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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Hi 47475, Daryl, has beaten me to it, it's a great thread I learnt a bit from it myself I didn't know the grey was a lighter shade on the Regional Railways stock. It means my Bachmann NEX is wrong for the period I model. My other Trans-Pennine coaches are two Hornby MK2s that I rebranded from Regional Railways coaches they have a darker grey so don't look to bad though it's not quite the right shade. I think the old Lima coaches look ok but both Hornby and Lima could do with being repainted with the correct colours, plus having the mould lines removed. I may get around to this one day but can live with them for now. Cheers Peter.
  2. Hi Daz, Thanks mate, just been checking your O gauge progress, looking good. Cheers Peter.
  3. No worries Mark, Just glad to hear you are still doing a bit. The yellow class 31 is a nice model, I had one visit my layout a few weeks back. Cheers Peter.
  4. Why, do you think it could do with a bit of underframe dirt. Cheers Peter.
  5. Hi Rick, Mozzies love me, there are a few about at the moment what with all the rain we have been having. The Leopard slugs do look pretty cool though I've not seem one that big. Cheers Peter.
  6. Hi Mark, Thanks mate, The 08 shot seems to be everyones favourite. Haven't seen any updates on your layout recently, have you been busy planting more trees. Cheers Peter.
  7. Thanks David, Thankfully the spiders generally keep to themselves. Cheers Peter.
  8. Thats scary if they have. Most of my stock has Kadee number 5s or 18 & 19s if they have a NEM pocket. I am not sure what my minimum radius is, though there is quite a sharp curve after leaving the station thats hidden in the tunnel. Best way to go is give them a try and see how you go, a goog rule to remember is have the bottom curve of the knuckle level with the buffer head. Hope that is of some use, I can post up some pics if you like. Cheers Peter.
  9. Thanks Lewis, One of the down side of living here is the Snakes, Spiders & other bities. Cheers Peter.
  10. Thanks Scott, The 08 on the oil trip has come out ok, I might take a few more from that spot. Cheers Peter.
  11. Thanks Kev, I do have a few DMUs I just don't take pics of them often enough. Cheers Peter.
  12. Hi Trev, I don't think the smell worried the spider too much it was moving quite well when I sprayed it. It took a few goes with the spray to stop it moving too. The 08 shot seems to be a favourite, thanks. Cheers Peter.
  13. Thanks Pete, Yes the spider did make the old heart beat a bit faster. Cheers Peter.
  14. Here are a couple of pics from yesterday, plus a Redback I found in my trainers today. I haven't seen one for ages. Lucky I noticed it's web they bite. Cheers Peter.
  15. Thanks Rick, Just hope I don't get flooded out before it's finished. Cheers Peter.
  16. Thanks Mate, Must have missed this post the other day, ooops. Cheers Peter.
  17. Hi Paul, No worries, not much good on planes myself, ok with WW2 fighters and bombers because I used to do the Airfix kits but thats about it. Cheers Peter.
  18. Hi Lee, That would be great, I have never been to the East Lancs, I should be able to get away from the wife and kid for a few days so will see how I go, although the missus doesn't mind the steamers. She wants to do Scotland so it may be possible to call in on the way back. Early days yet though but worth keeping in mind. Cheers Peter.
  19. Hi Paul, My finished Peaks are all running with the older Bachmann chassis, which is ok but not quite as good as the new ones. Llanbourne has 45 029, 45036, 45103, 45111, 45141 and 45150. 45036 and 45150 are Mainline bodys and 45111 is a Mainline body with A1 etched nose grilles, this didn't work as well as I had hoped so I didn't do any more. I am not sure if the Replica or early Bachmann body would go on the new chassis. The problem with the Replica and early Bachmann is that the nose is a bit too low and to make a 45/1 you need to alter the roof which isn't too hard, raising the nose can be done and I have had a go, it's a bit of a job. Something to also remember is that 45/1s don't have any side steps each side at the boiler end were as the 45/0s still had them but plated over. I have one of Bachmann's new Peaks in Green liv, the plan is to do another 45/1, the nose on the new models looks alot better but the nose grilles as all their releases has the old type, it's a shame as the early Bachmann model had the right ones. Roof mod and side steps will need to be sorted along with the nose grilles on the green one so chances are Bachmann will release a 45/1 when I have finished mine. Hope thats is of some use for you. Cheers Peter.
  20. Hi Jon, Check out my Article in MI2 its my way of having buffer beam pipework and couplers. Cheers Peter.
  21. Hi Dave, 37026 looks a beast, I was put off buying this model as it has the recess under the cantrail grilles but it really doesn't show up on your model. The weathering is superb it has that typical Scottish winter coat of grime. Cheers Peter.
  22. Thanks Lee, Glad you like them, I ment to say in my post to you the other day that I am hopefully coming over next September so might have to see if I can hunt down a few class 40s, I know 40012 is still about, good to hear 40135 is a runner. Cheers Peter.
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