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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Hi Brian, I haven't posted on your thread for a while but have been following your progress. Your 33116 looks superb, I have always like the pushers as I used to see them all the time. The class 27 looks very nice too it should look great parked up with your others. Cheers Peter.
  2. Hi Jeff, Some nice progress on the upper level, the Thumper looks good too though I would like to see a Blue grey one, thats how I remember seeing them. Cheers Peter.
  3. Scoffed a choc eggs myself, and I do like a hot crossed bun or five. The DSLR arrived the other day, I've been having a play and if Leanne lets me (it's her camera) I will bring it up Saturday. Cheers Peter.
  4. Yes Phil, Maybe finish what you have started. You can always add the high level later. Just keep it in mind while you are doing the lower level. Cheers Peter.
  5. Hope everyone had a good Easter break, I had a few days away but did have a day in the Garage. I finished wiring up a section of the fiddleyard that has been on the todo list for some time. The point motors that I have put in save me reaching over other tracks and one cross over which was out of sight when trains were in the way. I have also tried to put lights in my Lima class 31 body/ Hornby chassis. I have used the Hornby circuit board and have got the lights working apart from the High intensity LED. It's wired into the same circuit and I am wondering if I should wire it separately, does anyone have ant ideas. Cheers Peter.
  6. Hi Kevin, Speakers arrived today, thank you so much. I had a quick look and they will fit in the tanks. Should I drill a few holes in the bottom of the tank or leave it closed in? Cheers Peter.
  7. Hi Phil, Happy Easter, you had me fooled. I was about to post about you going roundy roundy then noticed the other post. Cheers Peter.
  8. No worries Leon, Happy Easter. You could get a few blue grey MK1s to mix with your NSE rake. Looking forwards to seeing what turns up on a railtour next. Cheers Peter.
  9. Hi BR(S), Thanks, Just checked out your thread very nice, not sure how I missed it. The wall is MDF with Slaters brick sheet glued on. The knocked down bit was just made fairly rough with a file being used to make cut outs where bricks have been removed. Hope that helps, Cheers Peter.
  10. Hi Paul, Good luck with your layout, if you need any more info let me know. I will post a newer trackplan when I get a chance to draw it up. Cheers Peter.
  11. Agree with you there Rick, I still have Hornby MK2s which I did a bit of work on, and can't seem to part with them. Like you I have re-wheeled mine changed numbers painted the roofs and added the white line between the blue grey plus weathering so I will be in no hurry to flog them of cheap as they look ok. Cheers Peter.
  12. Thanks Cav, I took a while to do but then most things seem to these days. Cheers Peter.
  13. Nice Pics Leon, The passenger stock useing the yard to run round or to be parked up was quite common back in the day, and having a railtour certainly works for me. The headboard on your class 59 looks great. 47612 looks nice too I will have to give my 613 a run always like the Inter City liv. Your NSE MK1 could be seen in a rake with MK2 air cons but matching MK2 brakes would be more common I am sure you will be able to pick up a cheap one now that Bachmann have announced theirs. Cheers Peter.
  14. Hi Kevin, Those latest night pics are superb the going away shot of 37410 and the class 56 look so real. Going back to you class 87101 I bet you have a few more 87s and 86 in the loft. I still have a blue 87 myself I did have an Inter City one that I picked up for 4.95 back in the day. Keep the pics coming. Cheers Peter.
  15. Thanks Mark, Having a dummy spit does seem to happen to a lot of us. I am past that now and have been doing some more wiring in the fiddleyard which will hopefully be the end of wiring for a while as it's not my strong point. It is good news from Bachmann as a new MK2 air con is well needed. I will probably keep my old ones for a while and just buy the new ones when I have spare money and build up a rake one at a time. Cheers Peter.
  16. Hi Leon, Thanks Mate, still more to do but it's getting there. Cheers Peter.
  17. Hi Paul, There is an old trackplan on the old RMweb page 1. I will try and do a more upto date one when I get the chance. Basically the main part is 18 ft by 3ft 6" norrowing to 2ft by the tunnels. Cheers Peter.
  18. Look forwards to it. Cheers Peter.
  19. The layout is looking good Rick, I am liking the latest pics. The 128 looks very nice, I saw a blue one the other week I was very impressed not only did it look superb it ran very well too. Cheers Peter.
  20. Hi Arnie, Some nice new locos you have, really like the Peds 110 looks very nice in tatty Dutch liv. Cheers Peter.
  21. A couple of pics from the operating session the other day. Cheers Peter.
  22. Thanks, Yes Llanbourne survives for now, but it's got to be on it's best behaviour. Cheers Peter.
  23. Hi Paul, Thanks, You will be pleased to know that Llanbourne is still in one peice. Things can get frustrating now and then but for the most part I really enjoy railway modelling as a hobby. I have spent some time on my Hornby class 08 and tweeked the pick ups, it now runs really well and has no problem with the crossover. I ran a few other trains just to make sure everything is running ok and after cleaning some track I have had a good running session. I was a bit worried some stock wouldn't like the code 75 track but I have had no problems so far. Are weather has cooled down over the last week but we a still forcast for some high 20s this week. I am happy to send you some heat it looks like you are still getting it pretty cold over there. Cheers Peter.
  24. Hi Jeff, the hillside and area around the viaduct look superb. I bet you are spending a small fortune on plaster bandage, I cost me a bit when I extended to front on Llanbourne, I didn't remember it being so expensive from when I had used it a few years before. Hi Andrew P, I saw a T gauge layout here in Oz a few weeks back. A Victorian railways T class on a couple of coaches going up and down the layout complete with trestle bridge and beleive it or not wire on the fences. Cheers Peter.
  25. Being as at one time 90% of my loco fleet were Lima diesels I actually managed to get them running quite well, though I wouldn't mind a Quid for every hour spent trying to get them more reliable. Cheers Peter.
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