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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Yes they are all Heljan, Hattons have the railfreight one on special at the moment. Cheers Peter.
  2. Hi Rick, Question is did you take many pictures back in the day? There are some very nice models out there and I think we all get tempted from time to time. I think I am quite good but then I just don't have the money to buy everything which is probably a good thing as I already have too much stock sitting in it's box. Cheers Peter.
  3. I was thinking the same myself. Kevin may be busy enjoying the great weather you have been having or he has been to busy building the extension. Cheers Peter.
  4. Hi Rick, I didn't see my first class 26 and 27 working in Scotland until 1985 so everything was blue by then. I really liked them from the start so was always going to model them. I still have my Lima class 33 conversions. Cheers Peter.
  5. Thanks Jeff, I need some transfers for the YHA whale as well so I think I will check some of those out and see how I go. Cheers Peter.
  6. Thanks Cav, I haven't started anything yet, at the moment its just some loco's and a few trackplans. I won't start until Llanbourne is nearer to being finished, but I want to do a small part yard based layout with part of a loco shed on a lower level. Imagine a 6x2 section of Mossend yard and that should give you some idea. It will have overhead and I will have a go at building my own points. You may remember me asking how you did yours. I only buy the loco's if they are a good price or starting to get hard to find, the plan is to use alot of the stock I already have. Cheers Peter.
  7. A new loco arrived the other day, it was on special and I couldn't resist. I wasn't an impulse buy as I have some friends for it to play with. They are all for a future project. I have also finished building a few Cambrian kits, just need to paint them now, and find who does transfers for a Salmon. Cheers Peter.
  8. Thanks David, I just need to work out how to draw up the arch on the bridge to get it to look right. Cheers Peter.
  9. Hi Jeff, The ballasting is looking great, really like those points. Std 4s are another favourite class of mine 75027 was an S&D loco for some time. In the pictures of the loco I have seen it's a job to tell it's Green as it's so dirty. Cheers Peter.
  10. I have made a mock up of the bridge that will span the mainline, carriage sidings and yard. I am thinking brick over the mainline and girder over the rest. I was give some 009 track a few years ago so I am thinking of using that instead of having it as a road bridge. One option was to have the line straight across but the girder part of the bridge looks a bit high to the second option was to have a slight gradient and have the girder section a bit lower. here are a few pics, let me know what you think. Cheers Peter.
  11. Evening Lee, Most places I checked were online so postage added to the cost, Hobbycraft aren't over here as far as I know but there is a local craft shop I might try. I think I will have a go with the paper towel idea though as it will work out pretty cheap. I am sure you will get to doing the scenics on your layout, you just need to stop spraying locos everyday. lol Cheers Peter.
  12. Thanks guys, I might have to give that a go, has to be cheaper than plaster bandage. Cheers Peter.
  13. I have just been looking for and pricing up plaster bandage, it's not cheap is there a cheap way of doing something like it. I was talking to someone at the weekend and they mentioned using paper towels and dipping them in a plaster mix or watered down PVA any thoughts. I have also been looking at how I want to do the bridge on the entrance to the fiddleyard I have made a mock up with I will post a pic of later. The part of the bridge that will go over the the mainline will be stone like the tunnelmouth but it goes across at an angle. Is there a way to work out how to do the arch? Cheers Peter.
  14. No worries Jamie, it's about time I did some work on the layout though I was planning to do the station roof before this, now I have started I am quite fired up and want to get it done. Cheers Peter.
  15. A friend made the same comment, maybe I should buy a Penguin and sit it on the road. Greenery might be a while of as I think I need to build up the bridge at the fiddleyard end, to be honest I haven't really worked out how I am going to do that, I can picture what I want in my head so I might makes up something out of card and see what it looks like. Cheers Peter.
  16. Thanks Rick, Always welcome to drop by mate, I have a BRMA meeting in September so any RMwebbers are welcome, though I should do a sererate one at some point as someone told me I had 28 visitors at the last meeting. Cheers Peter.
  17. Do you think I should spray the trackbed white and do it properly.lol Next I have to get some plaster bandage and get things smoothed off and keep it so the lift out sections can still be removed to clean the track hidden underneath. Cheers Peter.
  18. I have made some more progress around the tunnelmouth and while the layout and most of the garage floor was covered in polystyrene bits I decided to keep going. Here are a few progress pics. Cheers Peter.
  19. HI Jeff, I like Falcon Park and Wood both say London to me. Cheers Peter.
  20. Hi Jeff, Heard you had a bad back at the meeting yesterday. Glad to hear you are on the improve. I have had the same myself and had over a week off work, I went back last week but on light duties and only did 3 days. The layout is looking pretty good, I have been playing with polystyrene myself, the garage is a right mess so I have been cleaning up today. Cheers Peter.
  21. Morning Jeff, Fair enough too much ballasting will drive you mad. Doing that section and getting it almost finished will keep you going for a bit anyway. It's probably a good idea to give the layout a good running session before you do too much ballasting anyway. I weathered my ballast with Humbrol paints and a brush, as you can vary the colour as you go. If you want yours fairly clean dry brushing should work a treat. Cheers Peter.
  22. Hi Jeff, The ballasting is looking great, good luck with the rest of it. The Black 5s look nice sat on the layout too, the blue numberplate on 45458 is a nice touch, I am right in thinking that was something done fairly late on. Cheers Peter.
  23. No worries, I have done a few now, the hard part is getting them back on straight. Cheers Peter.
  24. I did my class 37 by cutting off the bogie sides and moving them up about 1 mm, See Rob's (37114) pallet Lane thread page 5. It's a bit of a ###### to get them sitting level but they look heaps better once done.cutting them off also take about 2 mm off the width as the Bachmann ones are a tad wide. In the pic below it looks like the front bogie is wider at the front but the track is on a slight curve. Cheers Peter.
  25. Fantastic Layout really enjoyed the video. Cheers Peter.
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