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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Well i am confused, look like you extending the road. is it massive bus depot or trams. NSE Duff looks nice I was hoping Bachmann would do an early NSE liv one but I think thats only available as a limited edition. Cheers Peter.
  2. A couple more taken with the phone the other day. Cheers Peter.
  3. Hi Cav, Are you planning on changing the nose grilles on the class 37 as all the referb 37s had modified grilles yours being a standard has the as built grilles. How's the Peak going ? Cheers Peter.
  4. Thanks Arnie,That brings back some memories, hot vinyl seats and we had a Labrador sharing the back seat with us. No air con back then either Cheers Peter.
  5. Thanks Jeff, It was at 192 so I lowered to 100 much better now. Cheers Peter.
  6. Thanks Jeff, My dad only had the 1300s i did borrow friends coupe with the 1800 twin carb motor, as you say it went quite well, stopping was a different story. Cheers Peter.
  7. Hi Kevin, Looks more like a new layout, where does this attach to Leaford? Cheers Peter.
  8. No worries Jeff, I am pretty happy with my class 33, I just need to work out how to turn the volume down a bit Cheers Peter.
  9. Thanks Cav,I have done some wing mirrors on a Capri and a couple of Escorts but that's it so far, Marinas and some of my other older cars need the older round type does anyone do an etch? Cheers Peter.
  10. Hi Guys, Glad you all had a good weekend, they are a pretty good bunch, and have had some good shows over the years. Look forwards to seeing how the extension goes Kevin, it didn't look like you had that much more room when I saw the layout at your place. Cheers Peter.
  11. Thanks Mark, I quite like the track level shots, they were taken with my phone. Cheers Peter.
  12. Thanks Jeff , You better put your glasses on though, that's a zero in front of the 8 :0) . You might still want to hear it though I will bring it to the next meeting. I have a biffo chip in my class 33 too though I think there is a new improved version coming out. Cheers Peter.
  13. It's been a while since an update but I have been getting thins done, lack of laptop has made it harder to post but I found the time to load some pics onto the wife's laptop. first up I have weathered up a Marina, my dad owed a few of these and later an Ital which I learnt to drive in. My two Hornby powered Lima 101s have now been chipped and run really well after having no luck with Gaugemaster decoders I was advised to fit Hornby ones which seem to have worked. 08695 has also been fitted with a Zimo sound chip and sugar cube speaker in the nose, it sounds pretty good. I have also been working on a tunnel mouth for the new senic section useing wills stone sheets. A couple of low level shots taken with the phone. Cheers Peter.
  14. Some nice pics there mate, really like the Reggie rail 37 I think that liv really suited them . 412 looks nice too I think it was that one which was one of the only transrail liv 37s I saw before moving to Oz. Cheers Peter.
  15. Hi Ian, I could give you the phone number of a B&B a few minutes drive from the hall if the weather is going to be bad. My brothers Mother in law runs it. Also Foresters Arms near the rail crossing is probably the best pub ( My old Local) The Snake Catcher is quite good too Can't tell you about the Rose And Crown down the road as a Mate and myself have a life ban. If you like Indian the Dynasty on Brookley road is pretty good I am not banned from there. lol Hope you all have a good show, I might even make it over for next year. Cheers Peter.
  16. Looking good Jeff, Nice to see some progress, hope to catch up next month. Cheers peter
  17. Nice Tractor line up Phil, I am still fairly new to this DCC lark but I have gone with first 4 digits. Cheers Peter.
  18. Thanks Dave, I have been out to the garage tonight and Played about with the driving wheels, there is less side movement in them now and it seems a bit better. Cheers Peter .
  19. Hi Larry, They were used on some long distant services which I don't think they were suitable for but that's progress I guess. Hopefully I can get mine running a bit better, I will have to run a loco hauled train until then. Cheers Peter.
  20. Hi Dave, Did you do anything with the motors I think someone does a remoter kit Iight look into that. Cheers Peter.
  21. Thanks Merf, I have mine wired like that and they do run quite well, it's more the wobble and bounce that annoys me. Agree the real things do a bit, I remember riding on one from Crewe to Chester one vehicle was really bouncing around due to wheel flats we moved to the front and had a much smoother ride. Cheers Peter.
  22. Not alot to report really, I am still working on the senic section and still need to build a tunnelmouth. Fitting decoders has been taking up a bit of time recently and I now have another class 45 and an old Hornby class 25 with 5 pole motor running. I did buy some Bachmann 21 pin decoders for two Bachmann class 47s but the decoders were basically rubbish no matter what I did I couldn't get a smooth take off so I have tried a TCS decoder which was more expensive but worked really well without any farting around, this means 47106 is now back in service. Tonight I managed to wire up a double motored Hornby 142 Pacer, It actually runs ok but I am not happy with it as it seems to just wobble and bounce around way too much. Has anyone ever managed to get one of these things running smoothly? Cheers Peter.
  23. The Pics look good Rick, I am not happy with photobucket either, I started using it as that was the only way to post pics on another forum. My laptop would take an age to load pictures probably more my laptop than the site but I certainly have less trouble with Flickr. Cheers Peter.
  24. Hi Legomanbiffo, I would love to hear the new class 33 as I have your older one which I think is pretty good. Was it ELRs 33/1 that you recorded? I remember seeing the pushers all the time living between Southampton and Bournemouth, I always thought they sounded more Thrashey ( if thats a word) than the standards. Also do you do reblows? I have a Bachmann 37 which I am pretty sure is a v4 chip, and your 37/4 would be just the job. Cheers Peter.
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