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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Thanks Mate, they are cheap too. Cheers Peter.
  2. While I am here I will be having a BRMA meeting here on Saturday the 28th of September. Any RMwebbers are welcome to come and have a look if you are down this way. The meeting falls on Grand final day though, it was going to be a week earlier but a very good friend of mine passed away the other week and I need to go and help sort things out as my wife is Co executor. Cheers Peter.
  3. Thanks David, I think the brown is ok, but I am being told OBAs didn't get this colour it was more of a Maroon livery. I might have to add a bit more red into my paint mix and see how that looks. Cheers Peter.
  4. I thought it was a Princess, was the Ambassador the luxury model maybe? Cheers Peter.
  5. Thanks Lee, Yes pretty sure, thats what it says on the box. Cheers Peter.
  6. Thanks Rick, Yes had a look at yours, laying track is quite enjoyable. Cheers Peter.
  7. Hi Wayne, Don't mind you dragging this up at all, I haven't posted on here much as I have been posting workbench stuff on my layout thread which is a bit lazy really, but I haven't really done much to be honest. Glad you liked the article, I thought it was worth sharing as I like to see bufferbeam pipework on loco's. Best advise would be to give it a go on a couple of loco's, Some of mine have been done for a few years now and not lost a pipe though a class 47 lost it's vac pipe and a class 37 lost an air pipe. The class 37s air pipe came off because it got caught in the Kadee and I was a bit rough trying to sort it out. The vac pipe just came off so could have been a case of not enough glue, not that you need much. It may have been that the surface I was gluing too wasn't flat and it didn't take hold very well. Other than that I would say give it a go. I have noticed it's harder to glue the Hornby pipework than the Bachmann maybe its a different plastic. Hope that helps, cheers Peter.
  8. I have finally taken a few pics of what I have been doing for the month, it's not actually a great deal as I have have other things on my mind. Scenic work on the extension has continued with plaster bandage covering most of the ploystyrene some retaining walls have been put up and a stone wall along the road is being worked on at the moment. I have started painting my Cambrian OBA and OCA. Does the brown on the OBA look ok? I have also weathered up a Triumph 2500 and a Leyland Princess. Cheers Peter.
  9. Hi Cav, The deck for your viaduct is looking good. I like the PCAs too I hope to get a few of the new Bachmann models when they appear. Cheers Peter.
  10. Hi Cav, Too much class 47 variety might not look right for 88, Large logo or banger blue was probably most common. I remember seeing a pic of the first Inter City class 47 in the Peak district working a freight, I will have to look it up and find the date as it was looking a bit tatty. Cheers Peter.
  11. Hi Andy, I have just been catching up on this thread, and have to say that grass in the last two pics is superb. I am going to have to learn how to use the static grass as I have will have some to do on Llanbourne at some point. Love that water too. Cheers Peter.
  12. No worries Cav, I am sure you will find a nice banger blue class 37 or 47 that is in a well worn faded condition. Cheers Peter.
  13. Hi Cav, It looks like a good one to do but whats the date of the pic? does it fit with your time period it might be a bit too tatty and that black headcode box might have been a late addition. A nice 31/5 behind too, that could be tempting. Cheers Peter.
  14. Probably not Cav, I like them with the orange cantrail line and 050 had a white cantrail line. It would need to be a Crewe based loco too, might be a while before I do one as I have a Large logo one to do first and an Inter City one to renumber to 492. I have other locos to do as well. Cheers Peter.
  15. I remember the first Railfreight class 47 was 47050. I first saw it not long out of works on a ballast train near Sway where I used to live. Yours looks great Cav, I will have to do one for Llanbourne one day. Cheers Peter.
  16. Hi Cav, The class 37 looks good, nice to see some progress on the Peak too. Cheers Peter.
  17. Looking good Alex, What about good old PVA. Got yourself another Peak, very nice. Cheers Peter.
  18. Reminds me of a time when one Sunday we had to send a Special from Eastleigh to Swindon via Westbury. The train was empty car flats and the TOPS list came through with a class 47 as booked Loco. A few moments later a pair of class 73s arrived. I asked the driver what had happened to the class 47, He said that the train had run last week with a class 47 and on arrival at Westbury they had told him they had no spare loco so he had come back on a normal service train leaving the class 47 on the train. This had left Eastleigh short of a class 47 for the Monday. So the plan was to send a couple of EDs which Westbury wouldn't be so keen on stealing. I saw the Driver a week later and asked him how it went, he laughed and said the shunter and train crew were not impressed when they saw a couple of Eds rolling into the yard. Needless to say he came back to Eastleigh LE. Found a pic of 33109 and two 4TCs working the Wareham to Bangor 1st July 89. Cheers Peter.
  19. I checked out the 1980s timewarp website a while back and it had a list and dates of class 33s that had worked the Cardiff Crewe to Bangor and Holyhead trains. Other info said that no 33/1s had been reported on the line. It is possible that pushers worked to Crewe or Manchester but I have never see any reports to say that they did. From memory I think TCs would have had extension pipes in the guards compartment so the unit could be hauled by a none push pull loco's. it possible the WR crew might not have known that. Cheers Peter.
  20. Hi Merf, I think a 33/1 did work a special with TCs in about 89. Cheers Peter.
  21. That's good, if you need any more help let me know. Our weekend away in Warrnambool was good the weather on Thursday and Friday was ok but Saturday and Sunday were quite wet, though the Southern Right Whales didn't seem bothered. Cheers Peter.
  22. Blowing a gale here Rick, there isn't much between our place and the bay. I will go and check out the vids. Did you get any work done on the new layout? Cheers Peter.
  23. Yes you do have a few Locos Jeff, I actually had a parcel arrive today, while I was off the other week I found a Heljan class 33/1 on ebay. I had been looking for one for a while but managed to get this one. I know they didn't run on the North Wales Coast but I have always like the old Pushers as I used to see them nearly everyday. Cheers Peter.
  24. Hi Rick, Had the same problem myself during the early 80s couldn't always have both, then later on it was beer money or film but as you say the memories are still there. Good to hear you have some locos running, the weather has been pretty average in the last few days. Cheers Peter.
  25. Thanks Stu, Llanbourne could work quite well as a Scottish terminus so maybe one day. It would give a reason to buy more class 37s. Cheers Peter.
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