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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Thanks Alex, Happy New Year to you too. Cheers Peter.
  2. P.C.M

    Loch Dour

    Oh yes very nice, certainly worth the effort. Top job, I bet she sounds great too. Cheers Peter.
  3. Hi Alex, Locos for Christmas, well done. Do you have a sort of wants list of locos that you need for Boxenby? The latest pics look great, the ones showing the overhead cranes are superb. Happy New Year, cheers Peter.
  4. A few days off over Christmas have given me time to start a few more projects. One is a new panel for part of the fiddleyard, the plan is to put some point motors on and under the board for the DMU sidings which are at the back and harder to reach. Also in the works is an old Lima 47, I have sold most of my Lima 47s and replaced them with Bachmann models but this Grey roof loco was the last Lima loco I did and I think one of the best. I was planning to have the loco as a dummy but I am now going to have a go at putting a Heljan drive underneath. I am also going to change the number and have already painted the headcodes black and add a Stratford Sparrow making it a true SF machine. Cheers Peter.
  5. Happy New Year to you Lee, Sort of forgot it's winter over there, it's nice and sunny here mid 20s actually had my first swim of the year today after work. Either way you can't beat a bit of NB action. Cheers Peter.
  6. Judging by your lastest pics Scott it might already be too late. lol Hi Leon, Love the latest pics, your wagon fleet is growing as is your fleet of 37s, just something you may not be aware of is that 37/7s differ from 37/5s in that a window on each side is blanked out. Happy New Year, cheers Peter.
  7. Happy New Year everyone. Thanks to Andy and the team for running a great forum, thanks also to everyone for the comments feedback and help through the year. The last project for the year was to fit some 14mm wheels to an old Lima GUV, I fitted some Mainline MK1 bogies which were spare and drilled out 4 holes in the chassis the give some roon for the bigger wheels, it looks alot better. The last train of the year saw 37284 working the Llanbourne - Cardiff service. I think someone in the TOPS office is a class 37 fan, thats two days in a row with no booked Crompton. Cheers Peter.
  8. P.C.M

    Loch Dour

    Nice pics Kev, Lookng forwards to seeing 25059 weathered up. Cheers Peter.
  9. Hi Alex, Thanks for the links, I was just saying to Alex above I do quite fancy Bachmanns 37/5 but there are other things I want. It is very tempting though. 37428 does look good with those ploughs, I will do a few Scottish 37s one day for another project so I will get my plough fix when I do those. Cheers Peter.
  10. No worries Alex, There were a few bashers out for the 37/4, the gen is for a no heat one tomorrow. I am very tempted to get a 37/5 but bought 37693 a few years back. I do like the Bachmann red stripe 37/5 but I am not sure if they were common on the North Wales Coast. Cheers Peter.
  11. Thanks Jeff. To be honest I am noy that happy with the quality of the latest pics, they seem a bit fuzzy. I might have a play with the settings. Cheers Peter.
  12. Thanks Pete, Plenty planned for 2013 so more pics to come. Cheers Peter.
  13. Thanks Ian, A good Christmas but too much beer and food, I have had some time in the garage which is good and I had some money for Christmas so I will be ordering a few bits I need in a day or two. Cheers Peter.
  14. Thanks Scott, You could have a 37 hauled passenger on Redbrook, the Bristol- Weymouth trains had NSE coaches for a while. I also have a pic of a Cardiff- Southamton relief with triple grey 37/4 and debranded NSE coaches mixed with some Reggi railways ones, taken in the early 90s. Cheers Peter.
  15. Well there must be plenty of people down here as my internet is going very slowly. No hurry on the air con Doug, I have been without one for 15 years and manage. I took a few pics today, 37428 was booked on the Llanbourne - Cardiff vice class 33. Merry Christmas, Cheers Peter.
  16. Thanks Doug, Freebies are even better, a small one would be ideal. Better than it getting chucked. Cheers Peter.
  17. Hi Rick, Pleased to hear the wedding was ok. The traffic down here is pretty bad I don't normally go to far during this week, though Leanne went down the shops this morning and said it was fairly quite. Cheers Peter.
  18. Thanks Jeff, Would have tried that if Daves idea didn't work. Though not sure how this old laptop would handle it. Merry Christmas, All the best Peter.
  19. Thanks heaps Dave, I got the wife on the job, she seems to have fixed it I must not he cleared everything. Merry Christmas, All the best Peter.
  20. Thanks Doug, The thought of putting insulation in the roof fills me with dread I would have to take down the lights and poassably rewire or move the sockets. Air con would mean removing some bricks some maybe less work. If you see a cheap one let me know. Merry Christmas, All the best Peter.
  21. Hi Rick, Hope you got through the day ok and there was some air con at the venue, otherwise plenty of fluid most Oz weddings seem to have plenty of beer on the go. Merry Christmas, All the best Peter.
  22. Hi Jeff, Looks like I am back online. It was hot the other day, when I walked the dog at about ten it was 25 by the time I got back it was 32, it reached 39 in the end and was just over 40 in my garage. I was sat drinking beer with some friends later that night and it was still high 20s at 11.00 o'clock. Must admit I have always liked class 37s ever since seeing them working freight in Wales and getting thrashed out of Glasgow QS on passenger trains. I would love a couple of class 40s but having see pics of the new one at Warley I am not convinced they have it right. If it is wrong again hopefully someone will have a go, I don't fancy waiting another few years for Bachmann to get it right. Marry Christmas, All the best Peter.
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