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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Hi James, The new car looks a real beast, There are a few over here in Oz,an older one went past me the other day like I was stood still. They certainly go well. Cheers Peter.
  2. Hi Jeff, The wall has been taken down. The idea is the overall roof that I haven't built yet was further up the platform but has been demolished. Like the real one at Llandudno. Cheers Peter.
  3. Thanks Rick, Yes It could do with a bit more dirt, but I will leave it for now. I have a couple of Lima GUVs that I need to redo, so I might attack them with a bit more weathering. Cheers Peter.
  4. Thanks Alan, More variety of vans in your modelling period though. Cheers Peter.
  5. A few more pics from the other day. 31403 is shunting vans in platform 4. The second van in the train I finished this week, it's an NCV with guard compartment filled in and external handbrake wheel fitted. It's been on the workbench for ages so it was well overdue to be finished. 33202 arrives on a train from Crewe. Cheers Peter.
  6. Thanks Mate, Hope all goes well with your layout plans glad Llanbourne has been an inspiration for you. Here is a pic of 45103 being as you like Peaks. Cheers Peter.
  7. Hi Alex, Those overhead cranes look superb. Looks like your class 58 fleet has grown too. Cheers Peter.
  8. Thanks Doug, Yes it's good to be back, we did have a good time in the UK though. A catch up before Christmas would be good, no BRMA this month. Cheers Peter.
  9. Thanks for all the feedback David, Andy, John, class 66, John and Derek it means alot. It also helps to keep me going when I loose my way and can't be bothered. Nice pic Derek I knew 693 was transfered to Thornaby after being released to traffic but I didn't know they put the large numbers on so soon. Cheers Peter.
  10. Thanks Rick, I am sure I can work out a way of getting 33010 into deepest Cornwall. Yes I am afraid my signals don't work, maybe oneday I will rebuild them and wire them up I have seen working ground signals so it can be done. For now the ground signal stays off. Cheers Peter.
  11. Thanks Mark, Funny how back in the day we used to ignore the old DMUs wish I had taken more pics of them now. You can't have an 80s based layout without them. Cheers Peter.
  12. Thanks Jim, I like the unrefurbed myself they always seemed to be that much dirtier than the others, plus the bufferbeam cowl and bodyside stripe gave them that extra character. 31403 was one of the last ones to be done, which made it a bit of a celebrity among the class 31 bashers it was also one of only two class 31s to work a royal train. which explains the red bufferbeam and white handrails. I chose the loco because it had the raised roof fan cowl and I had a few pics of it. Cheers Peter.
  13. Hi All, Well I had the chance to finish off cleaning up the layout yesterday and today. I have vacuumed the layout and removed all the dead bugs and dust, I cleaned the track and started to run a few trains. As trains left the fiddleyard I cleaned the tracks and brushed off the dust on the stock which wasn't to bad as I cover the fiddleyard when it's not in use, though the sidings where the DMUs sit was quite dusty and I had to remove a few spider webs. It was a nice day here today so I left the door open and had a plesent time cleaning and running a few trains. Two points and a rail join needed attention but other than that Llanbourne was running well. Here are a few pics, 31403 had it's first run on a train since leaving the workbench. 33010 also turned up on a Cardiff Bangor service having run LE from Exford. It got quite warm during the afternoon, about 30 so I had a beer while playing trains I mean why wouldn't you. Cheers Peter.
  14. Nice video Dave, I managed to get a pic of the Sunbury train with Ps earlier in the year. Hope they can find some more work for the locos. Cheers Peter.
  15. Hi Jeff, Love the Peak pics. I also have a weathered up 4f though mine is numbered as an S&D regular. I am not looking forwards to the Bachmann model as I am going to want one. If it's anything like the 3f it will be a cracking model and will look great hauling a long freight over your viaduct. Cheers Peter.
  16. No worries Jeff, Look forwards to the 9f pic. Yes I noticed SRman had answered your question, he actually has a nice sound fitted one. I don't actually own one myself, nice locos though. Cheers Peter.
  17. Hi Jeff, The Jubilee looks great though I would have picked a black 5 or a class 45. I had a nice day out with a black 5 for haulage when we were in Scotland last month, I 've always liked them but even more so now. Re your MK2s in blue grey I am sure I have seen pics of some of the first ones repainted being steam hauled though it might be out of your time period. It would have to have been 1967/8. Some old Staniers will look nice mixed in with your MK1s I think some Gresleys may have made it over the S&C too. Cheers Peter.
  18. Hi Scott, I must admit I quite like the Freightliner green liv so it would be a pitty see the green stuff go, but I can see why the sector period is appealing. The drivers in 90% of my locos are Dapol. I use the railway worker pack, some of which just get chopped in half but some I change and chop arms etc file hats off to make a bit of variety. Cheers Peter.
  19. Hi Scott, It was great to catch up, shame you had to go early. I will be back in a couple of years so I might have to come and annoy you for the day. I have some more pics to add on flickr which you should like, I even saw your red shunter though I didn't get a good pic as it was stabled near the fuel point. I did notice a sub sector tractor on your layout the other day, is this the begining of the end for the green team or are you going to run both periods? I think the layout would look good with the Sub sector stuff. No reason why you can't have both. Cheers Peter.
  20. Thanks Pete, It's good to be back, hopefully this week I will finish cleaning up and will get something running as it has been a while. I will take a few pics for you. Meanwhile a few pics of 33010 overseas travels. After working from Llanbourne to crewe 33010 is seen passing Mossbank yard with an engineers train for Westcliffe P way yard. Shortly after dropping off it's train the loco is seen getting fuel on Holybank depot. A day later 33010 is seen working an MOD train on Kevins Leaford. Later that day 33010 is seen on shed at Ians Exford. Cheers Peter.
  21. Thanks Phil, Sorry I don't have much in the way of early EWS, I had left the UK by then so missed that period. Cheers Peter.
  22. For anyone interested I have added a link at the botton of my sig to my Flickr page. The newest stuff will be train pics from my latest trip to the UK but I have added stuff from back in the 80s and 90 plus my Oz train pics. My brother coments regularly and you can link to his Flickr page too he has heaps of great pics from the 80s right up to the present day. Cheers Peter.
  23. Thanks Jeff, The vacuum is a Dyson so bodies are no problem.lol I did know the meeting was cancelled which is a shame as it would be good to catch up maybe see you at Ricks then if you can make it. Cheers Peter.
  24. Thanks Ian, Sounds like he's done well there, off to the warm while you lot freeze. I just spoke to my dad he said it's bloody cold there at the moment. I am in no hurry anyway, hope he has a great time. Cheers Peter.
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