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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Thanks ian b, I had a look at some pics, Longport is the same. it still had rodding and old type shunt signals too. Both have early OHL with gantrys and not the later post type set up. Its definitely got me thinking though. Cheers Peter.
  2. Thanks everyone, I have added a couple more trees but I am not happy with one of the bigger seafoam ones so will try and make a wire one. I picked up some Woodland senics foliage today so I will see how I go. Alex I haven't started the depot building yet, I know what I want to do. It will be a smaller version of the one that used to be at Holyhead. Now here is a question everyone. For the secound time in as many years I have been thinking about OHL I have been drooling over pics of Bachmanns new class 85 last time it was Heljans class 86. The class 85 was my favourite electric loco though I was thinking how would Llanbourne look with some OHL. I can replace the signals with colour light jobs but can I have OHL and Point rodding in the same place as I couldn't bring myself to remove that. Any thoughts? Cheers Peter.
  3. Hi Mark, It has been a while but well worth the wait. The stream looks great, as do the picnic benches. Cheers Peter.
  4. Thanks Pete, I have added a few white ones now, looks alot better I think. Hi Doug, All well here, hope it's the same with you. It's not too cold in the garage at the moment, the small heater helps take the chill off. It will get colder though, I just put extra layers on. Thanks Mark, I think it looks better now I have painted a few houses and added a few trees. I still need to make a bigger one to hide the backscene join on the left. I have made the backscene removable so I can still take pics from the back. Cheers Peter.
  5. Thanks Guys, I got the paint out tonight, and did a couple off white and a grey. looks alot better, time to leave it alone now and make some trees. Thanks agian Peter.
  6. Hi Merf, Don't worry I still have the pics of Llandudno box you took for me, it will happen one day. I said to Dirty Diesel that I was thinking of painting some of the houses on the backscene white as I noticed alot of houses on the coast are rendered. What do You think being a local? I had a practise on an offcut, thoughts anyone. Cheers Peter.
  7. Thanks Scott, Hope you had a good time down at Swanage, I am happy with the bit I have done I just need to work out what to do behind the station building. Cheers Peter.
  8. Thank Jeff And Doug, Still plenty to do and it's getting colder out in the garage these days, had the heater on the other day. I was going out to have a go at making some trees tonight but I might stay inside in the warm now. Cheers Peter.
  9. Thanks Dirty Diesel, Sounds like you know the place well. I am thinking of painting a few of the houses on the backscene white as I notice alot of houses on the coast are rendered white or grey. What do you think? Cheers Peter.
  10. Thanks Dave, I have been meaning to do the backscenes for ages now, certainly improves things. The yard bit isn't really new just extended a bit so I can fit a bigger loco shed. Cheers Peter.
  11. Still on the to do list Dave, I am coming over later in the year so might end up buying the kit you metioned all those pages back. Cheers Peter.
  12. Thanks Ian & Kevin, I will look out for some as I have a couple of BDAs needing a load. Really like the last pic with Slim jim on freight. Cheers Peter.
  13. Hi All, Well it seems to be taking an age to get this backscene done but it's getting there. The warehouses are finished an I have spliced together an ID backscene to fill the gap between the warehouses. I chose this backscene because it had a factory/warehouse and houses I thought this would give a good transition between the low releif one on the left. I think it has worked out quite well. I will be making some trees to hide the backscene join and where I have spliced the ID backscene together. One thing is alot of houses on the North Wales Coast are rendered and are white or grey so I will try and paint a few over the weekend. I had a pratice on an offcut tonight, and I think I can make it work. Cheers Peter.
  14. Hi Kevin, I like the lastest pics, How did you do the steel loads on your BDAs? If you like a bit of late 80s early 90s freight then the Railscene Railfreight today series of videos/ DVDs are worth a look. Cheers Peter.
  15. Looks great Jon, plenty of room to park your class 47 when it's done. Cheers Peter.
  16. Thanks Jim, I hadn't seen that, It's had me looking trough my slides and books to see if I can find any half decent pics of tugs. Cheers Peter.
  17. Hi Jon, The 37 looks superb, love those Pullmans too. I will have to send a link to my mate who is based at Stewarts lane and works for the company that runs the VOSE and the Northern Belle. Cheers Peter.
  18. Hi Glenn, Thats looks pretty good to me, love the foot steps. Can't wait to se the rest done with a bit of stock sat about the place. Cheers Peter.
  19. Hi Alex, Looking good mate, I think you are getting to that point where things will really start to come together and the main work will be done. Keep the updates coming it's always good to see your progress. Cheers Peter.
  20. Hi Jim, I didn't know that Bachmann had plans to do one, but if I find a few decent pics I will give one a go. I will keep an eye on your thread to see how you go with your Royal Mail BRUTES. Cheers Peter.
  21. Thanks Jim, I think it was your thread where I read that the Royal Mail ones were slightly different, it was a bit late by then as it was already painted. I don't remember seeing white ones either. But then I have a job remembering what I did last weekend. I do remember the three wheeled tugs and similar four wheeled ones. I liked the one you did but don't remember that type with the roof. If you have any plans to do a three wheeler I would certainly be interested in seeing how it comes out. Cheers Peter.
  22. Hi Rich, No worries cheif, any requests. Cheers Peter.
  23. Did you post a pic of the loco on the forum somewhere? I am sure I remember seeing it. I did give it some thought but I really need more Large logo machines. I am thinking of doing a crewe based loco that has flush one end and normal the other, because I will only need to modify one end. Cheers Peter.
  24. Good luck, just make sure you follow the instructions, I made the misake of folding a couple up wrong so they are a mirror of what they should be. Cheers Peter.
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