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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Thanks Jeff, I have done a few other classes too, it's alot easier on a Hornby 08 and class 31. Cheers Peter.
  2. Ok Here are my two Lima class 20s. 169 is a dummy and 121 is on a Bachmann chassis. Work done is rad fan and grille and handrail wire along the bodyside. 121 started out as a headcode fitted loco and I fitted a Craftsman disc conversion kit, both locos are fitted with Heljan ploughs and 121 has had the cabside windows enlarged. HTH Cheers Peter.
  3. Hi Phil, Sorry about nor replying earlier, its been a bit busy down here. Anyway not sure about 1, 2 is the vac pipe that goes in the square hole on the left. 3 is the 27 way jumper that goes either side of the right buffer. 4 not sure, sandboxes maybe. 5 sandbox pipework that comes out under the sandbox? mine came fitted with those so not really sure. Cheers Peter.
  4. No worries, Vulcan, Cyclops,North Star and Amazon were common too, later on Fair Rosamund became more than regular, it was like it was glued to the interegionals. Cheers Peter.
  5. No worries Sean, I will post up some pics when I get the chance. I have pics of 20227 somewhere but it was in Railfreight Grey when I saw it. Cheers Peter.
  6. The Western looks great Rick, I remember seeing Thor back in the day though it was blue when I saw it. It was one of the regular Western Region Namers we used to get on the Bournemouth line. BRMA Meeting Saturday if your are interested. Cheers Peter.
  7. Hi Sean, Not sure about the rad grille I haven't done anything with mine. You are right about some locos having the larger cabside windows. I think it was mainly locos originally based in Scotland which had the recess for tablet catcher. I did a Lima pair some time ago and put one on a Bachmann chassis, my 20121 has the larger windows, I just filed then out to the right size and added a window frame from tape. I will post up a few pics if you want. The main thing I did on the Lima locos was to replace the molded handrails with wire. Cheers Peter.
  8. Hi Alex, I like your new Skinhead red stripe beast, I have been looking for one myself. Hope the weather gets better so you can get spraying. Just so you know it's been raining here all day. Cheers Peter.
  9. Hi Wayne, My 165 will be pre Thornaby so won't have the number on the bufferbeam and other Thornaby extras. The hard bit will be adding the Orange line. Cheers Peter.
  10. Thanks Jeff, I did it to my 20154 a few years back so had to do it to this one. Cheers Peter.
  11. Currently on the workbench are class 20165 and 20009, Well they will be eventually. Work done so far is to replace roof fans with A1 models grilles. They aren't as good as the shawplan ones but I had them in the bits box. I have also done the speedo cables for each loco, 20009 being a disc loco has a different speedo to the later headcode box locos. 20009 also had Oval buffers with were fitted to some of the earlier loco's. Other work done so far is to swap one of the cabside windows from 165 onto 009, the windows fitted to 009 were the earlier recessed ones which look a bit naff so I have removed them and filed off round the edge so I could make them a flush fit. Cheers Peter.
  12. Looking good Rick, did you replace the points and crossing or just the track either side? Cheers Peter.
  13. Thanks meanach, I must admit I didn't really do any bashing on the coast until the late 80s so missed the 40s and Peaks etc. I did do plenty of bashing elsewhere though. Happy days. Cheers Peter.
  14. Thanks Cav, I think it does go to show that more than one Peak is needed for a good layout. lol Cheers Peter.
  15. Hi Tim, Thanks, the ballast is woodland scenics medium though in the station there is some finer stuff as in the depot. I normally use one of the grey or buff colours but I paint it anyway. Hope that helps. Cheers Peter.
  16. Hi Phil, The half discs up the other way have a hole part way through. If you look in your bits bag there should be some. The real things could be folded from the top or the bottom. Hope that makes sense. Cheers Peter.
  17. Hi Phil, Once you have the yellow ones the other way up finish it off by painting the top one black. Cheers Peter.
  18. Pretty much what Jeff said Mate, it doesn't normally happy when there are a few wagons but one or two do tend to roll into where the Magnet sits. I have used the 308s under some parst of Llanbourne other spots have the electro magnets. To fix your problem you could try a thin stripe of plasticard glued at one end to the wagon underside with the other end resting on the axle as a sort of brake. I have used Steam Era Models 12mm wheels as they have a brass Axle, though I am not sure if he does them any more. If you only need a few wagons re wheeled I could send a few spare ones I have over. Cheers Peter.
  19. More pics from the other day. Plus a couple of the finished ZDA Bass wagons. Cheers Peter.
  20. Great work to all involved, the layout looks superb. Hopefully it's on show somewhere next May so I can come and have a proper look. Cheers Peter.
  21. Hi Rick, That looks superb, it's like it's been there for years. Cheers Peter.
  22. Hi Wayne, A nice sounding little project this one, I will be following your progress. I also bought myself a cheap class 26 but it wasn't my fist class 26 I have another one and a class 27 all for a future project. The VEAs looks good, I just bought a few to do myself I also bought a spare chassis and pipe wagon kit to do an ODA. Hi Mark, any chance you could put your article up on here somewhere. Cheers Peter.
  23. Thanks I missed that, though it wasn't really a yes. Maybe we need to keep asking Charlie! I will two in early Provincial liv then I can bin my Hornby ones and just to help things along a nice Orange Manchester PTE job. Pretty Pleeeease. Cheers Peter.
  24. Hi Charlie, Is there any chance of doing a class 142 at some point? Cheers Peter.
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