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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Thanks Jeff, I quite like that pic, I keep meaning to make up a removable skyscene that I can attach to the front of the layout for pics like that. Yes still getting use to this DCC lark, all good fun though. I still read your thred though it's a job to keep up. lol fiddleyard looks great. Cheers Peter.
  2. Thanks for the info on the figures Rick, Nice to see one of Old Oak Commons class 47s getting some use. I think the Inter City liv quite suited them. Cheers Peter.
  3. Hi Rick. Nice set of pics, your HST does look really good. I am suprized St Agnes does't see a few loco hauled trains on a summer Saturday. The backpacker and woman with bag look good, what make are they? I need a few more people on Llanbourne. Cheers Peter.
  4. Thanks Mark, I have more decoders on the way, hopefully I can chip another class 33 my class 31s and a pair of 20s. After that I will have a go at hard wiring my Peaks and my two Lima class 40s, I jiust hope they run ok. Funny you mention Biffo's sound I tried to order one on Friday from DC kits but had problems with it going through. I have emailed Charlie but no reply yet. Legomanbiffo mentioned Sugar cude speakers on his blog the other day, it looks like I will get a couple for when I do my 08. which next on the list after my class 33. Cheers Peter.
  5. I forgot to post up this pic the other day. It's a DC kits 128 that my mate gave me for Christmas. He bought it part built and finished it off for me. He wan't happy with the red and white stripe as he was rushing to finish it off, so I will have a go at sorting that out. I also think the wheels are a bit small and the gap between the bogies and chassis looks a bit big. Other than that I think it's a bit of a beast. A top Christmas present. Cheers Peter.
  6. Thanks Biff, I will give the Zimo ones a go I was thinking of useing there sound chip anyway. It's a while off yet though. I am planning to order your Crompton sound from DC kits in the next few days. Cheers Peter.
  7. I had my first visit to the East Lancs last year. It was good to see 37901 the loco sounded in pretty good health. I went for a Bash on the 24 though, well nice. I am thinking of putting sound in my class 08 do you think sugar cude speakers are the way to go, I haven't heard about them before. I am fairly new to this DCC lark. Cheers Peter.
  8. Hi Alex, That is quite a list. I thought there would have been a few more class 47s, nice to see a couple of 31s about the place though. I guess Peaks would have been less common on shed at this point as they were in there last year and based at Tinsley. I am sure more that one Peak will appear on Boxenby. Cheers Peter.
  9. Thanks Alex, My blue pair of Lima 20s should enter traffic soon, they are waiting for a decoder which should arrive this week. Still in boxes are another pair of Bachmann 20s the plan is to get a sound chip for these when I do them. Cheers Peter.
  10. Thanks John, Always good to hear from you. Cheers Peter.
  11. Nice set of pics Rick, Looks like a busy period, you caught on film a moment in history. Cheers Peter.
  12. Thanks Lee, I would have been about 16 when Dad helped me build the first two boards, boards have been rebuild and new ones added since then the decision to focus on North Wales didn't come until I was about 20. Which is when some senic work started, and I got more serious about what stock I wanted and that my time period would be 1985-87. I probably should have started again when I moved to Oz because there isn't much ofthe original left now, and I would have changed to code 75 and have less small radius points. Having said that there are a few points that I will change over time to larger ones, and there is always the next layout which will have code 75 track and handbuilt points. Cheers Peter.
  13. A couple of pics, Now chipped 20154 is paired with a now dummy 20023 on the 7F31 oils to Stanlow, in platform 4 47561 waits to leave on the late running 4D05 for Redbank. Cheers Peter.
  14. I don't blame you, I think models can handle a bit of heat but I wouldn't risk it. Direct sunlight will melt te plastic, I saw the damage on a friends Flying Scotsman, no more than about ten minutes and the plastic was warped. Cheers Peter.
  15. Well it's getting hot out in the garage now but I did get some time this morning to have a go at changing CVs on my 101. As Geoff said I have had a go at changing CVs 53 54 and 55, unfortunately it seems to have made little improvement, is less cogging when pulling away but at notch 4,5 it still isn't running very well. It's a real shame as on DC these units run really well. I have cleaned the wheels and track too still no luck. I tried the decoder on my other 101 with the same motor and all it did was make a noise and nearly burn out the decoder. Maybe I need to use a different decoder. Some good news is that 33026 now runs a bit better after changing CV2. Cheers Peter.
  16. Hi Rick, Happy New Year, The Cromptons were always good for a bit of a thrash, I think we discovered once before that we were both on the Conwy Crompton Pullman. It was a good day out dispite running to the normal railtour time of, well late. Yes hot down here but no problems with the layout apart from the normal bit of paving on the platform which comes unstuck and bends up due to the heat. Cheers Peter.
  17. Hi Jeff, Speakers are something I will need to get a few of when I come to doing a few more sound locos. I am thinking I will need a small one for the 08 but I am sure when I buy the sound chip Digitrains will advise me. Let me know when the sound in your Crompton is sorted, I will come up for a listen. Cheers Peter.
  18. Hi Alex, Do a list if you want it would be interesting to see what locos you have planned. As for the weathering you could always do a few if you get bored of building the layout. Cheers Peter.
  19. Thanks again Jeff, I will try and get out to the garage tomorrow morning before it gets too hot and have a go. What do you think of the Zimo sound? I am thinking of getting one for one of my 08s. Cheers Peter.
  20. Hi Leon, Have a look at Pugsley's blog I am pretty sure he did a 37/7. The layout is looking great by the way. It's nice to see a packed loco shed. Cheers Peter.
  21. Thanks Geoff & Jeff, I will have a look at the manual and find where I have to go to change CVs and let you know how I go. Welcome aboard Geoff, best of luck with getting back into the BR Blue period. Cheers Peter.
  22. Thanks Jim, I had noticed your class 47s, very nice too. Cheers Peter.
  23. Hi Jeff, It's a bit late for that, I sold it. The running was actually pretty good the problem was more my code 100 track, the Vitrains 37 and 47 both clunked through my points a bit where as my Bachmann locos seem to glide through. I checked the back to backs and they were fine. I have orderd a Heljan 47 and will see how that runs hopefully as well as my 33s. While on the subject of DCC I have been putting a few decoders into my locos and tonight put a Gaugemaster OPTI decoder into my Hornby powered 101. It's the DCC ready one so I plugged it in and the DMU runs really bad and judders at slow speed. Any tips? They seem to work well in my Bachmann 20 and 25s with no adjustment, even a Heljan class 33 seems ok but does need to be at notch 3 or 4 before it moves. Cheers Peter.
  24. Hi Jeff, I bought a Vitrains class 47401 last year and gave it a try, I like the model but it just didn't seem to run as well as my Bachmann and Heljan stuff. Cheers Peter.
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