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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Hi Mate, I have a meeting here on the 22nd of this month, if you can make it you are more than welcome. Cheers Peter.
  2. No worries, It is bungee cord that I use, though be careful when buying it as some have the thicker square rubber. Cheers Peter.
  3. Welcome back mate, Lets be having some pics when you are ready. Cheers Peter.
  4. Some pics of how I do the pipework. The article was in the Aug Rail Express no 207. Cheers Peter.
  5. Hi Larry, If you ever find a way to post some on RMweb let me know, 89 90 is a bit out of my time period but would love to see any video of the line. If you have any pics of 150s feel free to post them here. Cheers Peter.
  6. Thanks Alex, I have a few sound locos but won't be going with sound in everything, I was actually out in the garage today and didn't have the sound turned on the few I used. Cheers Peter.
  7. Thanks Andy, Looking forwards to seeing how many layouts you build this year. Looks like you have moved over to steam at the moment. Cheers Peter.
  8. Thanks Merf, As always the man with the gen, so would I be right in thinking more than one service was worked by 150s during 86. I can have one on the branch and one working Manchester services. It's the light blue one that I would plan on getting. Cheers Peter.
  9. Thanks Lewis, My locos do have Kadee's fitted, I did an article that appeared in Rail Express modeller a few months back that explains how I have pipework and Kadee's. I will post up a few pics rather than explain it. Cheers Peter.
  10. Thanks Scott, I have just noticed a link to your new thread so will go have a look and see what you have been up too. Cheers Peter.
  11. Thanks Rick and Jeff, I will try and load some over the weekend, and see how I go. Thanks for your help, cheers Peter.
  12. Thanks Alan, Hopefully I will get a few more done other the weekend. Cheers Peter.
  13. Thanks for sorting the vids Alex, I am sure some class 20s will turn up soon, my 150 is in bits so may be a while. I do like my class 25s I have a pic somewhere of 25032 withdrawn at Toton I will try and find it.It's certainly possible a few 25/9s were left at Toton. Cheers Peter.
  14. I have uploaded a few videos to Photobucket is there a way I can load them on here? Cheers Peter.
  15. Thanks John and Rick, I have seen a few pics of 150s on Manchester on services, but was wondering if they were common on other services. I never did the class 20s though I did hear about them, my brother has a few shots though. Cheers Peter.
  16. Happy New Year everyone. I have uploaded a short video to my Flickr site. I can't load it on here at the moment, I need to work out how to do it. Also a Question for all those who know about North Wales workings in 1986. How common were the class 150 Sprinters along the coast? I have one but was thinking do I need another. Thanks Cheers Peter.
  17. Thanks Alex, it was a good Christmas. I am back to work for two days now then the rest of the week off. Hopefully I will get some more time to play trains, I haven't run things to a timetable for ages so I might clean the track and give it a go. Cheers Peter.
  18. Thanks Pete, I plan to keep the flag flying, not much chance of me changing the time period now, too much stock. I may even have an O gauge loco by the end of the year. Cheers Peter.
  19. Lol, I get the rolled eyes from Leanne and Abbie. Cheers Peter.
  20. Hi Alan, Nice Pic, The tea rooms was awesome we always bailed there for a cup of tea and bacon and egg rolls. I did a few 37/4 on the North Wales Coast too but it wasn't the same as in Scotland. Look forwards to seeing your 00 layout getting started in the new year, let me know when you start a thread. Cheers Peter.
  21. Hi Rick, I would have loved to seen the loook on Sharon's face when you gave the car trip a headcode. Not so quite here, and the beach was already busy when I walked the dog before. A meeting at yours would be good. Cheers Peter.
  22. Hi Ian, No 4mm pressies, I find it hard enough to wrap full size ones. Though the 4D05 Man Vic To Bangor was extra long today. The train (normally 2 or 3 vans) is timetabled to arrive at plat 4 where it runs round sometimes leaving a van on the blocks, but today it arrived at platform 3 behind 25224. This meant another loco had to be found to work the train forwards to Bangor as platform 3 has no run round. Luckily 97407 (ex 40012) was on shed so was used to work the train forwards. Cheers Peter.
  23. Merry Christmas Dave, hope to see a few updates in the next few weeks if you have a bit of time off. All the best Peter.
  24. Thanks Alan, I had most of my haulage on the Scottish ones to be honest though did get a few of the Cardiff ones in. You might like this shot of an Eastfield beast in the snow. Any nearer to starting something in oo next year? All the best Peter.
  25. Thanks Arnie, I do like the old 37/4s. Cheers Peter.
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