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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Hi Kevin, No worries, I am sure you will find a buyer for the NSE 47, don't blame you for wanting the 47/7 they were quite common down our way for a while. The Crompton does look good next to your EPB, maybe my next layout will have third rail. Well if you are ever down this way let me know, you are more than welcome. Seeing your Lima class 31 on a Hornby chassis got me thinking about resurrecting one of my Lima locos, could you tell me how you did yours please I noticed it had lights too did you us the Hornby light set up or do your own? Cheers Peter.
  2. Thanks Rick, It's good to be back, I would love to catch up let me know a date, it would be over a year ago that I last saw the layout and you have done heaps since then. Cheers Peter.
  3. Hi Ian, Thanks, yes we got back ok just took some time to get over the jet lag. It was a great trip and I hope to be back in a couple of years. we could go and annoy Scott for the day.lol 33010 survived it's trip and is sat on Llanbournes fuel point. The garage needs a clean as in the 5 weeks away the spiders moved in and I have little piles of dead ants all over the layout. I bug bombed the garage during the week so will get vac out in the next few days and suck up all the dead bodies and dust. Cheers Peter.
  4. No worries Jeff, Having seen your latest pics with the new crossover I can understand why, it would cause more problems at the end of the day. Keep up the great work, it wont be long before I see a nice 9f plodding over that viaduct. Cheers Peter.
  5. Hi Phil, I think the hut looks pretty good, though a bit more foliage wouldn't go a miss, maybe sprinkle on a bit of the lighter stuff on over the darker bushes. Cheers Peter.
  6. A few more, any progress on the NSE class 47. You were thinking of giving it a light weathering job. Cheers Peter.
  7. Hi Kevin, That Salmon does look good, I have had a kit sat here for years, I might get around to it one of these days. Anyway here are a few pics I took on my visit, I couldn't beleive how quickly you put a sound chip in my Crompton, it was great to see it getting some use on your layout. Thanks again for a great day. Cheers Peter.
  8. Hi Phil, Thats a nice little kit, I took this picture when I was over last month, might be of some use. It's just off the platform at the old homestead, Sway. Cheers Peter.
  9. Hi Jeff, I haven't posted for a while but have been following your progress. The trackwork is looking very good, did you decide to add some elevation to your curves as Larry did on his? Cheers Peter.
  10. Hi Dan, Superb looking layout, I never saw any class 76s back in the day it was one of those places I didn't get too until it was all pretty much gone. Looking forwards to seeing your class 76 finished and weathered up. Cheers Peter.
  11. P.C.M

    A brief glimpse

    Hi Pugsley, Always nice to see your latest creation, and very nice too. The bogie mod certainly improves the look of the loco, I have recently done it to a couple of mine. The weathering looks great and not over done, I might have another look at the weathering on my bogies yours looks great. Looking forwards to seeing the big one painted, glad to hear its a runner, you did alot of work on that. Cheers Peter.
  12. Hi Rick, The layout is looking great, I like the new clay dries they really look the the part. The mine engine house should really finish of the layout too. Nice to see the mixed parcel rake and passenger train. Cheers Peter.
  13. Hi Alex, Pitty we couldn't catch up the other week, I will try again next time I am over. The depot is coming along really well and I see you have a nice Large Logo class 47 in the fleet, those Grids look good too you must be finding it hard not to go and weather them up. Cheers Peter.
  14. Hi Scott, Thanks so much for giving me a lift up to Kevins, it was great to catch up. I will come down to you next time I am over, and see some of your green engines. We did have a good time at Ians, Exford does look great and runs very well. I had a good time shunting locos about the shed area. Ians class 33s and 50s do sound good. Kevins Leaford is superb and looks and runs really well. My 33010 had a quick transplant and was soon running complete with sound and is seen shunting cement in Phils video. Thanks again boys for a great day and hope to catch up when I am over here again. Cheers Peter.
  15. Well spotted Ian, I didn't notice Phils spelling. I am sure it's Fareham. Cheers Peter.
  16. Hi Phil, No worries it will be great to meet you, either tomorrow or Monday. Cheers Peter.
  17. Just thought I would drop in a quick post while I have the chance. We are enjoying are UK trip so far though some of the driving is giving me the sh*ts. I had a great time at the Barrow hill show and had a chat with Cav and Neil, it was great to see the layout in the flesh the sound class 85 was a beast. I am off to Fareham exhibition on Sunday and will be playing trains on Mossbank Yard. So drop by and say hello. Cheers Peter.
  18. Hi Mark, Some great pics, glad to hear the layout worked well on it's first outing. I doubt I will be able to make it to Barrow, I will have to try and catch up with you next time I am over. Cheers Peter.
  19. Hi Leon, Great set of pics, I always enjoy seeing your layout it really has that South Wales feel about it. Cheers Peter.
  20. Hi Jeff, Nice selection, a Jubilee would be nice always liked them and black fives. Were there any Standard 4 tanks up that way or the Fairburn tanks? And I am guessing you are waiting for a new Bachmann class 40. Cheers Peter.
  21. Hi Jeff, I think as you are building from scratch you would be mad not to go code 75 and using SMP or C&L is definetly the way to go. As I said my next layout will have fine scale track. Not hot yet but warming up it was 21 today though we had high winds late last week 100kph plus in some areas with some quite heavy rain and hail. It had fined up by Sunday I got quite hot when walking the dog down the beach, still need the wood heater going in the evenings though. Cheers Peter.
  22. Hi Merf, Buying two kits is going to get expensive, so scratch building might be back on the cards, I just need to pull my finger out a bloody build one. It might get Beast off my back to start with. I still have the pics you took for me Merf as I think the bigger box will be better for Llanbourne. Working out how many levers is a good idea, plus leaving some room for some Tomatoes sound great. As I have mentioned I will be over in a few weeks and we are planning to go to Portmeirion and travel along the coast on our way out and stop at Chester. So i might get a chance to call by Llandudno and get a few pics. Cheers Peter.
  23. Hi Ian, I did buy one but it looked to small, I thought about buying another one but after trying to change the steps to the other end to suit my needs thing started to go wrong. So I was back to plan A and already 20 Quid down the drain. The window etches may come in handy if I scratch build. Cheers Peter.
  24. Hi Jeff, Thanks, I am quite happy with my trackwork really, considering there was only handmade code 75 and no RTR when I started building Llanbourne and most people were using Peco code 100 plus my fleet of Lima diesels wouldn't have run well on anything fine scale. My next layout will have finescale track and I will have a go at building some points but thats a while off yet. Cheers Peter.
  25. Having done he bogie mod on 37284 I decided to do 37693. This time I did it an easier way and followed Robs ( Pallet Lane) way of doing it, a lot less work than my way. 37693 leaves Llanbourne LE. Cheers Peter.
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