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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Thanks Andy, interesting project. heers Peter.
  2. Just watched it myself, very enjoyable. Really liked the high speed token exchange near the end. Cheers Peter.
  3. Hi Phil, Looks like you got planning permission then, best of luck with the new project. Cheers Peter.
  4. Thanks Mark, Glad to hear you are getting some nice weather over there. it's raining here at the moment though it was a nice weekend. The class 31 would look pretty cool with some exhaust but I don't have a clue how to photoshop. I do have a sound fitted one waiting to be done though. Cheers Peter.
  5. Thanks Doug, we went up to Healesville this weekend and stayed with a mate who is a landscaper, I showed him a pic of the tree and he thought it was pretty good, and he knows his trees. Ceers Peter.
  6. Thanks, I did give the tree a very light mist of dark brown which seems to have helped things, it doesn't really show in the pic so I mat do a touch more. Cheers Peter.
  7. Next project? do tell. Really enjoying the pics and video from the show, great stuff plenty of 37s. Cheers Peter.
  8. Thanks Doug, I have had another go at the tree tonight and added some darker green flock which has toned it down a bit, and I am alot happier with the tree now. I am not sure it shows up in the picture that well though. Cheers Peter.
  9. Thanks Jeff, I think you are right there Jeff the pic isn't the best, and as you say it will fade over time. Cheers Peter.
  10. Thanks, I have used the foliage clusters but didn't have much luck useing them on trees. I think I have some T60 so might try that on another tree. I think I will leave the big one alone for now I don't want to stuff it up. I think your trees look great, working in N gauge definetly has its advantages. Cheers Peter.
  11. Hi Ian, Thanks mate, yes I think once a bit dust settles and it fades a bit I think it will be fine. If it still bugs me after a while I might try your idea, I have some dark brown spray. I am not going to glue the tree down just yet as it seems to be sitting in it's hole ok. Cheers Peter.
  12. Thanks Merf, if you are happy with it then thats good enough for me. Cheers Peter.
  13. Thanks mate, I think you are right though the picture isn't really doing it any favours. I might retake the pics on a different setting. Cheers Peter.
  14. I made a tree, and I am not sure, is it too big too green? Cheers Peter.
  15. Hi Doug, I am sure once he gets bored of girls he will be back wanting to run his class 25. Cheers Peter.
  16. Hi Phil, Look like you have been busy, your new project looks very interesting. Here is hoping you get planning permission. Cheers Peter.
  17. Hi Jon, I have both early and late class 47s and apart from the class 57 loops on the early bogies there isn't much difference. The brake linkage missing on each corner of the Bachmann bogies comes in the detail pack, there should be 8 but my early class 47s came with only 4. They are a sort of y shape and certainly improve the look of the bogie when fitted, though they aren't the best moulding. Pete Harvey etched steps might be worth looking at too. I also extended the fine pipework running along the top of one side of each bogie as it stops to short at the ends. I think the early bogies had this both sides, so I removed it. If you want a few pics to explain things better I will wack a couple on my layout thread. Cheers Peter.
  18. Thanks Doug, I think your young bloke will probably have left school by the time its finshed though. lol Cheers Peter.
  19. I like your thinking, though it's not going to happen, as Llanbourne stands at the moment. I like the Guide Bridge Manchester area idea though. I could still run a class 33 as they did get up to Man Pic on Cardiff trains. Cheers Peter.
  20. Thanks Mark, Yes I might get one later on but there is other stuff I need first. I am quite happy with my stunting plank idea which will give me a goood excuse to get one and maybe a class 86 too. I have been wanting to have a go at building a point or two and useing some finscale track so this would be a good little practise run for another layout I want to do once Llanbourne is (nearly) finished. Cheers Peter.
  21. I never got to see the woodhead when it was running, but have seen plenty of pics and video. A very interesting line, I think with the new Heljan class 76 in the shops we might see a few more layout of this route. I have been drawing track plans for a small shunty plank with some overhead. Llanbourne will be staying as is. Cheers Peter.
  22. Well I wouldn't have belived it if I hadn't seen it. Thanks for finding the pic, something to store in the memory thats for sure. Cheers Peter.
  23. As I said I think I will get one a some point, I might be just the excuse I need to build a small shunting plank, something I can take outside to take pics of locos and stock in natural light. I quite fancy having a go at building some track too one day. Cheers Peter.
  24. Well it's nice to know there is a Thanks, It's a good idea but Llanbourne will stay where it is for now changing location at this stage would throw a real spanner in the works. North Wales still really works for me and I already have a great variety of locos and stock that I can run. Going OHL is just being greedy and I don't think it will look at all right with the other stock I run. There is nothing stopping me buying a class 85 at some point but I have plenty of other locos to do before I would get around to it. I already have enough locos sat in boxes waiting for me to do. Plus Heljans 128 is due out soon and I want one of them, Cheers Peter.
  25. Thanks Guys, I have just been out in the garage and the extra work to run just a few extra loco's doesn't seem worth it. Llanbourne just wouldn't be North Wales with OHL. I like the feel of what I have done so far and I like my Semaphores too much to remove them. If I want to run electrics I will just have to build another layout, but that will be after my Scottish exhibition layout. Cheers Peter.
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