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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Hi Jeff, Looks like you are aready heading to the dark side or blue in your case. lol You can always remove the sound chip and speaker from your blue loco and put it in a green loco, if you have one. How are you for stock on the new layout? There are some very nice steam locos out these days. I know I have been tempted, I've always had a soft spot for the Standards. Cheers Peter.
  2. Looking good Jeff, I do like those Points. Drool. Cheers Peter.
  3. Hi Dave, My parents always had labs, awesome dogs. Nice to see a few pics of the old layout, hope the railway room is finished soon and you can crack on with WW. Cheers Peter.
  4. Hi Arnie, Might catch up on the Saturday then I will be there with my brother. Cheers Peter.
  5. Hi Jeff, Sorry must have missed this post the other day, I think a nice blue class 37 would look great on your viaduct. If your layout is running when I am next over I will bring one for a run. Cheers Peter.
  6. No worries Larry, I notice you have been very busy on your own layout, Greenfield is looking very good bye the way. Thanks for the info, I have a coach on the workbench so it will try some darker colours and see how i go. Cheers Peter.
  7. Thanks Dave, most useful, I might try and get one while I am over. Cheers Peter.
  8. Hi Dave, I am coming over next month, so might try and pick up a kit, I was going to ask who it was who does them. Was it london road models? Cheers Peter.
  9. Thanks Jim, I find working from a pic of the real thing is the best way to go. I have a nice pic of 37284 top and tailing a railtour which helped me decide to do this loco. Cheers Peter.
  10. Thanks Mark, Once I found a half decent pic of the sheep I thought I would give it a go, it wasn't too hard to do. Just some white paint on a cocktail stick. Cheers Peter.
  11. 31403 is now finished as I have added the ETH cable. Canton beast 37284 is pretty much finished too, having looked at the photos I might just tweak the weathering here and there. 37428 ex 37417 is progressing well too. Cheers Peter.
  12. I have finally finshed 37284, here are a few pics. I don't think it's too Baaad. Cheers Peter.
  13. Hi Phill, I will look out for your thread I always enjoyed reading what you were up to, though it didn't help my trying not to get into 7mm. I often go for some time not running Llanbourne, for one it stops me getting bored with it plus I have been sorting the backscene and working on a few locos. The weather here will start to improve over the next few weeks so I might give the layout a dust down and clean the track though I might wait until I am back from the Uk. I think my problems with varnish is that I use it from a spray can and not my airbrush which has been sat at a friends place for a few years now, I need to get a new one but I keep buying more stock. I think the Heljan Crompton looks great but you have a nice Lima one that you did a fair bit of work on, and as much as I like my class 33s I would be tempted with the class 31. Will you be tempted with a Dapol class 08 when it comes out? I think I will.lol Cheers Peter.
  14. Hi Jeff, Just catching up on your progress, the viaducts look superb and I am well jealous of your flowing pointwork and track. It makes me want to start again. Cheers Peter.
  15. Hi Arnie, Nice to see a few pics, as much as I like the Large Logo grid my favourite is 45052 what a beast. What day are you going to Modelrail live, I am going on the Saturday. Cheers Peter.
  16. Hi Rick, You are getting some good results with the powders I need to give it a go myself. Have to agree re the Bachmann grey I repainted my MK1s darker after sanding down the oversized ribs, which still show up a bit too much. Just been checking the price of the new Bachmann MK2s 24.00 quid !!!! I might rethink selling my old Hornby ones. Cheers Peter.
  17. Hi Larry, On my other coaches I have done the roofs pretty dark so I think I will try and match them I might be able to just lighten then up a tad. What colour do you use for ex-works coaches? I don't get any seagull shi*t in the garage but the spiders do a pretty good scale version. lol Cheers Peter.
  18. Hi Phill, Always good to hear from you, As with most things I sort of just muddled through, I added some very thinned white to some areas as I didn't want to get to carried away, then when I sprayed varnish on the roof on my class 37 and it all went a bit wrong I tried some Tamiya varnish which worked a treat but lightens up the paint and gives it a faded look as I think some varnishes tend to do. Had I not wanted a slightly faded look on the class 37 I would have had to try something else but it looked pretty good. So I sprayed the roof on the class 31 then did the body sides, one bit looked a bit too faded so I just brushed on a bit of grime. I fitted the ETH cables last night so the old girl is ready to work it's first train, I just need to clean my track I haven't had a running session since March. Cheers Peter.
  19. My Limited edition Trans-Pennine coach pack arrived last week, I finally got the chance to take a pic of them today. Lovely looking coaches though I don't think the roofs were black so I might have to repaint them. Problem is I think I will have to sell off my Hornby MK2s now. Cheers Peter.
  20. Thanks Alex, It's Issue number 205. Here are a couple of pics that didn't make it. Cheers Peter.
  21. Thanks Alex, It's Issue number 205. Here are a couple of pics that didn't make it. Cheers Peter.
  22. Bloody Hail, I saw the storm go across we just got heavy rain here though Mornington copped it. Hope you didn't get any damage. Clay Dries look good another one will really finish that area off. Cheers Peter.
  23. Thanks Mark, I am pretty pleased with it, I want to do a referbished one now with orange cantrail line. Yes we are planning to go to Scotland should be near you about Oct 17th 18th. Cheers Peter.
  24. Thanks Alex, I remember going to Norwich before they were replaced with plastic though the locos we saw that day were all referbished 31/4s which is what I want to do next I have the loco I just need to paint it blue. Cheers Peter.
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