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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Looking great Dave, Is there a spot on the new depot section to shunt a couple of fuel tanks, otherwise the plan looks good. I remember my first trip to Scotland 85 we stayed in a small cottage in Haymarket, I remember waking up to the sound of a type 2 shunting in the coal yard it turned out to be 25032 shunting some OCAs and a few fuel tanks. The next day a class 26 turned up and shunted the coal yard. 47546 looks nice, are you going to add ploughs? Cheers Peter.
  2. Thanks Alex, All but one of the cars are Oxford models the odd one out is the Cortina which is I think a Tower models resin job which I painted the same colour as one I used to own. You are welcome to come and play trains anytime you are down this way. We are only an hour out of Melbourne. Cheers Peter.
  3. Sorry Jeff, I must have missed this yesterday. A Pro cab would be the go as I am already used to the Power cab, Brunnel Models have them for about 160.00 which doesn't seem to bad. Thanks Mate, Cheers Peter.
  4. Hi Dave, The ETH sockets are made up from plasticard rod filed to shape themn fine wire for the cable. Hope that helps. Cheers Peter.
  5. Talking of stock some Hornby Railroad MGRs arrived today. I thought I would order a pack and see what they are like. I am thinking of making up a fly ash train, I can only fit 12 wagons on Llanbourne so it's not quite long enough but should look ok. Question is did these wagons have 14mm wheels I am sure I have read it somewhere? Cheers Peter.
  6. Thanks Scott, The new bit is coming together quite well, and I still need to build the station roof and loco shed on the old part of the layout plus replace some older buildings, not to mention the stock that needs doing. Cheers Peter.
  7. Thanks Dave, It's getting there, I wont get much done this week though as I will be playing trains. It's been ages since I have had a good running session. Cheers Peter.
  8. A few pic of my now finished Cambrian ZDA Bass wagons. Cheers Peter.
  9. Thnaks Rick, It was good to see you though with so many people about I didn't get to chat to everyone one. Your 47035 looks good it looks quite at home with my locos. Your pictures actually look sharper than mine taken with the DSLR. Cheers Peter.
  10. No worries Jeff, The layout ran quite well so I was happy, pitty the weather was a bit cold and windy. What was the slave controller called again? I might look at getting one. Cheers Peter.
  11. I have had a busy weekend out in the garage, yesterday I had a BRMA meeting with 20 or so members and friends coming over for a look. Llanbourne ran well considering it hasn't been run for quite some time. I did spend a few days cleaning track and giving the layout a good clean. I didn't get the chance to take any pictures yesterday so today while having a bit of a running session I took a few pics. Thanks to everyone who came along it was a great day. Cheer Peter.
  12. Hi Wayne, Nice to see some pics. The layout is looking good. Cheers Peter.
  13. Hi Damian, I think a bit of darker paint sloshed about on the bogies would be the go, as for sorting the ride height I just cut the bogie sides off and raised them up by a 1mm . cutting off the bogie side also norrows down the width a tad. It is a pain to do but it does really improve the look of the loco. Up to you though as you have quite a few 37s. Cheers Peter.
  14. Hi Alex, Stunning, that roof looks superb. I had forgotten how big this thing is going to be, hope the glazing goes well. Whats next on the job list? Cheers Peter.
  15. Welcome back Arnie, That Tractor is a beast. I always liked them in Dutch liv. Cheers Peter.
  16. Hi Cav, Love love love that Peak, she looks great. I drew a Tinsley Snail on my 45141 which was hard enough your drawing in N scale looks superb. I think the M above the number in the first pic was to denote a Midland based loco I have seen it on other Peaks, though it looks like by the time the second pic was taken someone has added a Tinsley depot sticker normally found under the data panel. The trackplan it looking good too, looks like you have plenty of points and crossing to make. Cheers Peter.
  17. Thanks for the pic Kevin, its looking good. Cheers Peter.
  18. No worries Rob, There were quite a few class 47s about with black headcodes in 82 so you could save yourself some work and leave them black. Cheers Peter.
  19. Hi Rob, I was me, I only did one end as it seems most locos had marker lights one end and dominoes the other. All I did was file and fill the headcode panel flat repaint and add Fox domino transfers, Replica do them too. Doing it this way does mean you can't see any light showing through but then during daylight you couldn't see them anyway. Hope that helps, Cheers Peter.
  20. Hi Kevin, Hope you are well, hard to believe I was over this time last year. Hows the new bit going? haven't seen any pics yet. Cheers Peter.
  21. Thanks Alex, The new bit has been working fine I just need to post up a few pics, I have been busy cleaning up for a meeting here on the 28th Sept. If by past collection you mean cars I used to own there are a few plus a mates Ford Capri. There is a MK5 Cortina in blue plus an old Mini in what my wife called a baby poo brown colour. Cheers Peter.
  22. Thanks Guys, I have done a few others from the 035 model, I wasn't that keen on the model when it first came out with all it's faults but when Rails started to sell them off at 35 quid I bought a few to do up. My 47418 has modified tanks where as this one has tanks from a later model. I stopped the wobble by glueing two thin bits of plasticard either side of the gear tower stopping most of the movement, I only did it at one end it seems to work quite well. Cheers Peter.
  23. Hi Phil, Like the 37/4 on passenger. Just in case you didn't know the gangway door cover wouldn't be used in your time period. You could take the tail lamp off and use it though. Cheers Peter.
  24. Thanks Andy, I will have a go at that, I am not really happy with the roads I have done so will see how I go with your method on the new bit, then may even redo the older bits. Cheers Peter.
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