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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Thanks Ian, Yours look better than my attempt which I think my be the problem as I think not all pick ups are pushing against the wheels hard enough. My loco is on the workbenck at the moment so hopefully in the next few days I will get it sorted. Cheers Peter.
  2. Hi Mate, Hattons have the VWs they do a van a mini bus and a camper. The weather has cooled down a bit as has my temper. Still planning on coming over next year I just need Leanne to stop spending money. Cheers Peter.
  3. Thanks Dave, It looks like I am not the only one to be frustrated by this Hobby. I did read about your class 37 problem, and I have had the same with my 37428. First the body wouldn't go on and when it did the lights stopped working. They work now but go on and off as the loco speeds up. Anyway my 08s are both Hornby, I sold my Bachmann models after seeing a friends running on my layout. The Hornby one just seemed to glide through my pointwork where as the Bachmann locos seemed to wobble about a bit. Until the recent problem my Hornby locos have run well apart from my 08472 having a bit of a squeak. Cheers Peter.
  4. Thanks Alex, My wife just rolls her eyes, when I have a winge about it. I will sort out some pics out for you mate, as I cleaned the track last night with the idea to play trains a bit and to test out the new wiring. You may have to wait a while for a class 56 as I sold my railfreight red stripe loco. Cheers Peter.
  5. Must admit to doing it once before. Though it was over Twenty years ago, a Hornby class 47 went for a flying lesson across the loft when I was still living at home. Cheers Peter.
  6. Thanks Dave, Yes the signal box will get built. One day. Cheers Peter.
  7. Hi All, Thanks for all your kind and encouraging words, sorry about the dummy spit but I felt a need to vent. I hasn't happen'd for a while as the layout generally behaves quite well. For now Llanbourne will stay in one piece, it has it's faults but the thought of starting agiain doesn't really appeal at the moment. I do have plans for a small exhibition layout that I will start one day but for now I will try and finish Llanbourne. Why? Well after calming down and having several cups of tea and a number of beers I have repaired the broken switch and done a bit of a bodge repair to the panel, I then removed the point motor which I fitted the PL 15 too to make sure every thing was working, as I thought maybe the switches might not be throwing properly. As it turns out one seemed to be a bit dirty so I cleaned it up them before refitting I powered it up, it all worked ok. Next I refitted point motor and made sure a loco would run through both ways with no problems. This took a few attempts to get the point motor to sit in the right spot to throw the point blades enough to each side, Next I double checked my wiring of the cross over and then tested it all with a loco. Everything worked well with no shorts. Next up is the class 08 which I think now is the main cause of the problem. Dispite being wacked off the track there is no damage and it does still run. I am going to have a go at sorting out some propper pick ups so will let you know how I go. Thanks, Cheers Peter.
  8. Well I have spent about 4 hours this afternoon wiring up a Peco electrfrog crossing only to find the class 08 still ####ing stops. I have played with the pick ups I have cleaned the track I have wired in an electrofrog crossing still no joy. Then the last straw was one of the push buttons wich change the points for branch just fell apart. That was it a screw driver is now imbedded in the control panel. The 08 was swipped off the track and hit the backscene. Oh yes I am well and truly over it. The only option is to remove the crossings and truncate the branch to hold just a DMU under the senic section, which makes the thing pretty much pointless. I have had enough quite frankly so I in the next few weeks i might take Llanbourne apart and have a think about what to do next. Llanbourne is well over 25 years old now so maybe it is time to start again. Sorry about the rant, I will go and have a cup of tea and calm down. Peter.
  9. Hi Steve, All I have done so far is sit the crossing on some plasticard to get it the right hight and pin it down, I haven't wired it up yet. but stock seems to go through ok. Cheers Peter.
  10. Thanks Dave, The VW is a good model, and a bit of graffiti on the back would look good. What about "I wish my wife was this dirty". Cheers Peter.
  11. Hi Cav, Not wanting to overload you with more info but my Mate John Dedman's 'Freight in the 80s shows MSV hoppers in 87. I am with Andy A class 25 would be great, they were seen in the Buxton area near the end 25059 did one of the last workings hauling some 37s from the depot. I think during 87 88 some class 20s were renumbered 20/3 and worked stone trains in the area. Cheers Peter.
  12. Hi Kevin, First a blue class 45 and now a class 25, is Leaford going back to the 80s? Cheers Peter.
  13. Thanks Larry, Here is something else you may remember seeing back in the 80s. First is a pic of my Bachmann flask followed up with a pic of a flask wagon that was Scratch built useing Cambrian bogies by a friend of mine about 5 years ago. I painted and added the Fox transfers does'nt look to bad next to the Bachmann model. Cheers Peter.
  14. There should be a few more coming out this year, British Leyland Marina, Princess and Triumph Stag. I agree. In fact its still very thin on the ground for late 80s early 90s stuff! Cav
  15. Hi Terry, Good luck with your point rodding. Mine was brush painted as it was added after I had done the ballasting, I am pretty sure I used Humbrol matt 64 light grey. Cheers Peter.
  16. Thanks Cav, It's nice to have some 4mm model cars and vans. It wasn't that long ago you couldn't get any. Cheers Peter.
  17. Thanks Rick, I think I may have gone a bit overboard with the weathering but I remember seeing one like this in the UK back in the day. Another warm day, off to th beach tomorrow I think. Cheers Peter.
  18. Well another week of 30+ temperatures means not alot done in the garage, but I have managed to finish of a couple of vehicles. I also picked up a cheap nuclear flask wagon the other week and I have filed off the raised Haz Chem dimonds to back date it to a mid 80s wagons and given it a coat of paint. Anyway a couple of pics. Cheers Peter.
  19. Hi Cav, The class 47 is looking great, I see a few coaches and HEAs on the bench too. Looks like you are getting some stock sorted. Cheers Peter.
  20. Hi Cav, I think if I were you I would send whats left back to Fox and ask for your money back. Tell them what you think, as you say 5.95 is not cheap. Look forwards to seeing the finished model. Cheers Peter.
  21. Hi Cav, The 47 looks nice, pitty you had problems with the transfers though. I have been using the Replica rub on numbers and data panels on my 00 stuff for years and think they are great. Definetly worth a go. Cheers Peter.
  22. Hi rnie, Love that Crompton line up. 33057 looks great, I would paint those black lamp brackets yellow though. Cheers Peter.
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