter.
  24. Thanks Dave, yes the signal box is still on my to do list. Cheers Peter.
  25. Thanks Pete, Neil and Andy, I only have a couple of rats running at the moment, I really need to get a few more done. Neil the 20s are a bit of a favourite of mine, they are both Lima with added detail, handrails etc. One is a dummy and the other is sitting on a Bachmann chassis. I will get a pic for you, as they are due to depart soon. Cheers Peter.
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